
Denali Veda Oral History, 2022/06/14


Title (Dublin Core)

Denali Veda Oral History, 2022/06/14

Description (Dublin Core)

Some of the things we discussed include:
Coming from a diverse range of cultures and respecting diverse traditions.
Having been raised Catholic and turning to Eastern medicine through Edgar Casey; Christian taboos on learning other spiritual traditions.
Childhood trauma and PTSD; choosing to be born into one’s own family.
Having visions and dreams since childhood; visions of trials and tribulations, such as this pandemic.
Holistic healing; working in Beyond Quantum Hypnosis Healing Therapy; developing own healing techniques.
Healing as a lifestyle.
Teaching clients which internal voices to listen to and which to ignore.
Trauma and mental illness culminating in physical illness; unlearning self-loathing and discovering self-love.
Breaking away generational trauma.
Angels and demons.
Living with trust that the universe has your back; divine protection.
Manifesting a better world; beliefs creating new realities.
Visions of a future with a healed world; a New Eden; Heaven on Earth.
Recovering from Lyme Disease; physical illness as a spiritual test.
Having a strong immune system and trusting that for COVID-19 protection.
Avoiding allopathic medicine; seeing chiropractors, acupuncturists, and Ayevedic healers.
The pandemic as the beginning of a big change.
Spending more time with family, gardening.
Strengthening marriage.
Teenage son homeschooling during the pandemic.
Shrinking social circles; unfriending 1000s of people from Facebook.
Distrust of government; historic examples of government atrocities against Indigenous people.
Safety as freedom of choice without government interference.
TikTok and social media as the people’s news.
Fear, social control, and masking; fear as a trap; victimization.
Environmental consequences of masking.
Concerns about vaccine safety and DNA; vaccine injuries.
Ancient healing technologies: crystals and using Quantum energy maps.
Red light therapy.
Harming ourselves when we harm others.
Energy vibrations/frequencies, binaural beats, solfeggio frequencies, Tibetan chanting; trusting that scientific evidence of the healing properties of frequencies are coming.
The philosophy of John Locke.

Other cultural references: Dolores Cannon, Netflix, Coca Cola, Rainbow Warrior Prophecy, Whirling rainbow, Edgar Cayce, the Declaration of Independence, Google, the Egyptian Pyramids, TikTok
Afterthought from Denali: Quotation: "If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

Variations: None known. Apparently it’s been fact checked that Thomas Jefferson never said this. Which when I googled this five years ago it was accredited to him.

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

June 14, 2022

Creator (Dublin Core)

Kit Heintzman
Denali Veda

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Kit Heintzman

Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Government Federal
English Health & Wellness
English Home & Family Life
English Pandemic Skeptics

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Dolores Cannon
Rainbow Warrior Prophecy

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

Lyme Disease
mental illness
Quantum Healing

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Kit Heintzman

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Denali Veda

Location (Omeka Classic)

Fort Wayne
United States of America

Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Some of the things we discussed include:
Coming from a diverse range of cultures and respecting diverse traditions. Having been raised Catholic and turning to Eastern medicine through Edgar Casey; Christian taboos on learning other spiritual traditions. Childhood trauma and PTSD; choosing to be born into one’s own family. Having visions and dreams since childhood; visions of trials and tribulations, such as this pandemic. Holistic healing; working in Beyond Quantum Hypnosis Healing Therapy; developing own healing techniques. Healing as a lifestyle. Teaching clients which internal voices to listen to and which to ignore. Trauma and mental illness culminating in physical illness; unlearning self-loathing and discovering self-love. Breaking away generational trauma. Angels and demons. Living with trust that the universe has your back; divine protection. Manifesting a better world; beliefs creating new realities. Visions of a future with a healed world; a New Eden; Heaven on Earth. Recovering from Lyme Disease; physical illness as a spiritual test. Having a strong immune system and trusting that for COVID-19 protection. Avoiding allopathic medicine; seeing chiropractors, acupuncturists, and Ayevedic healers. The pandemic as the beginning of a big change. Spending more time with family, gardening. Strengthening marriage. Teenage son homeschooling during the pandemic. Shrinking social circles; unfriending 1000s of people from Facebook. Distrust of government; historic examples of government atrocities against Indigenous people. Safety as freedom of choice without government interference. TikTok and social media as the people’s news. Fear, social control, and masking; fear as a trap; victimization. Environmental consequences of masking. Concerns about vaccine safety and DNA; vaccine injuries. Ancient healing technologies: crystals and using Quantum energy maps. Red light therapy. Harming ourselves when we harm others. Energy vibrations/frequencies, binaural beats, solfeggio frequencies, Tibetan chanting; trusting that scientific evidence of the healing properties of frequencies are coming. The philosophy of John Locke.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Kit Heintzman 00:03

Denali Veda 00:05

Kit Heintzman 00:07
Would you please start by stating your full name, the date, the time and your location?

Denali Veda 00:13
My name is Denali Veda. I am in Fort Wayne, Indiana. And what's the date today? June something June 14, and you want a time? 5:48pm. And it's a beautiful day here very hot. Little hot for me, but that's okay.

Kit Heintzman 00:39
And do you consent to having this interview recorded, digitally uploaded and publicly released under a Creative Commons license attribution noncommercial sharealike?

Denali Veda 00:49

Kit Heintzman 00:50
Would you please start by just introducing yourself to anyone who might find themselves listening to this, what would you want them to know about you?

Denali Veda 00:58
I am a holistic healer. I practice beyond quantum healing hypnosis therapy. You may have heard of quantum healing hypnosis therapy or QHAT what I do is an evolution of QHAT which was Dolores Canons original hypnosis technique that she created over 20 years ago. She was a traditional hypnotherapist and then got taken, you know, down this road of past lives and spirituality and discovering mysteries in the soul. And she was just she worked for the government actually, too. She worked for the VA as a Hypnotherapist. So it was and she was an older woman when she started this, but she's very well known for what's an unknown technique in the community of spiritual healing and quantum healing. Obviously, she has a huge following. She's written 19 books, and people would know her around the world, in a spirituality and holistic healing. But for me, where I live, when I tell people what I do, they maybe know a little about holistic healing. And really, I focused on the spiritual side of those, because we are a not just a body, we are spirit and a body and we must, to achieve full healing, you have to address the mind, the body and the soul. And that's the sacred Trinity. And that's the key to healing all things is we can't ignore one or the other. And it is how I found healing what I do I live, what I practice, it's truly a lifestyle. And healing is a lifestyle. And so it's I would say I'm not religious, and I have no religion. But what I am is spiritual and spiritual just means I'm not affiliated with any religions, but I acknowledge all of the religions, and I respect them and honor them. And that's how we need to be and we need to unify and understand there's truths within all of the religions, God sent prophets to every people all around the world all around the planet. And to think only one person has the truth, or one race or one religion, there's truth within them all. And going into the future. This is the future of healing the world not just from COVID, but from all that ails us and all the things that were killing me was not just Lyme disease. And it took me almost a dying to finally escape from the false matrix, I call it the systems that are destroying the planet and destroying people and their spirit and enslaving their spirit. And these people and people don't understand they're energetic slaves, to a system that doesn't serve them. And what I'm here to do is help people realize their own power, and the power that we all have from within that comes from our Creator. And that's all that I tap into. I really just help people remember that they are divine, that we are all sacred that this life is sacred. Our life is a gift. And no matter even though there's all this chaos going on. Right now, I'm the happiest I've ever been. And it is you know, people don't understand that. Or how can I be happy with the world? No, I'm not happy with how things are. But I'm not going to let the reality of that reality of fear mongering depression, lack and sickness. If you focus on those things, you manifest those things.

