Date is exactly
During the COVID-19 lockdown, I was bored. I started to listen to an unprecedented amount of music. Including music from the artist Tame Impala. This photo shows me listening to his “Currents” album via Spotify. Currents is now one of my favorite albums of all time. Everytime I listen to a song from it, I think back to 2020 and as a result, that time holds a sentimental value to me. -
History within History
HIST30060: This photo was taken at the Melbourne Black Lives Matter protest in June of 2020, it was one amongst the wave of protests taking place across the world sparked by protests in the United States following George Floyd's death at the hands of the police. It was the second protest I had attended and the sheer number of people attending to show solidarity with people of colour in the US and shed light on police issues at home was an inspiring sight despite the harrowing reality of it all. Figures such as the Prime Minister at the time cited health risks as reason to not demonstrate, but this potential of COVID spreading however was consistently weaponised by conservative pundits (despite their consistent calls for lax restrictions). to discredit the movement. -
The Town Without a Sound.
It had been a few months after that start of the pandemic. I left my home early in the morning and noticed something odd when I got outside there was no sound. At this time of the year, I would expect to hear kids outside playing in the Cul-de-sac. It was the weekend and early in the morning I expected to hear someone working on their yard, yet no one was around I heard nothing. I also lived close to the highway and if it was any other day I would hear a cars and trucks going by but, today there was nothing. It gave me an eerie feeling like time had stood still or that I was the last person on earth. Lucky a few seconds later I herd a car that pulled me out of this moment of dread. My wife had just returned from working the night shift as a nurse at the hospital. I will never forget the day it was so quiet that I felt the earth stand still. -
And what are you missing?
A comic strip about Covid-19 -
Fandom spaces forming international friendships during a pandemic 2020
Due to the difficulty of making friends in person due to covid, I increasingly turned to online fandom spaces to find people with similar interests to me. The follow screenshot is from a tumblr group chat confirming the first international fan based Zoom call which I was part of in June 2020. CST refers to Central Standard Time, the timezone which encompasses countries of Central and parts of Eastern Europe. This was my first experience talking to people from overseas that shared similar interests to me on a video call. It lead to me join multiple groups across platforms such as discord to communicate further. It was the beginning of me gaining more international friends which have been a really important part of keeping an active social life during this pandemic. It was also an eye opening experience to hear first hand accounts of how people around the world were living through this global pandemic. -
"Art Basel Has Canceled the 2020 Edition of Its Flagship Swiss Fair, Citing ‘Tumultuous and Challenging Times’"
The Artnet article discusses the trepidation in decisions to resurrect in-person events, specifically annual international art fairs. Businesses and institutions prematurely made plans for the reopening of in-person events in the summer of 2020 in hopes of recouping money lost during the initial lockdown in the spring. Art fairs are premier money making events and networking opportunities in the contemporary art world that are ultimately economically beneficial for gallerists, art advisors, fine arts shipping companies, local restaurants and businesses, and hotels alike. Organizations such as Art Basel rake in enormous sums of money each year through their hosting of mega-art fairs in various international locations. The article focuses on Art Basel’s announcement of yet another change in the program for Art Basel as the art world grapples with the decision of public health versus economy. The fair looked to digital alternatives as a way to sustain in the interim. -
One essential workers perspective during the covid pandemic
This was my experience as an essential worker during the Covid pandemic. -
Top Banner leader discusses Banner Health COVID-19 data during press conference
A press release from Banner Health recapping Dr. Marjorie Bessel's press conference on June 6, 2020. -
Rules of Covid
The rules during covid had a great effect because it forced me to not be able to breath because I had to wear a mask. There was a rule that we had to quartile and I did not like that and it messed up my head. It was so boring. We also had to social distance for 6 feet and that was not fun. -
Stress in Long-Term Care
An article from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation about stress and overwork in healthcare workers who have been redeployed into long-term care homes -
Picture of massive group of protesters in Chatham
This photo includes a large group of protesters in Ontario. -
