
Covid-19 and my academic experience.

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Covid-19 and my academic experience.

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Covid-19 and my academic experience. #PimaCC #WRT102

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John Ott Jr.

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John Ott Jr.

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Pima Community College

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Home & Family Life
English Online Learning

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school work
Pima Community College

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College COVID Stories

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John Ott Jr
Prof. Estella Gonzalez
12 May 2020

Covid-19 and my academic experience.
As a fifteen year old, I currently have no job; my academic experience is paid by my parents. So my job experience has not been affected, but I have found myself doing a lot more chores around the house. Academically speaking, my writing has been impacted, I have been able to write more with my free time, and I will be able to write even more when the semester is over. The pandemic has impacted my academic writing very little. I learn better visually than I do by hearing, like doing an activity in class. After reading class assignments, I had a better feeling for the work that needed to be done. I feel like I have progressed in writing my papers, and WRT102 has helped my writing during this pandemic. Online classes definitely seem less involved to me than in-person classes, because you are given more time till the assignments are due; which gives you time to go over the material, and study. Overall, I feel like I have increased in writing in COVID-19.
My academic goals have not changed. I planned to transfer to the UofA in the near future and I still am. Last year my plan was to have a major in communications, so far my choice has been unwavered. My course of action is to take summer school to help with credits for transfering, and to extend my knowledge. In order to help me reach my academic goal, I am meeting with a Pima advisor this week. From here on out I will have a better view of my career. COVID-19 has not affected my academic choice at all, I’m sticking with my plan for my career.
My career plan is to be a minister on staff with the church I go to. There have been very few impacts on my academic choices, so far my choices have helped me succeed. In the spring semester of 2020, I took MAT092, PHI140, REL140, and WRT102. COVID-19 has helped me succeed in giving me more time to study for exams and homework. My writing experience and COVID-19 has been an enjoyable experience, because of the benefits that it offers me.

What are the benefits of online classes?
What are the downsides of online classes?

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