Kit Heintzman 04:55
Would you tell me a story about life during the pandemic?

Denali Veda 04:59
Hum. Well, starting in 2020, I would say it was a little I was a little bit scared at first and which is not, I didn't expect to feel that way. I didn't expect to have any anxiety, but there was so much being ramped out and put out everywhere. And I really didn't know. We didn't have all the information right away either. But, you know, we had to stay home. And I felt like we get people get an opportunity to learn and to grow, and to, you know, organize your house, grow a garden, you know, we can look at all the negative things that it caused by it caused a really tremendous amount of negative things with suicides and mental health issues. But really, it just highlights and shows how important mental health is and how we really need to help going into the future with mental health and stress and all these also what I worked on. But for me, it was not a great year for me, I actually watched too much Netflix. And I was in a Netflix trap, I call it and I gained 20 pounds that year. So the following year, I used it to try to get stronger and realized I let myself get weak. I didn't appreciate my body. I was, I drink Coca Cola in 2020. And I hadn't drink that for years. And just shows I think that alone is what just made me gain so much weight. But it's poison, and I don't put poison in my body. I'm trying to heal and detox and purge and cleanse constantly to get all of these years and years and years of toxins out of me. So healing is a journey. It's a difficult journey. But I'd say the first year 2020 Not so great 2021 I was back on my path. And even more so and this year, I feel like is just going to be a great year. And I know good things are coming even though things are are tough and hard and crazy right now. And we all need to find that faith and understand that there's always a divine plan in order and that people don't even if we don't understand it, the universe has our back. So I like to say it that people need to trust the universe has their back. And remember that remind ourselves of that. And I guess I don't say an elegant way anymore. I feel like that would resonate with more people if we speak of God and Creator in that way.

Kit Heintzman 07:43
[inaudible] Do you remember when you first heard about the pandemic?

Denali Veda 07:50
Um, yes, I remember, um, I don't really watch TV. I think I learned on Facebook, basically. And it like I said, it was a little bit frightening. But I knew I was kind of prepared ahead of time for a scenario like this. This is something I've seen envisions and had in my dreams. That you know, we're going we're in the times of tribulation. So this is just one of the tribulations. But I remember coming back myself and realizing I have a strong immune system, we will be okay, we will be careful. But I believe we I would be protected I would survive, my family would survive. And just, you know, worked on living our life in the most, you know, fulfilling way we could despite everything going on in the world. We didn't stop living.

Kit Heintzman 08:53
Would you explain for people who watch this who may have never had a vision, or had prophetic dreams that they could recognize as such, would you explain a little bit about what that looks like feels like how you experience it?

Denali Veda 09:10
Well, there's different types of vision, there's visions when we're awake during meditation that people can experience and then visions are also what we dream when we're asleep. And in ancient Egypt, dreams were known to be very important in times for healing and times you can connect with your ancestors and your angels in the heavenly realm. There were temples dedicated to you could go sleep and pray for a cure for whatever you were sick with. That a priest would help you with a prayer and incense and you would sleep there and hope you'd have a dream that night of how to cure yourself, or what is the cure for whatever is ailing them mentally, spiritually or physically and I just thought that's amazing. But most of my vision started in my dreams and when I was a child, you and I would see future events sometimes not even like important events, but it was just preparing me and showing me this is this really happens. But you know, along all of us have spiritual intuition. All of us have spiritual gifts. It's just we aren't trained or known. It's not known to us, it's not known to the majority on Yes, pay attention to your dreams and you're [no sound]

Denali Veda 10:34
affecting us. But I don't know how much that got. But a vision to me is something very sacred. And I written in and I'm documenting a lot of my visions in the book that I'm writing, ones that I was guided, especially to share, because not every vision is for the public. You know, we have purse people have personal visions, and but a vision I really need to share and share with the world is one where I've seen in the future when humanity is healed. And I've seen a world that we almost people have dreamed of living where there's peace, where there's unity, where there's no sickness, where there's real community, where there is real family, when the the all the things that this world is missing, and that they tried to bury and say you don't need you need material things you need status you need, you know, to be popular, whatever, whatever your tem, they're tempting you to stay in their paradigm and their matrix. But this is a world that is prophesized not just in the Christian Bible, but by Native Americans buy prophecies and people all around. So there's a unifying prophetic vision of a new earth or a new Jerusalem, where we have a Holy Kingdom and the earth is green, again, it's such a beautiful the Rainbow Warrior prophecy, I highly recommend people to look up this prophecy. It's my favorite of the light global prophecies that I've studied. I don't know if you familiar with it. But the the whirling rainbow is also you can it'll it talks about the whirling rainbow and the rainbow is a symbol of peace. And after the flood, we had the rainbow and that was a symbol from God. And it's just a beautiful, beautiful, we hear so much doom and gloom constantly. Everyone thinks it's the end of the world. And everyone's saying, you know, it is not the end of the world, it's the end of the old world, it's the end of the things do not serve the highest good serve the light serve the planet, we are not going to be allowed to destroy the planet. And that's the where we're going. So this is just the times of change, we're in the times of transition currently going into a beautiful age of golden age. And what I'm doing is the future, what what you're doing is future you're ahead of your time, your Lightworker, as I call us, that we came here to spread the light to be the light to be the change that we want to see like Gandhi says

Kit Heintzman 13:20
To the extent that you're comfortable sharing, would you say something about your experiences of health and healthcare infrastructure prior to the pandemic?

