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Collected Item: “Mayors in rural Arizona debate the pros and cons of mandating masks in their communities”

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Mayors in rural Arizona debate the pros and cons of mandating masks in their communities

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Video Story and Mask Mandate Mask of Arizona

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The focus on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic is usually on the major cities and counties. But rural communities throughout Arizona are getting hit just as hard, especially now. Sarandon Raboin spoke with rural mayors around the state to see what steps they are taking, like mandating masks, to help stop the spread.

Use one-word hashtags (separated by commas) to describe your story. For example: Where did it originate? How does this object make you feel? How does this object relate to the pandemic?

#lucegrant , #southweststories , #ASU , #ruralcommunities , #ruralcities , #ruralmayors , #ruralarizona , #prescott , #kingman , #bisbee , #maskmandates , #masks , #arizona , #arizonacounties , #governor , #DougDucey ,

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Sarandon Raboin

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