
Confidential Oral History, 2022/09/08


Title (Dublin Core)

Confidential Oral History, 2022/09/08

Description (Dublin Core)

Self Description - "Well, I am from New Zealand, obviously, because of my accent. And I am sort of, I like to be kind of like outside of culture, looking, looking at it sort of, you know, once removed. And so I'm a researcher, and a writer, because of that, and visionary, I see things either in visions or dreams, often telling me about the future. And when I go blind, that is pretty scary, because I don't know what's coming up."
Some of the things we discussed include:
Having prophetic dreams and visions; reincarnation; Kundalini awakening.
The early days of the pandemic feeling like the apocalypse; living in a dystopia.
Finding like minded people, red pills.
Surviving chemical warfare; symptoms after chemtrails.
Cycles of environmental catastrophe.
Online friendships.
Trauma’s impact on the brain.
Being dismissed as a conspiracy theorist; outsider.
Increased productivity during the pandemic.
Not having a voice in childhood.
Intergenerational trauma.
Thinking 1000 years in the future.
Having a connection with God.
Feeling more security through doing research.
Craving an intellectual community.
Degeneration, technological improvements to the human, eugenics, and evolution.

Cultural references: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Andreas Noak, Star Trek, Valentina Zharkova, Ken Wilber, David Hudson, Viktoras Kulvinskas, Bill Mollison, The Black Death, Bill Gates, The Matrix, YouTube, BitChute, JFK

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

September 8, 2022

Creator (Dublin Core)

Kit Heintzman

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Kit Heintzman

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Biography
English Religion
English Health & Wellness
English Government Federal

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

conspiracy theorist
red pill
new world order

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

social media

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Kit Heintzman

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)


Location (Omeka Classic)

United States of America

Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Having prophetic dreams and visions; reincarnation; Kundalini awakening. The early days of the pandemic feeling like the apocalypse; living in a dystopia. Finding like minded people, red pills. Surviving chemical warfare; symptoms after chemtrails. Cycles of environmental catastrophe. Online friendships. Trauma’s impact on the brain. Being dismissed as a conspiracy theorist; outsider. Increased productivity during the pandemic. Not having a voice in childhood. Intergenerational trauma. Self-experimentation. Thinking 1000 years in the future. Having a connection with God. Feeling more security through doing research. Craving an intellectual community. Degeneration, technological improvements to the human, eugenics, and evolution.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Confidential 00:00
I wish to be anonymous so I can't give my name. And the date is Thursday, the 8th, September 2022. And I'm in Colorado, USA.

Kit Heintzman 00:18
Do you consent to having this interview recorded, digitally uploaded and publicly released under a Creative Commons license attribution noncommercial sharealike?

Confidential 00:28
Yes, I do.

Kit Heintzman 00:29
Thank you so much for being here. Would you please start by just introducing yourself to anyone who's listening? What would you want them to know about the person they're listening to?

Confidential 00:39
Well, I am from New Zealand, obviously, because of my accent. And I am sort of, I like to be kind of like outside of culture, looking, looking at it sort of, you know, once removed. And so I'm a researcher, and a writer, because of that, and visionary, I see things either in visions or dreams, often telling me about the future. And when I go blind, that is pretty scary, because I don't know what's coming up.

Kit Heintzman 01:26
Would you tell me a story about what life has been like over the last few years for you?

Confidential 01:34
Two years, uh, well. It is been kind of the revelation of ongoing anxiety about the way that the world was going. And then suddenly, it was kind of like, the Apocalypse was here. So and, and I was researching, and didn't really have any people to talk to, on a face to face basis, most of the time, occasionally would come like drop a hint, and then you would know that that person has red pills, and you'd be able to have a conversation. Otherwise, I just basically respected everybody's reality level, where they were at. Because it's too scary. To be read, pulling everybody you meet, you know, it's, it's not good, but it's very lonely. I don't know how many people there are out there. And I haven't joined any groups. Except for online, obviously. And then that so, so online, social media has been a lifesaver. Because that's where we're all communicating. We're all sharing information. And it's, you know, immediate, immediately dispersed. And so we're all up on things. We are still stuck in the storm, not knowing where where the exit of it actually is. But we are going to basically just move on and create the kind of society that we actually want you know, rather rather than basically just watching the shit show.