Denali Veda 13:29
Well, I've not been a fan of, of the health care system and it's why also what I do what I do, I don't really go to the doctor. So I can't tell you to compare that actually, I doctor myself, I go to the chiropractor, occasionally I get acupuncture, I treat myself with herbs and I have a holistic and Ayurvedic diet, I fallen I haven't been sick, and I don't really get sick so I don't go to the doctor. And I wouldn't if I was sick. Unfortunately, I don't even like to go to the dentist, I have to go to the dentist Thursday. And but I haven't gone for like three years. So they're like you need to do this, this and this. I'm like, Well, my teeth feel fine. And I don't know okay

Kit Heintzman 14:21
What are some of your early reactions to the pandemic?

Denali Veda 14:29
That it's time this is this is the beginning of the change. Um, so a little bit like I said, Frank, frantic energy you could say initially, but then, you know, after, you know, I knew this is just the time of the change and we just had to be strong and get through it basically and that I knew that we would, so I changed it to a positive mindset and really, I feel like If that's important we do with any situation that we find the light side, we find what we can turn into a positive or transmute into a positive. Because, yes, all these negative things happen, like I said, but also I think more people are awakening more people are, are becoming their highest selves are changing, people have been forced to change. Because we were put on timeout essentially. And things that we were, we were made less comfortable. And the universe does that. So we learn. But so I've learned a lot. I'm actually thankful for the pandemic, I'm actually thankful for the lock downs, because I feel like I've only gotten gotten better. And I really like my alone time. So it's really struggle for me to go out though, in the public because I, I just like it so much now. I like my peace.

Kit Heintzman 16:00
What are some of the other ways that the last few years have been beneficial?

Denali Veda 16:09
Last few years? Well, I would just say the last two years, yes, I'm mainly because it benefited me. Like, I feel like I'm having more time with my family, having more time to organize my house, clean my house, become healthier and stronger and realize I need to grow more of my own food. So I have like, you know, a huge garden this year, because we can't trust the food system. That's the other part of the health industry. And they go hand in hand both making us sick, and then profit off. You know us both ways. But so I've just learned to be more resilient, I feel like really more resilient, and I'm deciding to go even further down my path. And you know, I'm just more committed now than ever that I know that it works. And I'm the healthiest and happiest and strongest I've ever been. And that I can think of

Kit Heintzman 17:15
What was your day to day looking like pre pandemic?

Denali Veda 17:19
I'm just the average. You know, I worked for myself, I'm self employed. So that was nice, that I don't, you know, didn't have to work up worry about what my work would have me do. And so I don't know a lot, the only thing changed is we didn't go out to eat as much we didn't, you know, we couldn't travel. So obviously, we just had to spend more time as a family together, which is what the world needed too. So and a lot of people got divorced because of that. They really didn't know their spouse. And then you know, then you're stuck with each other and like, wow, why did I marry this person? Actually, I had a few friends that got divorced, and they're better off. It was a good thing. But yeah.

Kit Heintzman 18:15
How did the pandemic impact your social circle?

Denali Veda 18:22
I again, I would say it affected it positively. Because people that were not my friends have taken themselves out of my equation. And I deleted I don't know, 1,000s of my friends on Facebook. Over just in the past two years, I've been people that I don't know, people that don't support me and people that I know, you know, are just not there because they believe in me. There are a lot of evil watchers, I think and people that just like to judge. So I say you never lose true friends. I thought some people were true friends that I lost. But if you stop talking to me because of what I believe spiritually, because of my lifestyle, because I have different you know, I don't believe what your religion necessarily believes to every idea. I believe a lot most of it. But you know, then we have a difference where you know, just people couldn't agree to disagree or be friends with people that are different. So that divided the world so much clearly, even though this division was already there. I think it just intensified it and made it more apparent and more visible revealed it. But of course, it's being fed. I felt like the news and you know, celebrities and the propaganda machine fueled it as well. That it's they want you to be scared and they want you to hide and wear a mask to bed because you never know you, you don't need to breathe that well at night, just wear it to bed.

Kit Heintzman 20:05
What did it feel like after unfriending, so many people?

Denali Veda 20:10
It felt good, it felt good, because I'm finally at a level where it's very freeing to not care what anybody thinks. And it's amazing feeling, it's almost a drug. And I feel like it's also what spirit wants us all to do. There's no other version of you. And we have to be the original version of why God created us here for a reason. And we each have our own divine mission. And without being our divine self, we aren't our true self. And then we are a part of the problem and a part of, I guess, just what needs to change. But even not like I was perfect before this, I feel like again, it's it's a journey of becoming, I'm becoming the best version of myself. And that's my goal. And that's what I teach to others. And that we all we are all supposed to evolve. That's what the revolution is the evolution of humanity, and all of our structures that have built our society that are not, we're never sustainable. And it is just we need the world to change, we need things to change, we need the change, beyond need it. And we just need to get healthy and happy and live in joy and peace and bliss, like, creator wants us to be happy. You know, I asked people, when did you stop singing? When did you stop dancing? People that I worked with, like come to me because they're living in the past. Or because they have anxiety, which is fear. And fear is a trap. And it leaves you as a victim. And we're not victims, and we have power. And we just have to tap into that and be brave enough to do that.

Kit Heintzman 22:14
[both speaking] Are there ways that your healing practices have had to change over the last couple of years?

Denali Veda 22:28
Yes, well, I feel like they always should change in a way as things should evolve. Because the way that I practice now is actually my own technique. And it's, as I said, beyond quantum healing was one evolution already in mine. I'm actually in the process of naming what I do. And I'm I don't have an official name, but it's, I'm able to get healing done in half the time. And I'm just I'm going to teach it as I perfected but I've only done it for two years with this the way that I'm currently doing it. So I want to practice it more and make sure it's perfected before I can teach it to others. But my guides want me to teach it to people.

Kit Heintzman 23:12
How do your, wow do you interact with your guides?

Denali Veda 23:18
In meditation, with paying attention to signs from spirit, like if a butterfly is coming in any kind of animal sign that crosses your path or spirit guardians and signs from the spirit world. And you can study these things and start to look up Oh, I saw a bunny crossed my path. It literally is literally is good luck. You know, so a lot of wives tale have some truth to it, which is interesting, that I found as I studied more, and so much of what we call myth was not myth. And it's things that having superpowers and super abilities walking on water. These are things gurus and Yogi's and sages could do and still can do. And miracles can happen and miracles are real. And that's the other thing I want to teach people about the It's a miracle that I am to the state that I am healed at they it's a miracle to cure Lyme and be in remission from it from Western doctors saying there's no cure. I didn't believe that.

