Date is exactly
Marionettes can't escape the long arm of the law.
a comic strip about Covid-19 -
The Smell of Venetian Canals
In January of 2021 my husband and I traveled to Venice Italy for a quick weekend getaway to meet up with my brother & his family. My husband and I had visited Venice before, but not since COVID, let alone during a time when regulations in Italy were quite strict; vaccine documentation had to be shown everywhere we went, masks needed to be worn at all times, etc. Upon arrival to the city, there were several things that instantly struck both my husband and I in regard to the changes we were now witnessing. A far different Venice than the one we experienced a few years before. Not only FAR less crowds, all the masked faces, empty plazas once the sun set, the clear waters of the canals, but the SMELL of Venice was different. Even though I love Venice as a city, I vividly remember the unpleasant smell of the canals when we visited a few years prior, in the height of the summer. Remebering that as we took a gondola ride through the canals, I couldn't help but notice the unpleasant aroma coming from the canal waters. But now that we have found ourselves in a COVID world Venice, the smell was noticably gone, and you could actually see the bottom of the shallow canals as you walked over the bridges throughout the city. I was previously unable to notice how truly shallow the canals were until this COVID world allowed for less polluted waters of Venice, and therefore a better smelling Venice as well. -
Willie Nelson gives a thumbs-up after receiving Covid-19 vaccine
Willie Nelson is among the many Americans who’ve signed up to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. During his drive-through vaccination this week, a masked Nelson posed for a series of pictures, offering the camera a thumbs-up as he received his dose of the vaccine. The Texas-based Family Hospital Systems shared the images on Facebook, encouraging everyone to sign up for their shots and stating that “getting your COVID vaccine is Willie cool!” -
Retired Oakland cop attended US Capitol riot, OPD internal affairs investigation underway
A former Oakland police officer has received a visit from the FBI. Jurell Snyder tells the ABC7 I-Team, agents interviewed him about attending last week's Trump rally that led to the assault on the Capitol, and about his social media posts promoting conspiracy theories. Some current Oakland police officers liked and commented on Snyder's posts, and now, the department is investigating those officers. -
My Grandma Made Front Page Again
My grandma Pauline Bell made the front page of our local paper again. This time, she was one of the first in the area to receive the vaccine. We were all so happy for her and what this might mean for all of us who miss her. -
Getting Vaccinated at State Fairgrounds
As the vaccines were getting rolled out in Arizona, we were excited to learn that Arizona State University faculty fit into category 1B, as teachers. When the Arizona Patient Portal opened for 1B appointments on January 11 we dropped by the site at lunchtime, worried that we'd missed our opportunity. As luck would have it there were appointments available on January 15 at State Far Stadium in the wee hours of the morning. We were surprised as we'd heard the rollout of the site had met with difficulties earlier in the morning; we chose the a time just after midnight on the morning of the 15th, rather than at 4am (which seemed just too awkward.) On the 15th, we were antsy and hoped that the wait would not be too long; we decided to leave a bit early for the stadium, which is an hour drive from our home. As we arrived, we saw the shining portable lights of the vaccination center, just south of the stadium, in a parking lot. We navigated to the entrance and were delighted that nobody appeared to be waiting. Volunteers directed us through an elaborate maze of lanes, and traffic cones. (Many of my friends, in fact, served as volunteers, partly out of civic duty and partly to get the vaccine.) We showed one registrar our appointment slips (from the state website), and he wrote our appointment numbers on the window of my car (in either sharpie or wax pencil). We briefly waited in another line, as two registrars sitting under portable heaters that are so common on chilly winter nights in Arizona (normally you'd encounter them at restaurants.) They checked our identification and entered our names into the system, as well as asked about our health. From there we were directed around more cones into traffic lanes, leading up to where the vaccinations were delivered. Again, after a brief wait, and more checking our registration--confirming our appointment numbers (written on the windows) and names--we entered a tent. Two nurses briefed us on the vaccine and delivered our shots. They directed us to a waiting area, where we were asked to wait 15 minutes in case of an adverse reaction. And, voila, it was over--in under an hour. -
Virtual theater
This is an article showing what virtual plays you can watch and when/where. I find this article important because live theater is no longer a possibility in the pandemic so we must find solutions. This article explains that there are places you can watch recorded plays from the past and the contributions will be going straight to the performing arts which are financially struggling since March. This is a very helpful article for those who want to watch broadway again while also helping the business. Broadway will be back one day but until then there has to be adjustments made and this will help them get ahead start financially when they open back up. -
President Trump impeached a second time -
Keena Covid Vaccine
