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Collected Item: “Scott Campbell Oral History, 2020/12/01”


Make Your Own Way

Who conducted the interview? List all names, separated by comma.

Kristy Smith

Who was interviewed? List all names, separated by commas.

Scott Campbell

Email Address(es) for all interviewers. Separated by comma.

kasmit67@asu.edu, scott_a_campbell@live.com

If this oral history is related to research conducted in association with an institution (e.g. a museum, university, library), please include the name of the institution. If you are a faculty member or student conducting research, please provide the name of your school.

Arizona State University

Use one-word hashtags (separated by commas) to describe your oral history. For example: Where did it originate? How does this object make you feel? How does this object relate to the pandemic?

#colorado, #alabama, #food, #gardening, #livestock, #produce, #animals, #rural

What is the format of your recording?


In what ZIP code is the primary residence of the interviewee? (enter 5-digit ZIP code; for example, 00544 or 94305)? In what city/town/village does the interviewee live? In what country does the interviewee live? All comma-separated.


What is the gender of the interviewee? Be sure to allow interviewees to self-identify their gender in the pre-interview or interview. *Do not assign a gender identity to interviewees.*


What is the age of the interviewee?

25 to 34

How does the interviewee describe their race or ethnicity? Be sure to allow interviewees to self-identify their race/ethnicity in the pre-interview or interview. *Do not assign a racial or ethnic identity to interviewees.*


Describe the oral history.

Scott Campbell was born in Panama to military parents. He and his family moved to Colorado when he was young, living close to his father's family, where his interest in a sort of do-it-yourself lifestyle was awakened. After high school, he moved to central Alabama, working several retail jobs before landing his job at FIS Financial Solutions. After buying his own property, he began gardening and doing a bit of homesteading on his own in Alabama. Scott now spends his days editing financial programs and his down time taking care of various projects and plants around his home.

On what date did you record this oral history?

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