Kit Heintzman 24:21
I'd love to hear more about your journey with Lyme disease and how it intersects with your spiritual journey.

Denali Veda 24:29
It was a big part of my awakening to my true self because it was such a hard time it was I don't know if it was it was my son almost died. So that was a very hard time as well. He had a kidney issue that he was born with and needed emergency surgery. So that was and that only lasted for five hours. But that was a traumatizing and scary moment for a mother. But when I had Lyme I was bedridden for a year at 30 something years old and have two small children. I couldn't work If all of a sudden, everything that I had in my life was gone that I took for granted, I couldn't stand for more than a few hours, I did hair and I couldn't hold my scissors I was dropping my scissors, I cut my finger, I almost cut my finger. They glued it somehow. And I cut it like halfway through this like horrendous cut during a client because I wasn't strong enough to I was just felt like I was dying. And I was and I tried to fight through it. And then doctors had no answers for me, and basically just wanted to give me pain pills. And that's it and sign me off. But it, it took me becoming my own doctor then fully and going full force into studying holistic medicine because I believe that was the way and that's where I'd seen the most benefits just dabbling and going more and more into it. And studying Edgar Casey is who I really accredit a lot of my awakening and helping me go from a Christian, totally Chris Christian Catholic raised perspective. And looking into then, more of an Eastern view, that Edgar Casey who was a sleeping Prophet, one of the most prophetic prophets out there, and he has like 400 books written on him. That's another one of my met, people should look up Edgar Casey, but he was healing diseases. By channeling he was telling people how to cure what they had wrong with them not even being in the same room as them. I don't know if you're familiar with him, but he should be world famous. I mean, he is kind of world famous already. And like I said, the spiritual community. But so he's a mentor of mine might Dolores Cannon is a mentor of mine, and I'm writing about them and honoring them in my book and helping more people will acknowledge them and learn more about them, and not be afraid to even to look, you know, don't be afraid to look at least look, and then, you know, people are told what to think all the time. So come in with an open mind, or you can't you can't be in the world that I'm in without an open mind.

Kit Heintzman 27:25
I'm curious, what's motherhood meant to you?

Denali Veda 27:29
Motherhood is such a blessing. It's amazing. It is, you know, part of my purpose in life. And I think it'll be very hard when you know, my parent, my children are already grown. My daughter is like 20 and my son is 15. And I'm feeling you know, the distance and them evolving, but so it'll be bittersweet as they grow and evolve that I keep telling my son never move out. And we'll move your wife in here and we'll raise the kids here we'll get a bigger house we'll be like, you know, we're gonna start a village but yeah, I think it is it is one of the most beautiful things in the world. And I feel very blessed to have my children that they chose me as a mother you actually choose your parents before you're born if you didn't know. But yeah, I just I would have killed myself had I not had children, my children and I know that God gave me them as my Nope, we're not gonna let you do that. Because I didn't want to leave them alone.

Kit Heintzman 28:41
Feeling the work that you do and with your own experiences, what have you been observing about mental health in our moment?

Denali Veda 28:52
I think it's we're seeing more people with mental health issues. More people admitting they have mental health issues or more people realizing that they did. And what I really need people to realize with mental health and I need the Western world and it may be your world to understand that there's a spiritual side to mental illness, and all sickness actually, that there's a spiritual cause. I knew I found out the spiritual cause for me getting Lyme disease and it was part of my karma and it was part of my lessons and part of my tests which this whole life is a test in Earth is a school for souls. From what Edgar Casey teaches, and Dolores Cannon teaches but yeah, it is. Okay, lost track of what I was saying. What the what the question is, I'm a little airy fairy sorry.

Kit Heintzman 29:59
It was [Denali speaking], it was about your observations about mental health in our moment.

Denali Veda 30:03
Yes. Oh, yes. Okay, very important that there's what we could say demons that are afflicting or just trauma that we have is a better way to say it that when we are traumatized as a child, any kind of PTSD, from whatever it is being raped, being molested, being verbally abused, we carry this code and this energy of pain and trauma. Until what people like I do is we find it, identify it and release it. And we are energetic beings. And science is coming into this and understanding more about energy, we're gonna understand a lot more as we go on. We're going to have amazing technology in the future, and healing technology is going to come back the healing the true healing technology that the Egyptians had that the Atlanteans had, which it's very exciting and interesting to study about if you even study about in Dolores and Edgar Casey talks about Atlantis. But, yes, it is. It's something that the world needs to understand that our mind affects our reality. Our mind creates demons, our mind creates split personalities, and personas. And what someone in my field does is we help find any of these old programs, any of these pain, trauma kind of programs, you can call it because it becomes a program in their subconscious. And you can think of our brain as a supercomputer. And the subconscious remembers everything actually, everything that you don't even understand, like every we are, our brains are amazing. The things that we're recording and remembering, you know, when you sleep, you could have the TV on and your brain is gonna remember every commercial everything that you know, you listen to while you were sleeping, which you don't necessarily want in your brain, a lot of these things. So I help find those things that we don't want in the brain and implant in place a new positive program, one of self love, one of healing, one of empowerment, one of you are divinely protected and divinely connected, and you are a divine spirit. And I help people remember all those things. And when we do, the mental illnesses go away. Because that's not who they are. It's a symptom of a broken society and broken world, and people not knowing how to heal themselves.

Kit Heintzman 32:39
Thinking of the last few years as so much more than just the pandemic, what have been some of the other issues on your mind and heart?

Denali Veda 32:52
The disparity in the world and people going hungry and people still not having clean water, you know, even in Michigan. And you would think that would only happen in a third world country and is that what we're becoming. And, you know, my ancestors, I have such a eclectic ancestral line. But one of my ancestors I really identify with is John Locke, and he was a philosopher and a doctor. And he was very much ahead of his time. And a lot of his work was based on the independence or the Declaration of Independence. And he thought Church and State should be separate. And he said, we had God given rights. We have divine God given rights, and I see those being, you know, really, really attacked, are God given rights collecting rainwater should be a God given right. If you want to grow your grass, tall in your yard, you shouldn't get a fine from the city. Like in just associations, you can't grow gardens in some places. And these are really all things based on colonizers and laws of colonizers that wanted to take over indigenous people, indigenous ways or ways that we stayed healthy and powerful and connected to the earth. But so healing if people people are not going to find healing for mental illness in a pill, there, I mean, therapy does help talk therapy is great, and I really recommend that as well. But to find the total healing of whether it's a mental illness, or a mental affliction, it is a body sickness and they're all intertwined. And mental illness leads to body sick, you know something in your body is going to get sick, you're gonna get autoimmune disease. That's part of why I was sick most of my life from autoimmune disease, and I had so much trauma in my body that it was killing me. And through Quantum healing through growth through holistic lifestyle change through mindset change is I have achieved and this is what I teach this three keys to healing again addressing the mind in the body and the soul. And that's an essence of our whole being and that's what holistic comes from and also meaning holy, and you can you can change out healing with holy because the holy lifestyle is a healing lifestyle, which I thought was very interesting.

