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Collected Item: “Larry Abdullah Oral History, 2022/09/15”


Larry Abdullah

Who conducted the interview? List all names, separated by comma.

Kit Heintzman

Who was interviewed? List all names, separated by commas.

Larry Abdullah

Email Address(es) for all interviewers. Separated by comma.


Use one-word hashtags (separated by commas) to describe your oral history. For example: Where did it originate? How does this object make you feel? How does this object relate to the pandemic?

#AIDS, #aliens, #Black, #Chicago, #dentist, #hugs, #Illinois, #kindness, #masks, #meditation, #peace, #Raelian, #selflove, #smiles

What is the format of your recording?


In what ZIP code is the primary residence of the interviewee? (enter 5-digit ZIP code; for example, 00544 or 94305)? In what city/town/village does the interviewee live? In what country does the interviewee live? All comma-separated.

Chicago Heights, Illinois

What is the gender of the interviewee? Be sure to allow interviewees to self-identify their gender in the pre-interview or interview. *Do not assign a gender identity to interviewees.*


What is the age of the interviewee?

75 or older

How does the interviewee describe their race or ethnicity? Be sure to allow interviewees to self-identify their race/ethnicity in the pre-interview or interview. *Do not assign a racial or ethnic identity to interviewees.*

Black American

Describe the oral history.

Some of the things we discussed include:
- Minimal impact of the pandemic on daily life.
- Panic and hysteria.
- Danger in everyday life; living without fear of death.
- Comparisons between COVID and flu deaths, COVID and AIDS.
- Shifting from a private practice dentist to a traveling contract dentist.
- Dentistry as a luxury in the 1950s.
- Entering the health field to help others and being a role model for younger Black children.
- Being raised with the Bible and finding unanswered questions in Raelism.
- The atomic bomb, weapons of mass destruction, and world peace.
- Automation getting rid of labor so that everyone’s needs are met without needing to work.
- Bringing about world peace with smiles.
- World changing events and memory: The Kennedy Assassination and 9/11.
- Wanting a system of government run by geniuses; scientists setting public health policy rather than politicians.
- Getting stressed without staying stressed.

See also:

On what date did you record this oral history?

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