My name is Morgan Keena, I live in Nampa, Idaho, I am a 7th-grade social studies teacher, and I got my first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine today! Teachers weren't scheduled to start receiving the vaccine in Idaho until late February or early March. However, on January 11, 2021, our state superintendent of education delivered a speech to the Idaho legislature urging them to pass a law that would require all school districts to stay open unless mandated by the governor. Additionally, she urged that all students return to in-person learning full time as quickly as possible. On Tuesday, January 12, 2021, the governor of Idaho, Brad Little, announced via a press conference that K-12 teachers and staff were moved to the top tier and could start receiving the vaccine on January 13, 2021. This came as a huge shock to educators everywhere, but we know it is tied to the demand to have schools 100% in person. My school district, Nampa School District, then took on the momentous task of figuring out how to obtain vaccines for their nearly 1,000 staff members. Less than 36 hours later, they had secured vaccines for us at three major health systems and two smaller urgent care locations. The district also had one health system offering the vaccine on Saturdays and Sundays to better work with the teacher schedules. We managed to crash the portals of two health systems by overwhelming them with many vaccine sign-ups. I (by a miracle) was able to secure an appointment for January 15, 2021. Let me tell you; I have never been so excited to get a shot in my life. I received my vaccine from St. Luke's Health System in Nampa, Idaho. The check-in process was a breeze and done entirely on my own. I was very relaxed while waiting for my appointment but also exceptionally eager to get back to my room and get this first dose done. Once my name was called, I met with the pharmacist who would be administering my vaccine. She was a lovely woman, and I consider myself fortunate to have met her. She was such a calming presence as she explained the emergency use authorization for the vaccine, potential side effects, and what I could expect in the days after receiving this dose. She continued to use the line, "when I got my first dose...." which made me feel at ease. We talked about my job, her children, and how this school year has been wild. Suddenly, it was over! I had my vaccine and was ready to take on the world! Almost. After a couple of cases of allergic reactions to the vaccine around the country, they now require you to wait in the waiting room for 15 minutes after receiving each dose. I received the Pfizer vaccine and have scheduled my second dose for three weeks from today. As I was doing my time in the waiting room after my injection, I signed up for a program called V-Safe. V-Safe is run by the CDC and is used to track vaccines' side effects. Since this vaccine has emergency authorization, they are still collecting side effect data. since I signed up, they will message me once a day for the next week to do a quick wellness check. After the initial week, they will message me once per week to continue keeping up with any side effects I may encounter. I figure it's the least I can do to help science. I am super excited about receiving the first dose of this vaccine. My husband also received it today, and we are overjoyed by that. He is a third-year medical student rotating through various hospitals, so getting him a vaccine was a priority of ours, but it proved to be more difficult to obtain than we had thought. He received the Moderna vaccine, so we get to see how both vaccines work. I received the vaccine because I expect our school board to bring back middle school students 100% in-person and full time soon. Social distancing will not exist in the classroom, and I will be exposed to 150 students in my classroom and the other 150 students in my wing of the school. This is a good day for science. I feel excited and hopeful. I feel like I have hit the 'covid wall' lately, and I am just ready to be done with this. -
The old gray mask
I would like to submit my gray, cotton face mask to the COVID-19 Archive. It is perhaps not as the most important item, but certainly it is the most present item for me throughout this pandemic. At almost a full year into this adventure, everyone has a keen familiarity with and opinion of face masks. I got this one as a gift. It feels about the same as getting socks on Christmas, except more useful. I have used this thing every single day unless I forget it—which sends me into a chaotic panic. I am a teacher in a suburb of Nashville, TN. Our school district insists on teaching in person, despite having alarmingly high infection rates in our community. This mask is now part of my daily uniform, a non-negotiable. It serves as a role model for students. A sign that their health is of paramount concern to us. It is part of everything I do. I have dozens of paper replacements in my desk. Those aren’t as good. They straps hurt your ears. The cloth ones are better, more comfortable. I thought about getting one with my favorite band’s logo, but I am going to stick with this old reliable gray, cotton mask. The smell of this mask will haunt me the rest of my life. I wash it multiple times per week. It often smells like laundry detergent. That is a good thing. However, by the end of the day it often smells like whatever I had for lunch. The masks gets hot. It is blasted with my carbon dioxide for eight hours straight. It gets really bad when I have to lecture during the day. When you inhale sharply to talk, it sucks in the material. I’ve learned how to breathe differently when I have the mask on. Sometimes I just pinch the end and hold it with my fingers while I talk. I can rarely take it off. I panic if I forget to put it on when I leave my classroom to go anywhere. Who would have ever thought this little cloth mask would be so important? I often doubt that it is effective at preventing the spread or contraction of infection. I am certainly NOT an anti-masker. But it’s a piece of cloth. I guess that it’s better than nothing. This gray cotton face mask, sometimes imbued with the glorious smell of fresh linen in the breeze or Last night’s roast and mashed potatoes has become a source of loathing and resentment, but simultaneously an anti-viral security blanket (if only in my imagination). Yet, I can’t wait to get rid of this vile thing. -