Salem Stands with Black Lives
On June 6, 2020, “Salem Stands with Black Lives,” a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest, was held in Salem, Massachusetts. Hundreds of masked individuals gathered in Salem Commons, wearing all black, with signs in support of George Floyd and all those who came before him. Attendants were required to wear a mask, keep physical distance from others, stay home if sick, and self-isolate or quarantine after the event. There were multiple speakers, a moment of silence for the deceased, and music. I attended the protest with my mother and sister. We saw people of all ages and ethnicities coming together in support yet staying physically apart. As we moved through the crowd in the Commons, we passed two young African American children playing in the grass. While walking close to them to avoid other people, we heard their mother say, “pull up your mask girls, these people are here for you, you want to make them feel safe too.” The video attached is from the event. You can see people masked, physically distanced, showing up during a public health emergency to support a cause they believe in. Not even a pandemic can stop democracy. -
A Redeemed Graduation
My friend, who has autism, was very excited to graduate from High School. He spent years struggling with behavioral issues, enduring the isolation that comes from being an atypical kid in a school that had not prioritized his needs. When the pandemic hit, it hit him particularly hard. He had a specific routine, one which included restaurants, public parks, travel, all of which had been cut short by the drastic effects of the pandemic. He had regressed in a lot of his behaviors and he became very isolated. He still continued with his education, and by Summer of 2020, he was to graduate, but was upset when learning that it would be only a Zoom graduation. However, local parents in my city got together and went outside with balloons out of their cars and honked to celebrate his graduation while his Mom gifted him his diploma. It was a very encouraging thing to know that all aspects of society, even those silenced voices, were considered and accommodated where possible in these troubling times. -
Stop Black Deaths in Custody, BLM Protest - Melbourne
An image from the BLM protest in Melbourne. A protest sparked by George Floyd's murder but rooted in issues in so-called Australia. Always was, always will be. The protest was a vindication for abolitionists. Several thousands of people congregating without a single case of transmission between protestors and all community-led, in spite of heavy police presence. Highly communicative organisers, quick-thinking marshals, and responsible demonstrators made it a powerful and safe day. It was deeply affirming to be surrounded by so many who see and are concerned about white supremacy in comparable ways to me, and also a time to listen to voices of the strong activists who ought to be centred in discussions around Aboriginal deaths in custody, decolonisation, and police/prison abolition. HIST30060 -
Graduation Through the Virus
In June of 2020, I graduated high school amidst a global pandemic. I attended St. Anthony High School, a private catholic high school in Long Beach, California. As a small school, myself and about 150 other senior students spent the months following quarantine procedures praying that we would get some sort of graduation to award and celebrate our hard work . After negotiating with the Arch Diocese of Los Angeles and adhering to the safety laws implemented by the governor, St. Anthony was able to provide a Baccalaureate Mass for their 2020 graduates in celebration of their four years of success, growth, and education. As one of those graduates, I was filled with immense gratitude to have been able to join with my friends and immediate family as I closed a chapter of my life, and stepped on to the next. St. Anthony High School was one of few high schools in the county to have been able to congregate in any way to celebrate the 2020 graduating seniors. Many schools had to divert to “drive by” graduations or even online ceremonies from home. With the amount of high school seniors we had, St. Anthony was able to host 4-5 different Baccalaureate Masses for the purposes of social distancing. This way, all seniors got the opportunity to wear their cap and gowns, dress from tassel to high heel, and experience what a graduation ceremony in the Catholic Church would be like. For this one day, the ability to come together and see many of my friends that I hadn’t seen for months brought so many emotions. There was much question prior to the mass as to whether we students would actually be able to get through with it. The safety of ourselves and the family’s of one another we’re of utmost importance, while our right to be acknowledged for our academic successes the past 4 years felt necessary. We 2020 graduating seniors of St. Anthony High School were so fortunate to be able to experience a graduation ceremony in the manner we were allowed. -
I don’t remember much
It was by a kitty pool because the real pools weren’t open -
Attending Church
