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Semester: Spring 2022
My life living through the pandemic
It all started back in March 2020, when we were informed that we were going into lockdown. Schools were going to be remote for two weeks and then we would go back, or so we thought. My initial thoughts were “YAY break” since I commuted to school and it takes me about an hour and a half to two hours to reach school. With the commute being cut off my schedule I was able to sleep in more and spend more time with my dog. Having school at the beginning of the pandemic with it being online was easy and professors were understanding as we were all learning to adjust. My attention span at the time was still good but as the next semester approached it was getting worse, it was difficult to concentrate and it took a lot for me to focus. At the same time, we would see a lot of people getting sick and dying on the news. Although we all took the precautions needed, it always worried me about my family and close family friends that had to continue working. Life was “good” as days went on until April 2020 came around when I lost two family members. It was a tough time for not just me but also for some of my younger family members. We all dealt in our own ways but one was of course being with family and keeping the happy memories alive until this day. It was also hard being isolated because I was used to seeing my friends but we learned to adjust and Facetime became more frequent, but of course, it wasn't the same. Now as we move forward two years later, March 2022, for the most part, classes are back to being in person and we were no longer staring at a screen but once again it was difficult because my body was not prepared to have to commute again. As the days go by it has gotten easier and felt worth going since my concentration is better now that it's in person. Interacting again is also better. It's nostalgic to be able to interact with others again and we are all appreciative to have the chance to share moments face to face with our family and friends again. -
work school balance
The pandemic didn't have all negative effects on virtue students -
Working the ENTIRE Pandemic & not reaping any REAL BENEFITS.
COVID-19 in my opinion came out of nowhere and our former president didn't take it serious enough hence why we had to quarantine in the first place. I worked various jobs throughout the pandemic. I worked at Burger King & I was a Home Attendant during quarantine. My favorite part with working two jobs and going to school was getting off early, not having to clean after people and school was FULLY ONLINE. That had to be my favorite part. I'm not a fan of Brooklyn College AT ALL, so being online mad it easier to like school. At the time I was a BIO major and the Biology Department was not attentive.. Its like people became lazy and didn't want to do the job THEY GET PAID TO DO. Anywho, Around May I left Burger King and went to Amazon & was still a Home Attendant. Left Amazon & went to PLS a Check Cashing company by far my favorite job thus far. There were various job opportunities around, everyone should've been making money in the pandemic. Not to mention stimulus checks. Lots of people definitely reaped the benefits from the pandemic and unfortunately some lost families to the pandemic. -
YES! I am a COVID-19 Survivor.
Next day after Covid-19 booster shot, I woke up with body aches. First, I thought it was booster reaction, but later on I Was detected by Covid-19 positive. At the same day my leg sprained, wow what a coincidence! It was really an unpleasant day for me. I knew I have to be strong enough to fight with this situation. I received IV to treat Covid at the same day. My Covid symptoms were coughing a lot and loss of food tase and smell. I continued to pray and read the Quran. Initially, I had to stay in quarantine for 14 days. These 14 days were like 14 months to me. I will never forget these isolated period of Covid-19. I was trying to continue my household chores. After 19 days later my Covid result came negative. At that time, I felt like a free hummingbird. I believe that Allah gives us burdens according to our endurance. I probably wouldn't survived if I had Covid early in the pandemic. I am sincerely for those who were died in this Corona period. I thank Allah for giving me a new life as well as modern science and medical fields.