Learning virtually
I woke up on a warm California spring day at 7:30 a.m. to my mother bantering on about something. I got up and walked to my dresser half asleep, ready to collapse. I put on a blue nylon t-shirt with some black shorts and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I slowly walked downstairs pretty anxious and excited to start online. My Dad was already downstairs cooking my up some scrambled eggs and toast to start the new day. As usually my sister was complaining about something, I just tuned her out. My dog the lazy thing he is climbed onto the couch and my mom somehow found something to yell at me about. It might of been about getting on early, but I am not quit sure. any way after breakfast I walked into the living room to get on zoom. It was pretty boring trying to sit through math we were talking about pre-algebra, but I managed to get through it. My dad was super load laughing over the phone, I could hear him perfectly through 2 doors and in another room. My mom was on meetings all day and my sister was in the same boat as me. All the while my dog was sleeeping on the couch next to me without a care in the world. My next 2 periods flew by I don't know why because I had English as one of those. And my last period was rocketry which was fun in the fact that I got to build things, but it would of been a lot more fun in person. Overall the day went by pretty fast ending at approximately 2:45 p.m. After school was finished I slipped by with no homework for the day but I would much rather be in person. The rest of the day was fairly normal I turned on the Television to watch my favorite shows until my sister came down and started bossing me around that I need to get off the T.V and do something productive, shesh she is like a mini mom. Anyway I decided to go for a walk with the dog, and just my luck before I could slip out the door she saw me and made me wait 10 whole minutes to slip on a pair of shoes. When she finally got downstairs she snagged the leash from me and we were on our way. My sister is incapable of controlling a small 40 pound dog so you can only imagine how this walk went. I tried to take control of the leash, but she snatched it back and threw a fit, classic. My dog has a habit of peeing on 14 things in a trip so it delayed it even more. When we finally turned the corner to go up our hill it felt like we've been walking forever. We walked in the door took off the dog's collar and sat on the couch. mom walked in the room and asked us how it went, we said it was pretty good. And after that it was pretty much the end of the day we ate dinner sat in front of thee T.V. and then went to bed. -
Covid 19 Virtual Learning
After months and months of online school I developed my daily routines. Roll out of bed, get ready and hop on the zoom call at 8. Take a break, make a snack and get back into class. Online school was difficult because everyday felt the same. Over and over days up in my room finishing assignments, watching a zoom, and talking to teachers. FaceTime and Zoom were the closest possible thing to interacting with friends which posed as a difficult obstacle for everyone. Although we were able to wake up later and not have to wear uniforms, I was never more upset about not going to school. It seemed like it was all bad but there were a few things that especially brought me joy like spending time with family, playing video games with friends, setting up zoom calls on holidays with relatives. It seemed as if the world had shut down for brief period of time. Businesses, airports, restaurants and even some grocery stores were closed. Here we are now slowly returning back to the new normal and adapting to a new way of life. Things were tough but overall I think we came out stronger together than before. -
Virtual learning
Virtual learning for me was a big struggle for me. I would get headaches every day from looking at the screen. One thing that was good about online school is I can just role out of bed in turn on my computer and go to school on Zoom. A lot of people would cheat so they saw a huge upgrade into they're grade. I would always get yelled at for eating and wearing a hat during class. I would have to do my bed so in the background of my camera on zoom it didn't seam like I was having a terrible time though online school. So I would take all the stuff on my floor and put it under my desk so the camera would not see it. People really never got the hang of having to un mute and how to share your screen on zoom for a while. I did not have fun in online school at all but a lot of my friends liked it so they could cheat. -
Learning Virtually