We have been attending church almost every Sunday since mid March, we society shut down in MI. We would watch Sunday Mass at our local Catholic Church St John the Evangelist in Jackson, MI. A few times we attended different Sunday Masses remotely, since many Catholic churches are live streaming their masses. The Sunday in June this picture was taken my daughter asked to attend/watch Mass at St Andrew Catholic Church in Clemson, SC, where I attended and she was baptized as a baby. She wanted us to dress in our Clemson tshirts as a way to celebrate the event. -
A handwritten note on my desk at work
This is a hand-written sticky note I wrote to myself on my first day back in the office in mid June 2020. It was to remind me, though everything “seems” or “looks” normal, that it was indeed not normal. I figured the best way to make sure I was reminded to do things like wear my mask outside my office and wash my hands often was to put a note where I could see it right above my computer screen. It had been helpful to remind me of the working world I am in and what I need to do to try my best to stay healthy. -
COVID Cant Stop Us
COVID-19 has affected the entire world and continues to create a separation between humanity as we are confined into our homes and spaces the exist 6ft away from human contact. But this pandemic did not bring the demise to the inhumane, inequal, racist treatment that people face daily. You would think that in a time of need that people would band together and rise above such actions. But, the pandemic did not stop us from using our voices to fight for Black lives and justice for all people in America. As people pooled together to rise above racism and inequality. The collection of pictures, in this post, is so intriguing as you can still see everyone at these protests maintaining a distance of 6 feet and wearing masks to protect others. It seems so powerful that through all the hate and social injustice that everyone could mass together to show care and love back into the world. These images are so important to the history of COVID as it shows how much it impacted the people in these images, but didn't stop an even GREATER movement in history. -
Massachusetts COVID-19 Executive Order No. 38
As Massachusetts began its slow, phased reopening following the end of its lockdown, Governor Charles Baker issued this order extending the prohibition of gatherings of 10 or more people "in any confined indoor or outdoor space." This mandate reflects the abundance of caution taken by the state, as opposed to states that hurried their reopening in an effort to re-start their economy. -
Cancel the noise
Since I've been stuck in the house doing a lot of chores, I use my AirPods a lot. I like to put them in and play some of my artists while I do chores. It makes a not so pleasant activity pleasant. Even when I'm not doing chores it provides a release. I get to kind of take a step back from being stuck inside with my family because I can't hear anything when they are in. -
Local High school stands up for BLM and social injustice
We live in a small town. Our city of Moriarty NM has a population of about 1800 people, and the town next to us, Edgewood NM has close to 6100 people. This is a town that you can hide your true feelings because you're not around a lot of people, especially people of different backgrounds and nationalities. On June 6th, 2020 our local High school kids put together a peaceful protest to speak up against police brutality and racial injustice. They had been personally affected by this because they are of different nationalities, or are close friends with people who have been racially profiled before. They went through the proper channels, speaking with the local police department and securing a protest permit. When the Facebook page was created, it spread like wildfire, and the people who have hidden their hatred in this small town for so many years were now outraged at the thought. My daughter, Faith Ridenour was apart of the group setting up this protest. She and her friends were proud to speak out and we were proud of her for raising her voice but that pride turned into fear real quick when we started seeing the things our community members were saying about them on Facebook. A page called, "Torrance County Bulletin Board" posted the event and the comments were frightening, "Stand in my way and I will run you over" said one community member, and another chimed in with, "We will be there to clean up the mess after you take them down." I commented on every post I could to let them know that these are kids from our High school standing up for injustice. I begged people to remember that they're young and our next generation and we must lift them up and allow them to have voices or we are doomed as a society. I was immediately responded to with, "If you play with the big dogs, you will get hurt." Because of the hatred that was being spread online, my husband and I were in fear of our daughter's life and chose to stand out there with her. In one of the pictures, you will see our daughter standing with her sign, and my husband standing behind her to protect her. As