
Phoenix Sky Harbor during COVID-19

Title (Dublin Core)

Phoenix Sky Harbor during COVID-19

Description (Dublin Core)

Today marks my 7 year anniversary with a major airline right out Phoenix Sky Harbor. Although I wish circumstances were better, there has never been a day where I've seen the airport so empty, a ghost town. Due to COVID-19 we have dropped nearly 75% in revenue. In fact, most people think of the airpot as dangerous but when I go to work I only see other co-workers walking around, which is less than the grocery stores at this point. It's sad to see all the vendors and stores closed down. We all know this will take a while until things pick back up, months even. Until then we are all washing our hands, disinfecting everything we can, avoiding touching passengers boarding passes and remaining in high spirits.

Date (Dublin Core)

April 1, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Brittany Rizzuto

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Brittany Rizzuto

Type (Dublin Core)

A photograph of baggage claim during normal business hours of Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport.

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Travel
English Transportation
English Aviation
English Social Distance

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