Kit Heintzman 35:25
How did you become connected with your ancestors?

Denali Veda 35:29
Through my dreams, a lot of through my dreams, and just through my seeking of finding myself and studying other cultures. And you know, finding learning more about my ancestors, some of my ancestors, like I have Cherokee, lineage and Egyptian and it is I have French, I have, Sicilian. And then I have German so I'm like, you know, so many different ancestors, and different cultures. And I kind of identify with so many cultures I even in my book, I'm I try to, I get perspectives at the Hindu prophecy and get perspective of Buddhist prophecy Christian, First Nations, and showing the similarities we all really have. And if people just would be open-minded enough to understand as you know, as a Christian or a Westerner looking at Hinduism with an open mind and how beautiful it is, and the beautiful things that I've learned from it, or from Buddhism made me a better person. And, you know, but people are too afraid to even look or they think it's a sin. You know, they tell it's not right to look for more inspiration, why not? To know more about God? Why not hear what others say? That's, you know, that's very, you know, they've just been indoctrinated to think that way, unfortunately.

Kit Heintzman 36:53
What does the word safety mean to you?

Denali Veda 37:01
Depends on who's saying it. Because what the government safety I don't agree with what they weren't wearing a mask, getting a vaccine that I don't agree with, I don't feel it's safe, even though they are calling the vaccine safe. And I know that it's not safe. I know how many people have been vaccine injured, let alone from other vaccines and not just this one, which is affecting our DNA, which is very dangerous. And we do not know the future effects on our on our DNA, what it's going to do to future generations. And that's a very horrifying thing when people really think about it. And our DNA is sacred. And that is not something that's playing God people are playing God and that things happen when people do that. Unfortunately, but yeah, safety for me is having choices to choose what is safe for me and my own family and not having a big brother or my job or a corporation telling me what is best for my body and my health because that's taking my sovereignty and my choice and my free will away which should not ever happen.

Kit Heintzman 38:26
Have you had much have you had many interactions where you've negotiated your boundaries around safety with other people in your social world?

Denali Veda 38:40
I have not really needed to other than with a few clients so I just no longer work with people that are aligned with my beliefs ended up just gravitating towards me and and so far, I've just been really lucky that you know, no one that I've worked with it personally has wanted me to wear a mask, you know, because that just goes against if they really wanted me I would wear it but I believe they're we're not supposed to be breathing out of plastic and their side effects are wearing these masks all day as well. And they're breeding grounds for these kids are just wearing the same mask every day. And that's not good or healthy. either. And then all the litter we just created with all these masks, oh my gosh, and gloves. But um, yeah, safety can be used, you know, they play word they use words. They use word trickery. When saying, you know, vaccines are safe and effective, according to who? And according to the people that paid for them. Sorry. But I we went we know how to protect yourself from diseases from viruses and it's hygiene. It's eating healthy. It's living what I live and you'll have a strong immune system. And you won't have to worry about what diseases and viruses are going around or other people have.

Kit Heintzman 40:13
What are some of the ways that you've helped clients navigate the anxieties of our moment?

Denali Veda 40:22
By finding themselves by finding their center by finding peace within, and that's how anyone and we all should, you know, deal with anxieties is realized anxiety. Anxiety is created in our own mind, and it's whatever we agree to believe and agree to focus on. So if I just think I'm gonna get sick, I'm gonna get sick, everybody's sick. You know, I'm, you're gonna create that and you're gonna live in fear and live in this horrible state of fear constantly. Because they don't know how to turn that voice off, or take the power away from that voice. And we have a lot of negative voices that are in our mind, and we should not listen to them. And they're not even our own thoughts, necessarily. Which sounds crazy, but I can try to explain that if you and if you understand what I'm saying. So different, what you want to hear about different voices in our head, okay.

Kit Heintzman 41:23
I absolutely do.

Denali Veda 41:26
So, spirit talks to all of us. And we all have what's called our higher self, which is our spirit, which is our soul. And then we also have a persona of the ego that will speak in our mind. But essentially, these sound the same in our head. And what I teach people is we must listen to the higher self, the soul. And that's how we use our intuition is by following those thought forms, that are going to help us become more of the highest self will take us on the right path to keep us on the right path that were meant for. And where the ego is going to inject fear, the ego is going to inject pride, the ego, the ego is going to inject some sort of form of suffering, because it likes to suffer and it likes to be a victim in many ways, in a lot of people's ego programming that needs rewritten and they need a new positive, empowering self love and understanding and forgiving program. And forgiving themselves. A lot of people don't even ever forgive themselves for past mistakes. Which is so sad that they torture themselves. I realize we all torture ourselves, most of all, we're all our own worst enemy. And especially when we listen to the ego, listen to the lower self, you could call it but so we all have next time I kind of like to talk about imagine the cartoons when there's an angel on one shoulder and a demon on another. So it's literally like we can imagine that and say okay, well I'm gonna listen to the angel or maybe I'm being a little naughty. Okay, I'll listen to a little with the devil said today. I feel like being naughty. No, I'm kidding. But it is it's it's very empowering. When you figure this out. That there are forces that cause negative thought and feed off negative thought and negative energy. And the more you empower them, and feed them and drain yourself and hurt yourself, when you do those things, and thinking negative programs, when you hate yourself, you're hurting yourself. And you're hurting your Creator. And a lot of my healing and awakening, it took me years to love myself unconditionally. So I went through I was raised by a narcissist, I was raised by people with a lot of demons more than a broken home that I came from. And I think my story is one of victory. And I didn't fall for those addictions like my parents did. And depression and just I took the aspects of the best parts of both of my parents and became those and then put my own spin on it. And so we don't have to be like our parents. We don't have to be cursed with their curses. We can break any curse. We can break old train trends or old chains basically. You can break any chain we all can and you have to believe that you can. And there's always hope most of all, never lose hope and people have lost their hope. And I hope I bring that back or we can bring that back and it is coming.

Kit Heintzman 44:42
What are some of the ways you've noticed that hope gets eroded in people?