Kit Heintzman 03:44
When did you first hear about COVID-19?

Confidential 03:48
Golly, well, I suppose just through through online media, I suppose you know, I don't really watch mainstream news except to see what they're all about. And, and then of course, the hotel that I worked at, closed down for two months which was which is great for writing that but yeah, can't really say the the exact moment, so.

Kit Heintzman 04:22
What were your impressions early on?

Confidential 04:26
Um, well, for five seconds, I was scared. And and then and then the who done it, why and the and how was so interesting. And, and and the rabbit hole was so deep, and we'd often so many directions and everything was connected. That I lost my fear, you know, really fast. Because I had also experienced bio warfare prior to that in Boulder and I can't remember the exact year it was either to 2015 or 2016. In probably in February, when there was a 3 day, chemtrails spray which left me with flu I never get colds or flus but it was it was alien it was not a normal biological entity because it caused my cell plasmas to start leaking. And it created lesions on the inside of my nostrils from breathing breath from breathing, whatever it was in and then the the cell plasma created crystals around the nostrils and we're in also around that the eyes in any kind of opening wouldn't grow these these crystals are byproducts of cell plasma. And, and, and then, you know, gave you a prefrontal lobe lobotomy because it goes through the sinuses and up into the, into the prefrontal lobes. And, and then after the flu, all the, you know, respiratory flu symptoms and stuff that lasted. Those only lasted a couple of weeks. But I was I was left with permanent little tiny minut itchy spots on the my upper back, they sometimes go down the arms, depending on how much sugar or fruit or whatever I eat. And so it's like wearing a hair shirt. So that that is that is my, you know, my cross to bear for experience drink bio warfare on the people. If this, this city that I live in Colorado. Which I probably already told you where it is. Yeah, yeah. So that was that was really, really interesting because it was like 100 trails spray for three days. And so they were they were trying it out, they were trying to either give the appearance of probably bird flu or swine flu because of swine flu was 15, They were trying to actually create a, an initial learning experiment. And they probably did it to multiple cities around the world during that time, because they also did the same thing with COVID. And and you could see it on NASA worldview, you could actually see all of its COVID sprays all over the place. Even they even tried to get Iran you can't fly over Iran. They tried to get Iran because they sprayed over Pakistan. And then they sprayed up lines, long lines up the Gulf so that the air would go over over in Persian Gulf.

Kit Heintzman 08:28
I'd be so grateful, if you would let me know more about what it was like for you after the first exposure.

Confidential 08:37
You mean the

Kit Heintzman 08:38
What was it like for you to notice that you were getting sick and then sort of like, where did you turn to what did that look like?

Confidential 08:45
Well, I had been researching the chemtrails for years because I was following the tree death in Boulder and I was trying to figure out why all the trees were dying and I even approached [inaudible] up on the hill but just got rebuffs from them because I didn't follow up once I realized their intellectual level was in the toilet with what they were saying like what does the ozone layer have to do with tree health you know and stuff like that. All they have to do is walk outside and the actual head of incur told me that the tree death was caused by drought but if you'd walked down to the creek you would see the trees in where they have their roots in the in the creek are dying in the exact same pattern as all the other trees in the area and probably in the northern hemisphere. So first, I thought it was Fukushima. And I thought it was the chemtrails or combo and then finally I realized what it was it was the grand solar minimum. The holes, the coronal holes on the sun, where we're basically pole the pole, the massive massive coronal holes that were pumping out. X rays, gamma rays and And UVC and even cosmic rays and also, but the overall solar wind had gone down. And so that means our magnetic field reduces and the atmosphere it was last three kilometers even. So it had less protection. And then we're exposed to these really intense rays coming out of these coronal holes. And the gamma, a cosmic rays go right through the earth and they actually heat the the magma as a as a, as it goes through, which is increasing the Vulcan you know, volcanic activity in the earthquakes and everything. But it the gamma rays actually go to at least 10 feet into the ground. So that means, you know, a lot of the roots get killed as well. But so not only that trees, it's eating the concrete and the brick and the roads and the cars and the houses and the fences, it's just eating them all up with the oxidation. And so, so anyway, so that I was watching the I was watching the destruction of the environment, and then just trying to find the reason why I was really frantic for a little while. Not not very long, though, because, you know, because of the because of weapons, I realized it was the sun. And you know, there's nothing you can do. It's just a fascinating cycle on the planet, you know. Very fascinating.