When COVID 19 started I was a little excited to try out online school because I didn't have to get up early and put on my uniform. My routine while doing school via zoom was to wake up 10 minutes before class to brush my teeth, wash my face, and change which I really enjoyed because I love to sleep in. Since I live so far away it was very convenient to wake up at 7:50 instead of 6:30 and not having to drive for an hour. There is always traffic on the freeway or some kind of accident so I enjoyed being able to do things from home. Fast forward a couple of months the first semester of my 8th-grade year is already over. I am a new kid this year and wasn't really able to socialize with anyone or make many friends. Because of this, I felt that it was going to be harder to make new friends once we get back to in-person school. The days started to feel longer and I started to forget what it felt like to be back on campus and get to hang out and talk with my friends. The breaks we had felt shorter and during class, I was barely able to sit still. August 2020-December 2020 were some of the hardest months I have ever had to go through especially with school. Although we now have to wear masks, I am thrilled that we get to be back on campus and learn in person. -
My Virtual Experience
During COVID-19 my school participated in virtual learning. It was not a very great experience considering we had to sit at our computers all day. I became so bored that I started downloading games on my phone and sometimes would beat them before school ended. All I could describe it as would be boring. It was the same thing over and over and it started to feel robotic. It was like an inescapable prison. Day after day of the same thing over and over I just couldn't take it. Eventually I started to realize that the pandemic was becoming more and more political based and I Realized it wouldn't end anytime soon. -
Virtual learning
Virtual learning for me was a big struggle for me. I would get headaches every day from looking at the screen. One thing that was good about online school is I can just role out of bed in turn on my computer and go to school on Zoom. A lot of people would cheat so they saw a huge upgrade into they're grade. I would always get yelled at for eating and wearing a hat during class. I would have to do my bed so in the background of my camera on zoom it didn't seam like I was having a terrible time though online school. So I would take all the stuff on my floor and put it under my desk so the camera would not see it. People really never got the hang of having to un mute and how to share your screen on zoom for a while. I did not have fun in online school at all but a lot of my friends liked it so they could cheat. -
Remote Learning
During the time in which we had to quarantine at we had to attend classes online. I would wake up, get ready for class in the morning then sit down at my desk and get on zoom. I had to be on my computer for over 6 hours. It was honestly pretty hard for me to stay focused and learn like I would in a classroom. What was nice about online school was that I had a lot more freedom than I would if I was at school. It was a lot harder to stay engaged in class because the abyss of online school and quarantine made everything blend together and made life really gloomy and repetitive. Life was the same every single day, there was nothing unique or exciting about my days. There was really nothing to look forward to. -
Virtual Learning
Virtual Learning was CRAZY. SO many pros and cons. Some pros are that we get to stay home and have our choice of lunch and we also get to be anywhere like on vacation and stuff as long as we had wifi we could do it. Some cons is that its SUPER distracting and soooo many temptations such as going downstairs to eat during class, going on your phone and do other stuff, and also, (the biggest of all) people cheating on quizzes and tests. All you have to do is have the quiz or test on one tab, and the answers on the other. I like in school learning wayyyy better because I get to see friends, get more exercise instead of being cooped up in my room, and be more focused during class. AND THE AMOUNT OF STUDENTS THAT FORGET THAT THEY AREN'T MUTED IS HILARIOUS!!! THEY'D BE WATCHING VIDEOS OR PLAYING MUSIC OR TALKING TO SOMEONE OFF OF MUTE AND THE WHOLE CLASS WOULD HEAR!!!! In some cases, some did get in trouble for what the situation was and what they were playing. Some zoom classes were also getting leaked (I was in one of the leaked zooms) and some random person would take the name of a student and then do something inappropriate and leave right after so we would know who it was. It was obvious a student leaked the zoom call because how would a complete stranger have the same exact name as a student in the same period? Anyways I personally prefer in person learning far more than online. -
School During Covid
During Covid-19 our school shut down. We had to stay home, and just worry about how bad this virus could really be. They extended our classes to 90 minutes. This could benefit the teachers by giving them enough time to complete a section we were currently learning. Most students disliked this however since now they have to give their full attention for 90 minutes.Instead of the regular 30-40 minutes, Not having to wear uniform or starting class somewhat later was a benefit for me and others, but it came at a cost. -
My experience of irtual learning
My routine for my online learning from the corona Virus is was odd at first because we were not in school and fully online. the benefits were I not to spend more time with family but the downside is that we couldn't leave our house but only for groceries and we could not see any friends or go to school. -
Remote Learning During COVID-19
During COVID our school was shut down due to the corona virus. We were sent to online school although we still had the teachers with us on zoom. My routine stayed the same from day to day, wake up, eat breakfast, shower, and open my computer at my desk. It was both beneficial to wake up later in the morning but also there were many obstacles with turning in assignments online rather than paper in person. Usually our lunch was very late and by our schedule lunch period I was very hungry. Another benefit though was that I never had to walk very far or prepare a lunch before school. This was my experience with remote learning during COVID-19 -
