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Collected Item: “Analucía Lopezrevoredo Oral History, 2022/07/11”


Analucía Lopezrevoredo

Who conducted the interview? List all names, separated by comma.

Kit Heintzman

Who was interviewed? List all names, separated by commas.

Analucía Lopezrevoredo

Email Address(es) for all interviewers. Separated by comma.


Use one-word hashtags (separated by commas) to describe your oral history. For example: Where did it originate? How does this object make you feel? How does this object relate to the pandemic?

#airports, #birth, #California, #ER, #Hispanic, #holidays, #Israel, #Jewish, #Latina, #marriage, #miscarrage, #motherhood, #Oman, #Omicron, #panic, #pregnancy, #Purim, #SanFrancisco, #Shabbat, #travel, #yoga

What is the format of your recording?


In what ZIP code is the primary residence of the interviewee? (enter 5-digit ZIP code; for example, 00544 or 94305)? In what city/town/village does the interviewee live? In what country does the interviewee live? All comma-separated.

Venice, California, USA

What is the gender of the interviewee? Be sure to allow interviewees to self-identify their gender in the pre-interview or interview. *Do not assign a gender identity to interviewees.*

F - she/her/ella

What is the age of the interviewee?

35 to 44

How does the interviewee describe their race or ethnicity? Be sure to allow interviewees to self-identify their race/ethnicity in the pre-interview or interview. *Do not assign a racial or ethnic identity to interviewees.*

Latina/ Jewtina

Describe the oral history.

Some of the things we discussed include:
- Hearing about COVID-19 at a dinner party from someone who was already thinking about isolation.
- Celebrating Purim in Israel in March 2020 before curfews and shutdowns began.
- Travel in Israel, Oman and Qatar early in the pandemic, and then remained in Israel for 9 months as a result of the pandemic.
- Goal was to spend 2020-2023 visiting the rest of the countries I hadn't been to (pre-lockdown I had traveled to 123) but the pandemic shifted plans.
- Still managed to spend most of the pandemic traveling but was only able to visit 6 new countries (that I had never been to before).
- Also started a nonprofit for Latin Jews at the beginning of the pandemic.
- Planning the first in-person retreat in January 2022 and moving into a hybrid model due to Omicron.
- Flexibility in scheduling and program design as a part of safety.
- Resisting panicking.
- Spending a lot of time apart from husband for work pre-pandemic; spending much more time together during the pandemic.
- Husband visiting Israel for an intended 9 days but staying for 7 months with flight interruptions and lockdown.
- Having a miscarriage in 2021, unable to have husband in the ER.
- A successful pregnancy carried to term in 2022; husband accompaniment to medical appointments dependent on the state of Omicron; having a doula.
- Yoga as a form of self care that had to change when studios shutdown.
- Preparing to live in an endemic.
- The shaming and blaming that happens when someone tests positive for COVID-19.

On what date did you record this oral history?

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