Kit Heintzman 11:33
Going back to your experience. What was it like when you when you noticed that you were feeling sick. after exposure?

Confidential 11:45

Kit Heintzman 11:46
What did you do?

Confidential 11:49
Well, I just upped my normal you know, healing things, because I do a lot of herbs and oils and teas and, and things like that. So I was just, I was just curious and I was just watching it was kind of fascinating because I usually don't get sick. So it was a fascinating experience to actually go through not only an illness, but a what seemed like a high tech freaky alien illness because you could actually kind of like feel it in your flesh like like nano Nano robots, you know, you could actually feel you know, the, the, the pathogen or whatever it was. But I worked out recently through through the work of this truly amazing German doctor who basically was killed off by the German police that it was the suit the camp those those chemtrails sprays, were probably graphing hydroxide, which in when in biology, they are the, they're like, just a, an atom thick. And they form this lattice, six sided ladder, so they act like razor blades in biology, and then they just like, kind of like cut, cut, cut and so that in combination with, possibly, I don't know that it was a bacteria or a virus that they put in the mix, but probably both. The graphene oxide is the transporter, and a major bio weapon and it's in its own right, and then they would have added all kinds of other shit in there as well. Including some kind of pathogen, probably probably it was a, an RNA sequence like prior on that, that they would kind of give the impression that it was a natural, natural virus, because the spike protein is basically a prime RNA pronoun. And so and we know prions give you mad cow disease and in the whole thing, you know, Marburg and in everything so, so that combo of the, you know, the RNA with the high with the graphene hydroxide is wow, you know, it's it's true. It's true. It's genius, but it's truly it's truly evil genius. You know, how long ago was this? Well, I don't have anything to absolutely date it completely because, uh, because you know, as time goes, you can't be absolutely certain. But it was either 2015 or 2016 in February.

Kit Heintzman 15:19
[inaudible] symptoms

Confidential 15:21
Of full moon yeah, I still have the little sometimes if I'm down, I still can feel the the lesions a little bit, you know, and obviously, I've probably got my prefrontal lobes whipped. Just explain my dementia. But yes, so I still had the little itchies, they come and go, but mostly they're with me every single day to one degree or another. And, and so I spray them. I spray them with essential oils and colloidal silver and and and I really should like go on a ketogenic diet that would eliminate them altogether, but I'm too, I'm too lazy or whatever for that. Just yet, I might get desperate.

Kit Heintzman 16:20
Have you ever spoken to any kind of medical professional about that?

Confidential 16:25
Absolutely not, that would be suicidal.

Kit Heintzman 16:29
Tell me why.

Confidential 16:30
I wouldn't, well, I wouldn't be able to trust any, because that they have been assimilated by the book. You know, I mean, there's an enormous amount of medical professionals that are pushed pushing back either either, it's just to leave their job to save their lives, basically, because they, you know, they don't want to be a party to this global eugenics call. But I There are labs that I you know, that are working on the, on the, on the light side of things, where I could get my blood tested. But I would, I used to work in a in a lab in New Zealand, for a while squatting grass scrubs, and, and then and then counting the viral load and the bacterial load. So I would be able to look at the blood and you know, and then try and figure out what that pathogen is. Because if it's, if it's actually RNA, and it's gone into my system, you wouldn't be able to find it as a you know, you wouldn't be able to find it as a distinct biological agent, because it's like part of me now.

Kit Heintzman 18:01
So curious, to whatever extent you're comfortable sharing, would you say something about your sort of earlier experiences with health and healthcare infrastructure? So have you ever seen a doctor and if so,

