
“I don't think that it really has influenced too much..."


Title (Dublin Core)

“I don't think that it really has influenced too much..."
Religion 101 Oral History #73, 2020/04

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Description (Dublin Core)

“I don't think that it really has influenced too much because I really feel that to get out of this we are in the hands of the scientists and the minds of science and it seems like especially lately in the United States there is a lot of issues between belief and science feeling like science is just one belief system and religion is another belief system. I don't happen to be really buying into this. This is science and we need vaccinations. We need to have any kind of antivirals or anything that can help us get through this virus.”

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

April 1, 2020

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Tom Beazley

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)

Oral History

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Religion
English Science
English Community & Community Organizations
English Community Service

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

home church

Collection (Dublin Core)


Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)

Curated by Contributor. Verbal Permission Omitted in Public File but Original File and Student Creator's Name Kept Private. 07/14/2020. Tom Beazley.

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Speaker 2 talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their faith and beliefs. They also talk about how they had started participating in the religious community of friend by attending services online. Additionally, they talk about their impression of how churches in the United States go about community service.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Speaker 1 0:00
How has COVID-19 affected your faith or beliefs?

Speaker 2 0:08
Wow, that's a good question. I don't think that it really has influenced too much because I really feel that to get out of this we are in the hands of the scientists and the hands of science. And it seems like, especially lately in United States, there is a lot of issues between belief and science, feeling like science is not, it's just one belief system and religion is another belief system. I don't happen to be really buying into this. This is science and we need vaccinations, we need to have a kind of anti-virals or whatever, they can help us to actually get rid of this, this virus. I don't feel that it's something that is unnatural, or something supernatural that happened to us.

Speaker 1 1:09
Thank you. Um, there's a question. So, is your religious community still gathering currently, like, how has COVID-19 affected your participation in your religious community?

Speaker 2 1:24
Wow, that's, that's so interesting, because I, you know, I grew up with religion. I was Catholic, my parents were slightly Catholic, and so I was baptized and did all this things, like confirmation and stuff like that went to church. And that's somehow, you know, being from Central Europe, where religion has kind of mostly disappeared, I have that same feeling. But the interesting thing is I have this friends that have been inviting me to their home church. I have never had that. So, in the last kind of couple of Sundays, maybe only for about maybe 20 minutes or so, I'm just like part of a home church on the phone. And it's kind of a nice thing, just people just talk and just talk a little about the idea of God, or whatever and it's good. And so it's an interesting thing that, for me, is the first time that I'm kind of, kind of participating in some kind of church, and I have to say something kind of beautiful.

Speaker 1 2:22
Uh huh. So is your religious community supplying or engaged any kind of community service in an attempt to help alleviate issues caused by the pandemic? If so, what are those efforts?

Speaker 2 2:44
But I don't believe, I belong, I don't really belong to or I don't belong to a church, so, or any religion, that doesn't mean that I have all the friends that do. And I know that many of the church communities are actually helping out wherever they can maybe even like, sewing mouth, masks and stuff like that. It's, it's kind of a nice thing. I it's one of the wonderful things about religious organizations in this, in this country, particularly, that people really have to kind of the fear that we do have to help others. And there is a lot of people that have to help that need to help because they don't really have a very organized government support for social security or health care and so on. So, there's a lot of people that are in serious need and I do feel that churches often do organize food banks and do organize things to provide for, for the poor and for the people that need, people in need.

Speaker 1 3:59
Yeah. All right. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Speaker 2 4:02
That's it?

Speaker 1 4:03

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