Asi se ve Arizona en su primer dia de cuarentena.
Title (Dublin Core)
Asi se ve Arizona en su primer dia de cuarentena.
This is what Arizona looks like on its first day of quarantine.
Description (Dublin Core)
Despues de mas de 3 meses de ataque del Covid-19 a la humanidad, la comunidad de Arizona esperaba que el gobernador Doug Ducey ordenara la cuarentena para disminuir la propagacion del virus en este Estado.
AZ Radio Latina se dio a la tarea de recorrer algunos sitios de interes del area metropolitana para ver como reacciona la sociedad a la orden emitida desde las 5pm del primero de abril del 2020.
AZ Radio Latina se dio a la tarea de recorrer algunos sitios de interes del area metropolitana para ver como reacciona la sociedad a la orden emitida desde las 5pm del primero de abril del 2020.
After more than 3 months of Covid-19 attack on humanity, the Arizona community hoped that Governor Doug Ducey would order a quarantine to reduce the spread of the virus in this State.
AZ Radio Latina undertook the task of touring some places of interest in the metropolitan area to see how society reacts to the order issued from 5pm on April 1, 2020.
AZ Radio Latina undertook the task of touring some places of interest in the metropolitan area to see how society reacts to the order issued from 5pm on April 1, 2020.
Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
AZ radiolatina
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Katy Kole de Peralta
Type (Dublin Core)
Screen shot
Source (Dublin Core)
AZ radiolatina on the Peruanos en Arizona (Oficial) Facebook page
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Government State
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Doug Ducey
AZ Radio Latina
Collection (Dublin Core)
Latino(a/x) Voices
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Accrual Method (Dublin Core)
Language (Dublin Core)