Confidential 18:18
Yes. No, they, I love doctors. And and I've always had absolutely perfect you know, interactions with them. I love dentist, love them. Um, and so you know, to the point where they're more on my side than the appearance because they're a lot more intelligent and, and caring and know what's going on. And so, yeah, yeah, love doctors. I love the profession. But I would love to actually completely transform it. It's, it's, it's, it's gone to the devil with the pharmaceutical industry over the last 150 years. And but it will turn around and I think COVID is going to turn it around. I think that there's going to be complete one way or another, it's going to stop what they're doing, you know, and along with the pathological medicine that goes along with the pathological food industry, all of that's got to stop because humanity it kind of like on last legs as it is, and we cannot endure. I mean, it's gonna be left on the planet that is basically sane and living to the good, you know? After they've done done all of their plandemics one after the The other that they will attempt to do, so they have to be stopped. And I just don't know exactly how to stop because they've they have you know, assimilated the, the, you know, the governments and the institutions and the military and the whole thing. But I think there's going to be so much injury from the this vaccine, this jab, I shouldn't say that it's gonna go, it's gonna continue for hundreds of years the from from this vaccine. I don't know how it's going to actually get out of out of the genetic pool. But it's going to just cause enormous ill health for hundreds of years with with just basically what they've done so far. And, and so there's going to be an enormous wave of pushback against us one way or another. And they and I doubt whether they can, they can pull the net into to do their social credit, totalitarian state that they're trying to bring in, globally. And so, you know, I don't see how they can win because they're working against life. And, and, and if you work against what the human is, and you work against the life principle, there's, there's no hope for you, you're going to be you know, you're going to be eliminate one way or another. You know.

Kit Heintzman 21:56
You mentioned, having been pretty alone over the last couple of years, I'm wondering if there have been friends or family that you've been interacting with?

Confidential 22:10
Oh,well, I mean, I don't go into this with family, I did try and warn them not to take the jabs. Because, you know, the obvious consequences. But, and then, one of my sisters, she's not a researcher like me, but she she just basically into, into intuitively knew that this was evil. And so, but her children took the jab, so that they could be part of, you know, ongoing culture. And so, friends, I have just a couple of friends here. But most of my friends are online. And they're the highest level friends you could ask for, even though it's just, you know, in written form

Kit Heintzman 23:11
Tell me about them.

Confidential 23:14
Oh, well, we were, I don't know, we're probably billions at this point. So my friends are billions. And we're swapping information. And you know, we're giving giving each other the the latest on all the protocols and the the natural use NET uses of herbs and things to counteract the spike. Like, for example, the latest thing that I found was Jandy, Lone leaf, and I make green smoothies, so, and there's plenty of dandelions around here. So I'm starting to put them in my green smoothies. But I was I was doing green smoothies with with other herbs as well, which are equally as useful, like garlic mustard, and things like that. And so, next question.

Kit Heintzman 24:14
I'd love to hear how you found yourself in this community.

Confidential 24:20
All well, no, people find me through my blatherings, I wake up in the morning and I have stuff to say. And so I write it down because I'm, I'm writing a book on it's a psychological manual for from getting from this farmed human state, which is I call the serial victim. And that's involved. It's like the dead food and the, the, you know, the alcohol addiction with all the addictions and the trials. Sexual abuse and wife beating and basically childhood trauma, all the things that go into childhood trauma, including, you know, the trauma that you get in school or whatever. And so the traumatized brain is obviously not the full human brain. You know, if you've ever seen a non traumatized person, they're very few and far between, but they're a completely different animal. You know, they're, they're, you know, they have so much light and, and radiant, uplifting energy and, and it's stuff like that open ended potential, and just all these positive, you know, qualities, but they just naturally have them because they don't have this weight of trauma, having having to fight to basically be in your own skin, which is what it feels like, you know, especially in childhood trauma, because you get traumatized in the womb. And then you get traumatized when you come out and then with the siblings, and then, you know, actually, I didn't get traumatized in school at all. Which is remarkable. And, and then you realize that the whole culture is pathological, you know, the patriarchal war fearing, you know, culture is pathological. And so there's trauma involved with realizing that. So, so it's like, you leave your father's house, and then you're in a biggest father's house. And so, my, my book that I'm writing is, you know, on, you know, transcending the serial victim state. And, and it's personally useful for me to write it.

Kit Heintzman 27:12
Why is that?

