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Collected Item: “Mini oral history with Margaret Geddes, 2/20/2021”

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Mini oral history with Margaret Geddes, 2/20/2021

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Mini oral history with Margaret Geddes, 2/20/2021
Interviewed by Padraic Cohen
Padraic Cohen: Hi my name is Padraic Cohen and I’m a graduate student intern with the COVID-19 archive at ASU. The date is February 20th, 2021the time is 3:38PM and I’m speaking with Margaret Geddes.
I want to ask you a question about your pandemic experience, but before I do, I would like to ask for your consent to record this response for the COVID-19 archive. The COVID-19 archive is a digital archive at ASU that is collecting pandemic experiences. Do I have your consent to record your response and add it to the archive with your name?
Margaret Geddes: I say just yes, right?
Padraic: Yep!
Margaret Geddes: Yes
Padraic Cohen: Okay, thank you. So first, can you tell me your name, age, race, and where you live
Margaret Geddes: Okay um, I’m 86 years old, my race, I was born in Canada but my parents uh, both from England, British and um, you want my address?
Padraic Cohen: Oh no no, just your name
Margaret Geddes: What else do I have to tell you, I’ve forgot now
Padraic Cohen: Oh, just your name
Margaret Geddes: Margaret Geddes
Padraic Cohen: Okay, there we go, now I’d like to ask you a question about the Pandemic, so here’s the question here
Margaret Geddes: Alright
Padraic Cohen: We’ve experienced a lot of changes in 2020 and many have been negative and disruptive. But perhaps it’s not all bad. What’s one positive thing you’ve experienced during the pandemic?
Margaret Geddes: One positive thing?
Padraic Cohen: Mhm!
Margaret Geddes: I guess, for me personally, I don’t go out very much but I guess the positive thing would be, hm, hard to say uhm.. Just that so far everybody in my family has been safe, and that’s the, I guess the big positive thing, I haven’t been in contact with any one that has the virus, I don’t know anyone that has the virus, so I guess that’s all positive
Padraic Cohen: Mhm
Margaret Geddes: Is that good enough?
Padraic Cohen: Yeah, that’s totally fine, is that what you want to say
Margaret Cohen: I think so, I very rarely go out so I don’t see a lot of people
Padraic Cohen: Yeah, that’s me too, well that’s all that there was, there was only one question, thank you for your time today and I will conclude the interview
Margaret Cohen: That’s it?
Padraic Cohen: That’s it! Unless you want to say anything more!
Margaret: No um, I’ve never lived through an epidemic before, I’ve never experienced that, oh maybe when I was a child there was a polio epidemic, but it didn’t seem to affect us there again we didn’t go anywhere
Padraic Cohen: So about the same thing?
Margaret Geddes: yea!
Padraic Cohen: yea! Well thank you so much gram
Margaret Geddes: Okay, thank you!
Padraic Cohen: I’m just gonna stop recording, I’m not gonna hang up, I’m just gonna stop recording so I can talk to everyone
(I forgot to ask her where she lives, this interview was conducted remotely with me in Cochrane Alberta, Canada – and Margaret in Calgary Alberta, Canada.)

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HST580, Arizona State University, SilverJOTPY, Canada, Oral history

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Padraic Cohen

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