Denali Veda 44:49
They’ll get depressed. They will, you know, not live their best lives not be the best version of themselves and maybe eat unhealthy or maybe drink more or, you know, watch more mind things that are going to numb their mind or play video games or be on social media, you know, more and more and more. So it's, it looks different for everyone, depending where you are. But yeah.

Kit Heintzman 45:23
Do you have much of a sense of how the pandemic has affected your two children?

Denali Veda 45:32
I think my daughter is very strong, I don't see as it's affected her or phased her at all. And I would say also with my son, other than he homeschooled the last two years, and, but if anything, it has helped us grow closer, and it's not for everyone. And it's, it's challenging has its challenges, especially trying to motivate teenagers is very challenging. So and he says, he's not a teenager, and I’m like yes you are, you act like one. But I know it's really affected a lot of kids bad, but I've seen his friends seem to be healthy and happy. And again, it's all on the resilience of the children. And it shows these children really are resilient, or mine are at least I don't know.

Kit Heintzman 46:24
What are some of your hopes for a longer term future?

Denali Veda 46:30
Some of my hopes are we get a true, you know, the true systems corrected and bring back you know, true healing, true community, true family, all the things that I said, from the future that humans evolved to understand we are all family, we all need to work together, we all need to put our differences aside and put our pride down, put our ego down and work together because we're all really need to realize we're all on the same team. And there's no need to fight and there's no need to hate and there's we're hurting ourselves every time we hurt someone else. And if humans can understand that it is a great is it a it's a great gift to understand and know that and for me, I never was a person that ever tried to hurt another soul like purposely. And but I would abuse myself mentally I would tell myself, nobody loved me. I would tell myself, I nobody wants me in this world. And I thought the world would be better off without me a lot of my life. And I realized how wrong and negative and how hurtful and sinful even it was to think that way about myself. And I was tricked and deceived into thinking that way about myself. And just because I've always been different. I had been different and knew I was different. And I've never been accepted by society in general. I was bullied at every school I went to and I never understood until now. All of that again made me stronger and helped me prepare me for times ahead in times of struggle I've had that I'll be okay. I've already walked through hell I've already been through hell. So I'm, I survived and I'm going to heaven now. And living in heaven now. There's actually New Earth is going to be like heaven on earth more of paradise on earth like what the Garden of Eden was, this is the Garden of Eden to point out with that's coming. So it'll be even the angels and guides have told me it'll be even better. And I know it sounds fantastical. It's it's impossible to believe we can have an almost perfect world and have humans that get along but it is true. And we've had this in the past. Atlantis was a great golden age and golden world empire. Prior to the follow on where men fell into corruption men fell into greed men fell away from creator. And that led us into the dark ages, destruction. And it's the time where we are realigning with the divine ways to divine truth and we're going to have a beautiful world that awaits us. And we already live in a beautiful world. And the more we open our eyes and acknowledge that and wake up I wake up grateful every day for my life just to open that I have eyes to see that I have ears to hear that I can hug my children and walk and just things that again I took I used to take for granted or that every time I take a hot bath I'm so grateful that I have hot water that I have, you know clean not that I have the best water but primarily clean water from our city. And so, so grateful and the more we remember and are thankful for every little thing that Creator gives to us. You learn to live in heaven and you become heaven and you become the peace and you are raising your vibration every time you're grateful. And every time you do something with energetic love and positivity, you are blessing yourself and you're blessing the collective.

Kit Heintzman 50:13
Tell me more about what it means to have vibrations.

Denali Veda 50:18
Everything is energy, everything is vibration and has vibrations, I use healing vibrations, you could say or healing frequencies in my work. I started sleeping to them like binaural beats and solfeggio or meditation, music and chanting music, Tibetan Shan tiene. They're all very powerful in forms of a vibration. But, you know, I think people don't understand the power of music, or the power of vibration or frequency, which it's all really you could set music is frequency we had originally, music was tuned and made to a certain frequency and it was changed at one point to a disharmonic or 40 Hertz. And so if you look at the solfeggio, there's 432 is one that I use a lot, and 528. But each different frequency will affect different organ systems and different types of healing. So and it's very interesting. And I would love to have scientific, like evidence of this in the future and will be great. And I think that'll be coming. And just to show, you know, you can heal blood pressure, you can heal whatever it is. And it all starts with what frequency we're on. And these frequencies slowly start to integrate, the more we listen to him, like I listened to healing frequency pretty much all day, as I work in in my healing room and in my house. And that's just a good tip, I tell all my clients to do listen to it as much as you can, because it's the easiest homework you can do literally and sleeping to it, you're going to upgrade yourself so much and heal your soul so much just by listening to peaceful music. So music is powerful. And you know, we're going to we're going to know I have a friend working on creating like, mainstream Healing Music, like where we take solfeggio’s and use this and think about concerts where everyone goes to and receives healing instead of a disharmonic you know, low vibrational frequency that a lot of the, you know, the music industry is putting out as to keep people sick and unhealthy and low vibration. But so yeah, solfeggio frequencies, you can just you can find them on YouTube, I tell people, whatever, you know, find whatever you like, whatever calls to you. And you know, I change mine up according to my client, each one will need different frequencies as well. But and they help clients reach the states of subconscious where we can get the deep, deep, you know, deeper sessions and the connection to the subconscious or what we call the higher self when we get the brain into such a deep relaxed state.

Kit Heintzman 53:17
Do you have much of a sense of how your clients find you?

Denali Veda 53:22
Really word of mouth. And I think sometimes Google and social media, mainly social media.

Kit Heintzman 53:37
You've mentioned earlier anticipating new healing technologies, but also return to old healing technologies. I'd love to hear about some of the ones you want to see us have that are new and some of the ones that you want us to see again.

Denali Veda 53:53
Well, what I know it's confusing to say the old we had more advanced technology in ancient times. We don't know how the pyramids were built. Obviously ancient technology was involved. There was crystal technology that we're getting back to that and people you know that are afraid of crystals and that's witchcraft or whatever crystals are biblical. Crystals are in your cell phone. They're in your your watch, they're in our computers and TVs and without that I guess everyone's a witch for watching TV and using their phone now. So we need to understand it is just crystals are a tool they can amplify energy and they can store they they basically store information and that's why they're used in computers such as chips. But crystals are going to be a part of the future as well coming back they're already beginning I use a bio quantum healing mat that has Amethyst crystal and quartz I'm sorry I couldn't remember and some Tourmaline as well. And this is a frequency healing biomat that has infrared heat red light therapy as a negative ions that ground your energy. So it's four powerful therapies and one and things like this are going to be more in the future. Back to old ways getting massages, getting a Thai massage, hot oil massage draining and, and doing more cleansing and detoxing, like we see in Ayurveda. And that's so important to stay healthy. And that just like if you think about if we never cleaned our house, how disgusting would our house be? So think about our insides, the people that have never done cleanses and detoxing or proper ones. So the immense help that you get alone from just changing, you know, detoxing and cleansing. And that's the beginning of healing as well. And it's uncomfortable, but you can do it.