Confidential 27:13
Well, because I can actually feel myself becoming stronger, because I work everything out and when there's a problem and it just like it eats away at you, and you know, you feel traumatized. Just really yucky. And because the Science Society reflects back to you your own wounding, because because it's a pathological and people actually trying to get energy off you and so they basically you know, try and try and I call it extracting louche, which is just the energy of anxiety and anxiety fear, trauma, you know, and it's it's it's all lumped into this notion of louche which is something that you know, people people that that like to attack others, either psychologically, emotionally or even physically, they're often up there this kick, it's kind of like a drain o chrome, you know that the the vampires are drinking from the children. And they get a kick in, they get the sense of youthfulness from it, and uplifting energy. It's basically adrenaline and dopamine and other activating neuro chemicals is what they're actually after. And so, so now you see I'm so far into transcending the, the parasitical and the predatory aspect of humanity that I actually look forward to being traumatized again, so I have more material, you know, because I've so transcended it, and I kind of like start to feel like, reasonably whole and, and, and not anxious or freaked out or whatever, or poor little me, you know, self pity, you know, and so, so now it's gonna kind of become a game at this point. You know, if somebody tries to tries it on me, they're gonna get it. In fact, I actually I went from one workplace where it was like really bad because of this. Psycho, bimbo? Who, who, who thought she was like, you know, God didn't want other women around, I suppose. Or just just like, like to try and get on top, you know, competitive wise, because she was so insecure because she was actually damaged probably by her father in childhood. So it's just long lineage of. And then and then I went to another one. And I actually, unfortunately, as soon as I got the job, I told the manager of what happened and he misinterpreted and he started spreading rumors in the in the other job to the point where it went right up to the actually, the owner and the manager over over another hotel. It was associated with it. And, and I, eventually when I wanted to leave that job, because I had a huge body of work, I was just sitting there just working all this stuff out, you know, and but it was like seven years, I think I was there maybe maybe even longer than you imagine. And, and then I, I found out the top manager lady of this corporation that had just bought the hotel. And I said, I just want to tell you that this this manager I feel uncomfortable around this minute managers because she's like, sexualizing and demeaning me. And this no, you just, there's no call for that. In business. There's just none. I mean, you know, there is obviously, that's like, just a basic animal rivalry kind of thing, you know, but that's like, back, you know, when we were had, you know, clubs and bashing each other. And we should be more advanced by now. And if you can't speak out, because you're, you're so victimizes, you don't have your voice because you didn't have a voice in childhood. So it's so it's so hard to have an adult voice like, back off lady, I know what you're about, you know, or whatever. So that actually was the breaking point. When I did that. I was just like, Oops, I actually started to come down into my own body again, finally, you know, and then so I've been sort of healing more since then. But we're getting off subject.

Kit Heintzman 32:26
I'm sure I'll try and bring it back. What's it been, like, doing healing work? While all of this has been going on with COVID-19?

Confidential 32:39
Um, it has been, it has been good, in that there's more incentive to be you know, aligned with your highest good your, your, you know, your health program and stuff like that. So like, I, I finally, weaned off all cereals, breads, like, even even healthy, long living fry and stuff like that. And because, because I know that they, that they're dudes is really, really bad things. And it's probably through the glyphosate in the bread itself, because it's pretty hard to get away from that these days. But they just wrecked the body and they wrecked the digestive system. And, and I was given this little lumps on my outer thighs, and I hate those lumps. I'm gonna, I'm never going to eat a new breed again. So, and just stuff like that, you know, and just upping all my herbs and, and pretty much living Do you know like a huge blender full of my my green smoothie that and spirulina and all kinds of goodness in it in the morning, and then I try and eat lightly. But I'm I do have access to a tiny bit of growing land here. I'm growing for some for the owners of the house, but I'm not particularly growing for me. But the place that I live is absolutely loaded with wild food. You know, wild weeds, weeds, which are herbs, and, you know, grapes and, and the and crab apples and all kinds of things. So, so I so I still have a huge nutrition base for that.

Kit Heintzman 34:21
How do you feel about how the sort of local government handled things with COVID-19?