a mother, it made me proud to see my daughter standing up for her fellow man, and my husband standing behind her to keep her safe. As an American, I was devastated at the idea that we have not grown from racism and are still against people who will stand up to it. As we arrived on the day of the protest we quickly saw the opposition. The picture attached only shows one of them with their automatic weapon, but the truth is, all of them were armed. As our kids shouted "Use your voice, black lives matter" the other side of the street shouted back, "All lives matter." Keeping in mind that this is all happening during the Covid-19 pandemic, our protestors wore masks to keep everyone safe, where the "All lives matter" group, did not. I found that to be pretty ironic. I am proud of these kids who stood up to adults. I am proud to know them and lift them up, and I believe our future will be better because of this generation. -
Sarah Grossman Killed by Teargas
This lovely lady was demonstrating in the recent protests. She was killed by the police's use of teargas on the crowd. One report said that she had asthma, but a later report said that she did not. I looked at her picture, and felt so sad for the loss of a beautiful soul. -
Scenes of the Crowds as They Protested in June 2020
These are aerial shots of the crowds in some of the cities where the Black Lives Matters protests were held. The crowds were unprecedented and the footage of them are dramatic. -
Soldier of the 82nd Airborne Division conducting foot march to conduct Expert Infantry Badge training
There was 1100 hundred people in a group with three groups rotating in this training and it was impossible to follow pandemic precautions.A total of about 3800 were involved in just this two weeks training.3 companies were quarantined because of this training due to coronavirus cases after the training was completed.Not everyone who was at the training was quarantined. -
I Broke up with My Boyfriend because, Quarantine, and Got a New Family
I broke up with my boyfriend because quarantine forced us to spend much more time together and the problems we'd been able to sweep under the rug became too apparent to us. It was time to make the break which would have been devastating normally but since I was able to move in with old friends and turn a negative into a positive. This wouldn't have happened without the Coronavirus. -
Documentation of Pipeline Progress Amid Covid-19
From the Cheyenne River Grassroots Collective: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cheyenne River Grassroots Collective has documented the following footage at a Keystone XL pipeline man camp that is 1/4 mile north of Phillip, South Dakota. This proposed man camp is less than an hour south of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal reservation border. As you can see, there are over a dozen heavy machinery equipment ready to desecrate Unci Maka. Not to mention, the drug/sex trafficking brought with these man camps... TC Energy is moving rather quickly with pipe transport and reconstruction activities despite a Montana federal judge's ruling to the revocation of permit 12. -
To enact change in the world, we must protest
The article gives an important history lesson on Civil Rights in America. -
Changing Attitudes of White America
Excerpt: The big shift is due, in large part, to the changing attitudes of white people. One question, though, is what that might mean politically come November. -
Dear the upcoming future, Ever since COVID 19 hit, the world changed. From banning gatherings to social distancing, extended holidays and many people losing their lives to it every day, the world has descended into chaos. This virus started in December the 31st 2019 in Wu Han, China. They identified that the people were being infected by a new virus and they had no way to treat them, suddenly in January 11th China reported its first death. From then on, more and more cases started popping up in various countries and soon spread to Australia, as a twelve-year-old, seeing a deadly pandemic appear in my time was frightening. Schools began closing and soon the government was in panic. Students in high schools started adapting to a new way of learning called Remote Learning. Since it was my first year in high school, I haven’t adapted quite well, so it was difficult to me as we had to do large amounts of homework at home. COVID 19 had not just affected children but adults as well. Many people couldn’t work as their job involved them being there physically, this affected the economy in many countries and caused debt in many families. Though this wasn’t the only problems that occurred, another problem was that during this time protests started, involving Black Lives Matter and Pride Month. As the Coronavirus is easily passed, protests were a problem, many new cases were started because of people arriving overseas. During this time, scientists from around the world have been creating vaccines, but in 2020 the possibility of a vaccine being created is unlikely. I hope that by the time you read this a vaccine would be created. -
But What About Social Distancing?