Kit Heintzman 55:50
How do you understand some of the stigma in our moment around things like witchcraft, holistic, practices, spiritual practices?

Denali Veda 56:04
And they're very frustrating, it's very frustrating, because people are so judgmental, and so close minded. Especially people who call themselves Christian, I've had the most problem with people that are very fundamental Christian. And it's just sad, because, you know, they aren't even open to hearing my perspective, or how I could help and how I help others. And so I feel like, you know, I feel sad for them, really, because I feel like they are missing out. And, but they're not ready, and we all evolve and grow and awaken. And not everyone will grow or evolve, and they're gonna be, you know, they're gonna be left to suffer if they don't. But I have dealt with that, and, you know, even within my own family and extended family, and I'm just, you really have to, I think, I don't know, if I have a thick skin, I would say, just understand ignorance, that this is an ignorant thing to say and to think. And it's offense, you know, I don't call myself a witch, I don't want to be called a witch. And that's really trendy. And a lot of people do that now. And a lot of people, you know, there's people that think it's cool to curse people or want to do dark things. And, you know, I don't do any of that. And I don't want to be affiliated with that. And I'm also not what people call New Age, if anything, Christianity is New Age, actually. And it's funny, there's just so much ignorance and indoctrination that has happened. So I kind of I just realized at a at a at a very quick level where a person's indoctrination is and that I'm not going to convince them of anything that I do or need or nor do I need to, because those aren't my people. And, you know, I don't expect to you know, I'm not popular, what I say is not popular. I don't care about being popular. So I think I've been a rebel always and, you know, my books that I'm writing is extremely controversial. I say, if something happens to me, you know, I think the government took me because a lot of what I say the government doesn't like which, you know, I believe I'm divinely protected and I'm well within my rights and freedom of speech. So I will stand on that.

Kit Heintzman 58:32
I just want to invite some space for anything more you might want to say about your experiences with the government and your relationship to life.

Denali Veda 58:47
Well, I would like as little relationship as possible. My perspective I It's hard to say what my relationship is discontent I have a discontent relationship, very dissatisfied with our government. Do I have I have hope it can change and I have hoped for better ways and better things to come. And I believe there there are ways and systems that do work and can work and it's just gonna take it's gonna take a lot of I feel like things are gonna have to fall apart before that can happen, because nobody knows how did that in between, nobody can figure out or hopefully we can, that would be great if we can find the middle ground and why not.

Kit Heintzman 59:47
Where I lean into your word of perspective, might would the answer be different?

Denali Veda 59:54
My perspective of the government is there evil. There's a lot of evil in the government and there has been historically a lot of evil leaders that have done horrendous vile you know other word the you know unjust so much and unjust things have been done to first nations around the world and in the name of religion a lot of crimes have been committed in the name of God in the name of just Rome and and the Vatican and agendas of politics. It's really all political, and they just call it they use religion to control as well. So I say my religion is love and I don't affiliate with and and I actually call myself an ominous which means I believe there's truth in multiple religions. So I'm constantly studying, I'm studying Buddhism, Hinduism, First Nations and connecting back to my ancestors by doing those things as well.

Kit Heintzman 1:01:03
How are you feeling about the immediate future?

Denali Veda 1:01:07
Hopeful, very hopeful, because I've seen it, I've seen the future. I felt it and I believe in it. And this has been prophesized this new Earth that is coming that you know, even if people that have no faith and have no religion are atheist, there's going to be so many things happening in the next few years that they will be shown signs they will start to see. And as long as it my perspective is the things are beautiful, that are coming, what a lot of others might probably is not that and but the more people that believe what I believe, the more we are going to change the world the more we raise the vibration of the entire planet collectively. And as long as enough believers believe in a beautiful future we're going to manifest that because again, what I believe is our thoughts create our reality as well. So if you believe it's the end of the world, and everybody's cursed, and everything's just going to hell, then that could be your reality and your perception. And I hope it's not or for whoever that is not what a sad way to live. If it is the end of the world. You want to make the best of it right? live your best life follow your dreams, follow your heart dance and sing again I dance and sing every day if I don't it's like oh, why didn't I dance today? I let myself down I let spirit down.

Kit Heintzman 1:02:54
Who's been supporting you throughout the course of the pandemic?

Denali Veda 1:03:02
Just my husband and my children and some close friends and my spirit team and my spirit guardians and guides and of course creator.

Kit Heintzman 1:03:16
Would you share anything about how your dynamic in relationship with your husband has been affected?

Denali Veda 1:03:26
I think we have a stronger relationship and learned a lot about each other in those times and we both been on a healing journey and awakening journey together and have empowered each other by think you know, pushing each other to change and and but in a way that's loving and sometimes you have to be uncomfortable again with each other at times when something needs worked on or something needs to change but everything's very easy and very flowing and you know very happy with my relationship and where I'm proud of my husband and who he is and who he is became involved in just the past three years.

Kit Heintzman 1:04:09
And what are some of the ways that you've been taking care of yourself?

Denali Veda 1:04:16
Well, I am fasting more than I have. Previously. I've always done intermittent fasting I've done that for seven years. And I'm at this point I am only eating one meal and one snack a day and I realized I'm perfectly satisfied with that and I cannot eat even the meals that I eat a very small portion like yesterday I had five shrimp and two pieces of watermelon and a piece of toast and in some other fruit and that sort of thing. So, but I drink so many herbs medicinally each day I'm getting tons that's how I get my main medicine is everyday start my day with a special medicinal blend. that I make whatever it feels that I'm needing or what I'm craving. But so I drink two to three cups of that through the day plenty of water. And I'm drinking a collagen elixir right now that I add spirulina, Himalayan salt, chia seeds and fresh squeezed lemon and off sweetened with stevia or honey and that's that's helping me I'm still healing my joints from the lyme that did a lot of damage on my cartilage and ligaments and joints. So I'm taking that to help rebuild and strengthen my bones and joints. And but so I fast I feel actually more more energy from and I'm fasting and eating less but with the combination of all of my lifestyle I, I credit to that with not being stressed with not. With just not being anything like my old version of myself 10 years ago, it's just, you know, I'm living my best life somehow I, It's, I couldn't imagine I didn't know this would happen even like this, until you reach this level of happiness and joy, and peace of who you are. Peace of knowing who you are. And it doesn't matter if people accept me or not as part of that as well, that I still love myself if others don't love me or accept me or understand me. And really, we all have to do that. And even if they're not on the level and speaking on the things and teaching about the things that I am that are way out there for most people, it could be subtle things that we just need to incorporate, and start letting the world know this is really who I am. And this is really who I want to be. And either you love me or you don't and so okay.