Remote Learning
Due to Covid-19, instead of learning in person everyone learned online or distant learning. The day before everything went online, at school we prepared for school online. We prepared Zoom, which is the video call that we used to learn. We would spend a lot of time on Zoom, in order to learn the same as we would in person. At times Zoom became very tiresome. On Zoom during advisory I remember our class talking about how Zoom is tiresome. The main thing online school lacked is social interaction, you could not really talk to friends at school like you normally would. Remote learning did have some positives, though. For example, it was nice to be at home at times rather than at school. All in all I am grateful that we were able to continue learning even through Covid-19. -
Virtual Learning 2020
The first day we were informed we would be doing online school was on March 13, 2020. My parents had both gotten an email from my school explaining that we would be doing school from home on our laptops. I was both shocked and excited when I heard about this. Before that day the thought of us doing online school was just a rumor. The following day at school was just learning about how online school was going to go, and how to get logged on to all our classes. Everyone was so excited for the first 2-3 weeks, since we didn't have to get up so early. But soon enough, we all started to become lonely, bored, and anxious. Most people couldn't wait to go back in person. Online school was boring since we had to do all our classes over zoom calls, and it was extremely hard to focus trying to learn through a screen. The days were long, drawn out and boring. There was no way to socialize with your friends other than FaceTime. Personally for me the online good party about learning virtual was the fact that we got to sleep in an hour later. Overall, we did online school for 8 months(not including summer break). It was unlike anything I've ever experienced and we've finally gone back to school this month(January 2021). It isn't even a question how much better in person school is than virtual learning, for me. It was boring, dark, quiet, and everyday was exactly the same as the day before. I am so happy we get to return to the way things were before last year, but we still do have lots of precautions for covid-19. I'm just glad that people are finally getting things back on their feet, and things are returning to normal(well, at least more normal than last year), and we can all appreciate in-person school for what it really is. -
Virtual School
Virtual school was very different than normal school. In the second semester of the 2020 school year, we had to start doing school online. For the rest of that year school was very easy. I woke up five minutes before class and then logged onto zoom, each class was only 30 minutes long. Tests and homework were also easier. Then, after summer, I started going to a new school. It was hard getting used to the new school online. One other thing I didn't like about online school was having to stare at a computer all day. Something I did like about online school was being able to sleep and take long breaks between classes. Overall, I thought online school was much easier but normal school is a lot more fun. -
Experiences While Learning Virtually
Learning virtually seemed so amazing in the beginning, but once it was the only option, it was terrible. The beginning seemed like a nice break from going to school, but after a while I was ready to go back. Being on a computer for almost seven hours a day, five days a week was killing me. Our classes were 80 minutes long, and all we did was sit and stare blankly into a computer. We weren't able to see any friends, and overall it was super boring. Some good things about it was we were at our own houses, so i didn't get up until 7:45 a.m to be in class at 8:00 a.m. If you were on a trip or in a different place, you could still bring all your school stuff with you and not miss anything. Overall, I am glad to be back in school again for now. -
Online School cause of the Vid
Online school had its ups and downs but the worst thing was that I had to deal with lag and glitches in online school. By the time someone actually reads this you will probably have holograms and jetpacks, but don't forget the people who came before you because they shaped the world for you and let be in charge of it. I encourage you to make the world a better place before you pass on and who knows maybe we will meet one day and have a chat. Until then Godspeed. -
Learning Virtually
Have you ever done online learning? Well there is good and bad things about it. During when COVID first hit we were transitioned to online learning, it was a little hectic at first trying to figure everything out, but it wasn't the same. As of now we have done about 9 months of online learning. Some bad things are not being able to communicate with teachers or friends, turning in assignments, and even the learning itself. The first semester I was at a public school and we couldn't do much of online learning so we had very few assignments. Then in the fall of 2020, I moved to a private school where it was much better, but there was still some flaws. Some good things about online learning are if you finish class early you can take breaks, I don't have a problem with this but a lot of people do, you don't have to wake up as early when you are virtual, and finally you can get started on chores around the house if you have free time or relax. Overall, I thought it would be worse, but it wasn't too bad. -
Describing experiences while learning virtually.