Confidential 34:28
Um, well, I don't know whether these people are stupid. Or they're just not exposed to, they cant, they don't ask questions to themselves. And I suppose anybody in government has to be a yes man. Otherwise they won't have a job. And so they can't buck the system. So they're just going along with it. But It's been ridiculous. You know, it's been ridiculous to watch with all of the masks and the masks are still going on. And the masks are radically brain damaged and permanently brain damaging, not to mention, they increase the likelihood of getting cancer just from the lack of oxygen. And then there's the social impact of everybody walking around with a mask on their face. But I suppose most people in this society do walk around, even if they don't wear masks, they've still got a mask on their face. Because because of the nature of the society we live in. So it's just, it's just been kind of, even though it's like deadly serious. Um, it's just been hilarious as well, because it's pathetic. It's just so pathetic, you know. Um, but they, they, they're, they're obviously good people that the local government are good people, and they try the best, some of them are probably exceptional. They don't know, I'm not really familiar all that much with them. But that's walking down the street the other day, and there's a local government lady worker was middle age, she had a clipboard, and she was walking along. And she, she, she actually stopped to talk to a street person, it was sitting on the pavement. And, and she, she, she asked him, how, how do you think bla bla City is doing for the health of their people? How can we upgrade the health of the people of the city? You know, I probably live in one of the most healthiest cities in America. So and the guy said, Well, you know, you should like have the toilets cleaned and well stocked when they open in the morning. Oh, yes, started running it down. I mean, I could give them a whole list of things. And I tried to give them a whole list of things, if only they would listen, related to the impact of the grand solar minimum on urban infrastructure and food supply, and all that kind of stuff, because they are doing it on a very mild basis already, because I saw the workers blowing out the drainage ditches and blown out the, you know, the sewage system. From the roads, I suppose, to get the silt out. So that's something because the silt has to be taken out of the cities because they're because of the deluge that we're expecting, especially since the Tonga exploit out volcano, there'll be even more water coming down. But there's, you have a look at NASA will view you see there's like at least twice to two and a half times more water vapor in the atmosphere compare if you like go back in time, you just run NASA view back back back back 10 years, and look at it there or whatever or even before you can see that enormous amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. And the way there's going part from Pole to the equator in an oblique angle, because the jet streams disappeared because legit streams are basically harmonic related to the solar influx. And when when the sun's electro when the sun's magnetic field changes and and the the solar wind changes then then the the harmonics change for the weather systems and jet streams disappeared in 2015. And so in 2015 is when they when they when they start when they started their global experimentation with these pathogens with the with the bird flu and the swine flu and the whole thing. You know, because they had worked it out and it all comes from likely comes from Ralph Barix work on with the spike protein so that they didn't bother doing pandemics until the spike protein basically was worked out and they realized what they had. And but I'm wondering if the Vatican and these goons up in Karen. Karen our government institutes actually know What's going on? I think probably some of them do, and they probably hold their tongues. But I I wrote like full paper and a two, two page flyer to give to people and on the on the grand solar minimum, and then also a list of preparations that individuals and families, communities, you know, villages or cities and countries need to do in order to prepare themselves. Because not only is the next 30 years going to be weather weirdness and unstable, larger hail, much harder to grow food. And it looks like the global globalist goons are are deliberately creating a global fat famine. With with with what they're doing, to the food supply, it's pretty amazing. They're just, they're just totally out in the obvious, you know, that lighting fires and all this grain storage and, you know, food, meat, packing plants and and and then, uh, you know, eliminating I mean getting a shortage of this additive to diesel for the trucking and, and the farming So, and paying farmers to let to for the land to lay fallow. And it's all related to the the Global Warming scam when we're actually going into a massive global cooling and then probably followed by the Ice Age proper. So my feeling is that these guys are wanting to conserve resources, because they know that we're going into the, into the Ice Age proper, which could come on pretty fast, perhaps with the destabilizing effects of the grand solar minimum, as as the sun wakes up again, in 2055, this is from a timeline of the of this Russian scientists, she thinks that it's going to the sun's going to wake up around 2055. And when it does, it could go nova, that could blow off, it's crossed that it's built up during the quiet in which case all of these really really deadly rays would impact the planet and you'd get like a carnitine and effect times negative times the character in that carnitine effect it would eliminate electronic systemic eliminate modern society completely, except for the military, which harden their equipment against EMP weapons. And there's there's a there's a method of using what's called cold electricity, which is a different type of electricity, which can be hardened against that kind of thing. And so they probably know and that's why they're doing it now because they have their own timeline. And that's what they're doing the social credit system because it's basically kind of a way to determine who who is compliant, who has the right to live in their in their utopia, which is not actually a dystopia you know, in the future and ultimately be the breeding stock that will survive through a through an ice age proper, you know, and we don't even know how long the next ice age would even last, but they normally last about, 9, 90,000 years. Because it's a it's 100,000 year cycle, ich cycle. But you know, who knows, we may not even get one, we have no idea. You just have a look at the record, anticipate and then just watch what the sun is doing. And try and work it all out. So that's my focus on the sun is my big thing because it all comes life comes from there. So and and I think also intelligence comes from this.