Kit Heintzman 1:06:59
I'm coming to the end of my questions, and they're a bit odd.

Denali Veda 1:07:02

Kit Heintzman 1:07:05
What do you think people in the humanities and social sciences, so departments and fields like sociology and film studies and history, what do you think we should be doing right now to help us understand the human and social side of this experience?

Denali Veda 1:07:25
More documentaries, I love documentaries that's really been watching documentaries for years and documenting Holistic Health, documenting spiritual healers, documenting the success cases and the happy things and the beautiful things in the blessings and the miracles because so many people are just focusing on the fires and the shortages and the sickness and the crime or inflation. So we need perspective of hope and love and that things are not as bad as they see. Things are not as bad as a lot of the media and the government's want people to believe they are.

Kit Heintzman 1:08:11
What are some of the what are some of the things that the government is identifying and the media is identifying as all bad or harmful or fear mongering that worry you right now?

Denali Veda 1:08:30
Well, I couldn't tell you because I don't watch it. And that's one of the first things I tell people turn off the news. The only reason I get I see world events is because on Facebook or or tick tock actually. And then I hear from people that are not paid by the government, or paid by a corporation and hearing from the people I listen to the people's news. But from what I know from the past is it's you know, everyone needs to be afraid of this virus and then the next virus and then a variation of that and just keep getting vaccines and but what else? Oh, then there's food shortages. What else do they talk about? It's always just fear mongering in general. And some sort of division or people arguing, debating not even that respectfully

Denali Veda 1:09:35
Yeah, I don't know. There's what we need. We don't have cable when did we cancel cable? I think a lot of people don't have cable anymore. But I think social media is the new media. Where you know, most people are going to instead of watching the news anymore, and instead of watching cable or whatever, people are watching shows or just on social media, watching videos on YouTube and things like that, and that's what I've been doing and actually it's helped me learn I've learned a lot just from tick tock I love tick tock, actually, it's such I don't know if you're on there. But I'm learning Chinese, I'm seeing cultures from all over the world so intimately. I am meeting new friends all over the world and connecting with more people all over the world, more people are finding me and connecting with me. So I think that's the future is the people are already doing something about the issues. And that's where we'll have the real change. The real change always comes from the people more than the institution's. At first, it's grassroots. So essentially, you know, people that were famous, you had to be approved and be, you know, you know, now people are truly choosing who they want to follow on social media. And then they're gaining celebrity for whatever it is they're doing when so it's more of a natural way of who people really truly resonate with without somebody being forced on to them as a celebrity.

Kit Heintzman 1:11:06
If you could talk, I mean, you can through this interview. So imagine you're imagining yourself as talking to some historian and the future, someone far enough in the future, that they have no lived experience of the moment that we're inside. What would you tell them cannot be forgotten about this moment, as they went forth with their work, thinking about the history of this pandemic?

Denali Veda 1:11:38
That this is not the end, this is not the end, this is a new beginning. And when every door closes, God opens new doors for us. And we can never lose hope. We can never lose the hope. Or then we've given up living essentially, or we're half awake, we're half alive. And whether you want to feed your family, whatever your dreams are, you just want to survive. If you are just living at such, you're living in a rate of survival, or in a essence of survival mode, if so many, like so many people are and they're gonna burn and crash if they continue that lifestyle in that mindset. If they don't choose, you know, a different path. And we all have that choice going forward for now. And hopefully, we'll we'll have that choice. But I believe, you know, tom, who's it? I can't think of it. Oh, there's a quote I like to share and I can't think of it now. Sorry. I'm gonna repeat myself. No, no. But it's a quote from one of our founding fathers that said, if we let the government choose what medicine we would we take, we would be sick as dogs. And that's what's happening, or it's something like that. I will have to, if I had time to google it, I haven't said it in a while. So shoot, but [both talking at the same time]

Kit Heintzman 1:13:05
You can send it to me later.

Denali Veda 1:13:07
Okay, I definitely agree with that. And I think we have to fight for what is sacred and stand on what is sacred and what we believe in. And for me, that is holistic healing. For me, that is my spirituality. For me, that is being able to raise my family and live a life as I see fit and how I choose to live, as long as I'm not hurting, harming or inflicting or causing harm to anyone else. And if anything, what I do and what I teach is a blessing, and is only helping people. And we all can choose like everything we do in every moment, we can choose to have it be a blessing or a curse. And when we live life, we start to live life as everything can be a blessing. It's a beautiful way to live. It's just perspective. All people have to do is realize it's our thinking, changing your thoughts can change your life. And it sounds It's really that easy. It's not easy to do. It's really that easy to understand. Because it took me a long time and I fail a masters failed so many times. So and I'm sure I'll fail again.

Kit Heintzman 1:14:30
I want to thank you so much for the generosity of your time and the beauty of your answers. Those are all of the questions I know how to ask at this moment, but if there's anything you'd like to say that my questions haven't made room for, please take some space and say it.

Denali Veda 1:14:48
Well, I thank you for connecting with me it's it it was beautiful to to have this connection in this meeting. And I'm very I'm grateful for you and I'm grateful for the work that you're doing and And I think it's important work that you're doing as well. And I want to acknowledge that for you and acknowledge who you are as an amazing person. And a being that has a lot to offer this world. And, of course, it's up to you how much you're gonna let us have or let us see like anyone, how much are you gonna give back to the world? And how much are you gonna let them see or maybe we're not ready for people to see everything yet. That's okay. But I, I just want humans to remember and people to remember who we are, we're all family. We all need to come together. And remember, our differences can be put aside and how much better our lives can be and how much healthier and happier we can be when we stop competing when we stop living in fear, stop, you know, being living these matrix lifestyles that are only that have been hurting us and are hurting future generations if we don't if we do not change. So I believe we can I know we can I know humans are resilient and amazing. And I’ve, I've seen you know, like I said the future that is great, that awaits us. And so I'd like to bless you and thank you for your time. It was an honor to meet with you and connect with you and I'm sure I'll be hearing more about you in the future. I feel like as well.

Kit Heintzman 1:16:33
Thank you so much.

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