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Collected Item: “Eva Ruth Oral History, 2021/02/17”

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Mini oral history with Eva Ruth, 02/17/2021

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oral history

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Transcript of Interview with Eva Ruth by Monica Ruth

Interviewee: Eva Ruth
Interviewer: Monica Ruth
Date of Interview: 02/21/2021
Location of Interviewee: Sacramento, California
Location of Interviewer: Sacramento, California (separate location)
Transcriber: Monica Ruth

Abstract: This is a mini oral history of Eva Ruth by Monica Ruth, about the silver lining of the pandemic experience.

MR: Hi, my name’s Monica Ruth and I'm a graduate student intern with the COVID-19 archive at Arizona State University. Today's date is February 21st and it is 12:05 pm Pacific Standard Time and I'm speaking with Eva Ruth. I want to ask you a question about your pandemic experience. But before I do, I'd like to ask for your consent to record this response for the COVID-19 archive, a digital archive at ASU that is collecting pandemic experiences. Do I have your consent to record your response and add it to the archive with your name?

ER: Yes, I do. You do.

MR: Thank you. So first, can you tell me your name, age, race and where you live?

ER: My name is Eva Ruth, I’m 75 years old, and I’m Mexican American.

MR: And where do you Live?

ER: Oh and I live in Sacramento, California.

MR: Great, thank you. Now, I’m gonna ask you one quick question about the pandemic. So we've experienced a lot of changes in 2020. And many have been negative and disruptive. But maybe it's not all that bad. What is one positive thing you've experienced during the pandemic?

ER: For me, it has confirmed my faith. Because the challenges that we faced in our church, closing, opening, closing, social distancing, and everything else. But we've been able to go with the flow and abide by all the rules or regulations and still maintain our faith in worshiping God in the church as one possible, outside or in the house. So it's just kind of confirmed for me that God is everywhere. And so I, I think for for that reason, this has been one of the silver linings in my life during this time. Also, I have also been able to do a lot of Zoom, which I'd never done before. And by a lot, I mean, I can communicate with, I communicated with people from South America, Central America, and then in the United States and the East Coast, here, West Coast a lot. And so it has kept me socially active, through Zoom, and maintained our friendships and increased my knowledge of technology. So it's, those are the plus things. Of course there are some negative things, but the plus pluses are strong and I know that other people my age have been able to overcome the challenges.

MR: Yeah. Well, thank you very much. I appreciate your response. Thank you for your time.

ER: Thank you.

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HST580, Arizona State University, SilverJOTPY, faith, Zoom, church

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Monica Ruth

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