Kit Heintzman 44:57
Would you would you tell me a little bit about your research process?

Confidential 45:02
Oh my Well, it's probably different than anybody else’s research process especially when I was writing my, my big book that everybody around the world find me because I wrote that book on. I won't give you the title. But but it's it's a, it's a book on how to navigate massive kundalini awakening. So only book of its kind out there because when I got, I was in Santa Barbara and I was having visions of civilization 1,000 years in the future and I, I saw the energy generation system, and and I actually felt the level of consciousness of 1,000 years in the future. When I was having the vision, that was a hypnogogic vision in midday, and, and so then I started to wake up, have a candle, well, that was probably part of the awakening to the Kundalini and the awakening. The Kundalini was so, so tough, that I, it was centered around the focus of basically Ken Wilber, who was who was a philosopher east west he's grant fencersizer, of, of, basically everything you can fit that entire cosmos into into a framework that he builds up. And I had seen him or felt him actually, when I was 16 years old, and I drew a picture of him, I had no idea he existed. Then I found out in Santa Barbara, that he was alive and because I saw his face on it on a book cover, so I started reading. And we're, and it was a 90 96. And we started read Remmina radically talking backwards and forwards and hitting our brains up on the Ken Wilber forum. And so that's what kicked off my My Awakening was talking to light minds. And, and, you know, on a very high, high intellectual level, and it was very playful, it is lots of fun. Um, and then I'm here with this,

Kit Heintzman 47:26
What year was this?

Confidential 47:28
Well, this started in 96. So that you could say that that was the beginning. And then, in 99, I, I had a I had a vision of the future city. And then I was also given a little key to the city, which actually told me what the ceramic quartz stone was made off to actually collect sunlight and zero point energy. And, and once I got that gotten the key and then a friend had given me what the physics is, is non ordinary physics and one atomic atoms in a an altered state, because the middle of the periodic table can go into an altered state with very unusual properties. Very unusual Ng and so that future society is going to be using this for space travel, and also for enlightenment. And it was also actually used in Egypt. White powder, white powder of gold was used in Egypt to propel the ruling class to God, like statue of intelligence and prisons and stuff like that. And so once I had the vision, I said, Well, I am coming to Colorado. And I'm and, and then I was in the presence of Ken Wilber for 20 hours at a, at a at a book, talk and workshop that a friend of hers was doing, and he was he was the cameraman. And then I was in the height of like, massive, massive Kundalini detox. And, and, you know, massive extrasensory skills and and stuff. And, and had full on awakening of the energy up the spine where it feels like 10,000 orgasms are pouring out the spine. And I had to come up with my own language because I didn't want to use the Western traditions or the Eastern traditions. And so, so I actually I have to like, come up with my own language. And then because I had tasked myself or the universe tasked me the job of writing a book on metamorphosis, and, you know, human metamorphosis, into the next level of human, because we're pretty much, you know, just yeah, the caves, the way we behave at this point. And, and, and so I was able to just be given, I was just given all the answers just because I have a basic understanding of biology and, and, and Spiritual Anatomy and in everything and cell cell biology and stuff. And then, and then it was, it was basically a PhD, I had to basically teach myself because I had to try and work out how you get that much energy in the human body. And so I worked out that it was two forms of energy production in the, in the of ATP in the in the mitochondria. And, and, also, you know,

Kit Heintzman 51:50
How did you work that out?

Confidential 51:51
How did I work it out?