While learning virtually, there were many good things and some difficult. I was able to wake up just before school started and open my computer. I sat in bed in my pajamas and eating pancakes. But there were always days that my computer didn't turn on or it wouldn't connect to the internet. Even teachers had technical difficulties. Over all it was an experience to remember. -
Virtual Learning During Covid-19
At the beginning of 8th grade year, we were all virtually doing school which was hard to focus. My room is filled with so many things and it was hard for me to pay attention to the teacher on my screen. My computer had many mental breakdowns from overuse. A benefit is that I got to stay at my house all day, but it was hard to stay focused and engaged. I did not like virtual learning because everything was on the computer rather than on actual paper. I would much rather be in class for learning and school work. -
School during COVID😢
School during COVID is okay because there is a lot of ups and downs. For example School is quite simple but I want to go on campus. Stay home gets kinda boring and thats one of the down falls. -
My experiences from virtual learning
Ever since March 13, 2020, till December of 2020, I had to do school online, from home. During this period of time, I had many new experiences. I have never done school at home before, and I never want to ever again. We used this app called zoom, and we had big face times with all of my classmates for our classes. All I had to do to go to school was roll out of bed and log on to my computer. Which is not as fun as it sounds. Doing all of my classes at home was really hard, I could not pay attention no matter how hard I tried. I always had my phone right next to me which was a big distraction, and my bed was 2 steps away. Although it was hard to pay attention and I didn't like doing school virtually, it was still fun. I had all the food at my house accessible to me, I got to nap at break, use my own bathroom, and face time my friends and stuff. So even though I hated do school at home, it was a fun and new experience that I will never forget. -
my online school experience
Online school isn't that bad. I get to be in the comfort of my own home and away from probably sick kids. I feel better that way anyway. It's definitely easier too. I'm more focused at home surprisingly. I don't want to do it forever though. Maybe just for this year and then I can be a freshman. It's a good experience and others make it seem like it's the worst. It's kind of harder to learn but, that's only if you dont want to. When people tell me it's just as bad for me since its my last year of middle school, I definitely dont think so. I'm happy to leave and at least my last year of middle school is more interesting than others. -
Online School
Online School has been rough it has its ups and many down. For Example its so hard to pay attention when you get a buzz on your phone and go to check it next thing you know your on it for 1 hour. The up side is that you dont hto get ready becadsue at my school you have to wear a uniform but in online you can wear whatever. Its also so much harder to learn because you can ask you teacher a question and have them show it to you. What makes it even harder for me is that im a visual learner. These are my reasons why i like and dislike online school -
Online Learning
While learning online during COVID-19 there where many differences to normal school. I would wake up at sometime between 7:15 and 7:30 and I would go and eat and be at school online by 8:05 and everyone in class would be tired from waking up so early. One of the obstacles faced from learning on time where that it was hardy to pay attention and be really engaged with the class because there wasn't somebody right there making sure you are paying attention. One of the benefits of learning online was that we got more sleep and we had more time to do homework because you didn't have to drive home after school, it was easier to feel motivated to do homework at break because what else could you do, and the classes had longer periods so you had time to work on homework in class. -
Describe your experiences while learning virtually. Explain your routine and discuss both the benefits and obstacles of remote learning
My experience learning virtually was ok. There were a lot of ups and downs. The hardest part was learning through zoom. Somedays I spent over 5 hours on zoom in one day. I was always tired and felt like doing nothing. I highlight of doing school at home was not having to get up early in the morning and I had more free time. I loved having more free time during the day. On a normal day, I would wake up and get ready for my first class. I would go through school and do my homework right after so I wouldn't have to do it later. After school, I would hang out with my family and enjoy the time i had with them because I couldn't do anything else like hang out with friends or sports. -
Virtual School
It is great and it is bad in virtual school. In my opinion, I think it's good and bad because you get to have a lot more rest time and you can sleep in. On the other hand, I do miss the benefits of coming and interacting with my teachers and my friends. All and all, I cant wait till we go back to normal. -
Changes To My Annual Holidays
My annual holidays consist of Eid al-Fitr, Christmas, and New Years. This is what happened in 2020. I think it's important to be able to document experiences from different walks of life. I don't know how many people would celebrate the first two in the same family, but they've been a big part of my life since I was born.