This is a photograph of the past weekend from my bridal shower. Everyone who came was more than willing to utilize hand sanitizer and brought mask if it made them feel comfortable. However, we did break the social distancing rule in order to snag a group picture. It was so nice to break out of the quarantine mind set and enjoy a day with friends celebrating my upcoming wedding! -
Iowa Attempts to Limit Election Official’s Power During Pandemic
Following Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate’s decision to send absentee ballot requests to every registered voter ahead of the June 2nd primary, Senate Republicans passed a bill to limit the Secretary’s power and prohibit the same action from occurring again. Pate’s decision was made in an effort to allow all Iowans the change to vote without increasing the risk of spreading COVID-19 at the polls. With many rural counties reducing in-person polling places to just one per county, absentee voting was the only choice for many rural Iowans. The decision by Pate resulted in a record voter turnout for the state. -
Teens Organize Golden Gate Bridge Protests
The Golden Gate Bridge protest, that occured on June 6, 2020, was entirely organized and lead by two local East Bay youths. Tiana Day and Mimi Zoilia secured the permits that led to the first ever Black Lives Matter protest on the iconic San Francisco landmark. The outpouring of support for the pair has been strong. They have inspired youth across the San Francisco Bay Area to speak out for justice. Tiana's speech reveals the realities of growing up Black in what many consider to be an incredibly liberal region of the United States. -
I See You
A silent vigil held in Vergennes, Vermont to protest police brutality after the killing of George Floyd and others. Participants were asked to wear masks and remain six feet apart. -
Panel Discussion on Covid 19 in Nagaland
Covid-19 in Nagaland is a panel discussion on issues and challenges faced by the Nagaland Government to deal with the Covid 19 pandemic. The discussion concludes with solutions or suggestions on ways to deal with the challenges the government is confronted with. -
Protestors Block Golden Gate Bridge Traffic
The Golden Gate Bridge is perhaps the most iconic architectural landmark in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a resident of the area for the last 16 years, the Golden Gate Bridge holds a special place in my heart. On June 6, 2020, it was incredible to watch thousands of protesters fill the bridge to protest police brutality and racial injustices across the United States as a part of the larger protest movement that swept America in the aftermath of George Floyd's death. The crowd was so large they completely blocked traffic on one side of the bridge. The many images and videos taken of this moment beautifully preserve this historic moment. Many protesters marched masked as the protest occurred during strict COVID-19 shelter-in-place orders, however, many others chose not to do so. -
Chronically ill and highly vulnerable amid Covid-19
During this Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve learnt that some people might be more vulnerable than others. Who is high risk? I am! A quick google search shows that a person taking high doses of steroids or immunosuppressant medication can be considered as clinically extremely vulnerable. I take both. The fear is real. It has always been here but now I need to be even more careful. The lines are blurred; how ill do I need to feel before deciding that I need to go to the hospital, an incubator for all kinds of infections and an even more potential risk in catching the deadly virus? As much as the hospital is the solution, it might as well be death welcoming me with arms open. The number of infected persons has rocketing at a time, and I could not help falling sick despite not having gone out a single time during the 3-month lockdown. It was finally time to go there, the hospital! I went armed to the teeth with my mask, gloves, and a sanitiser, cautious but still anxious, and I was met with an eerily almost empty building. The place which was usually buzzing with activity at all times of the day only had a handful of doctors and nurses but no patients! It seemed like everyone had respected the lockdown measures to the letter. I was relieved and I was cared for with the staff following all precautionary measures. In a measure of solidarity, the people had decided to respect the lockdown rules to avoid the spread of the virus and had in unthinkingly doing so, potentially saved the health of many vulnerable patients. I felt safe and I still do. Caring for others is after all a social responsibility and an expression of what it means to be human and humane.