Kit Heintzman 51:53
How did you work that out, yes

Confidential 51:54
Yeah, oh, see, I just go for walks along the creek. And, and, and see a lot of this stuff is that your subconscious is working on questions, and you're not even aware of the questions, and then the question pops out. And then sometimes you get the answer Absolutely, immediately. And sometimes it comes through your dreams. Or you, you might you might do a little bit of Google searching. Or sometimes you might just sit on the question for six months, perhaps even a year. And then eventually the answer is there, you know. Um, so it's, it's it's kind of like a sleeping Prophet, kind of a thing, you know, you know, especially because you're on an actually a much higher level of consciousness while you're asleep. And, and then the universe, because we're not only the earth and the solar system, we're also the entire universe in a way, you know, on the at the highest level, our consciousness is the entire universe. Although, you know, you would, if you go around saying that you would, you would probably be locked up. Or at least pulled an egomaniac, you know, but that's because the universe created us, you know, and so we can tap into these really, really high levels of intelligence and knowing Gnosticism you know, and they kill the Gnostics. You know, Jesus was even a gnostic, and they just tried to wipe them out. And, but you can't, you can't kill the human on that level, because that's the only really real real satisfaction and being alive, is to be able to experience or get Eureka zone eliminations on that level. You know?

Kit Heintzman 53:42
Have you always been able to do this?

Confidential 53:44
I would say yes. But my, obviously when when you're a child, you have you have you know, insights or dreams and things like that. That mean, they could come from storybooks because I put fortunately, my family was really into the, you know, European myths and stories. And so that, that was like is the foundations of my psyche. And so, I, I was third girl out which actually is very important to who I am as a writer, because otherwise I would be too interested in other people. So I wouldn't be able to spend all of us an enormous amounts of light and alone time that I do, you know, and I would be like craving while I was craving you know, for company for many million. Anyway, so I didn't I didn't find anybody to talk to here. I have one Kiwi friends that she's she's she can't go in depth with me, or spark off Hi. Your levels because she's more mythic. And she's, she's, she's not a kind of like a scientific mind, but I got my my brain from my father because he he worked with the government is a farmer land developer for this Blanston survey department. And, and, but he had a massive massive me, he's the last person who had a massive brain but but he was damaged in childhood from his father. And I've worked out that that cut, you know, chopping the foreskin off males is extremely damaged thing to their entire lives and their brain development because they they they can't use their prefrontal lobes as much and so they they're basically indoctrinated into the slave culture. So that my my father couldn't never be indoctrinated it but as well, because because, well, because it's I suppose has genetic lineage, you know, escapees from Europe and things like that. But he was, he studied the solar cycle. He studied the 11 year solar cycle, which is 22 years to get back to the original, but he studied that and what he was doing is he might be the only person on the planet that was actually doing this, unfortunately, I have has graphs which are which is so intense, that I think I'm gonna have to get high to actually really kind of like get into them. Because they're just overstimulate, there's so much pet consciousness packed into each word, and the way that he's you know, ordered them that it's it's just blows my mind just to look at it. So, I made it up into a huge wall shot chart on and, and so, what he was doing was he was he was watching the changes in the environment related to what part of the the solar cycle that was so that he was taking it right down to the rate of chemical reactions of flocculation of chemical reactions you know, in in water and just basically everything else and that would include crystal crystallization of minerals and soil available of minerals to plants. So we go into plant fertility, and then that goes into weed spectrums will change over the cycle. And also insect populations for example, if the you lose your soil crumble and it goes into like a hard pan and starts cracking and stuff, then you get like cricket populations coming out of the cracks, you know, so there's this whole sort of ecosystem wide and that goes obviously down to human consciousness as well you know, the, the rate of chemical reactions in our body hormone levels, disease process, health process, clarity of consciousness, all this comes from the sun. And, and so, so I took it on myself to kind of follow the sun. It's probably my biggest passion, although I don't I don't have enough time to really really really focus on that. But I told my father I would write a write his book for him of his work probably my last book that I it might select the hardest books that's probably my last book that I wrote I wouldn't have to do anything else after that one.

Kit Heintzman 59:29
For, for anyone listening who's never had a vision could you describe what that experiences like for you?

Confidential 59:39
Well, there is there's like really, really high visions like you could say, global visions that are for the you know, for humanity as a whole or the planet as a whole. And and then and then there's less the ones going down to kind of like more entrtainment Um, and so uh, basically, what I'll do is all the X hour go over my highest vision that I had. And then and then I'll go over a dream that I had that is extremely useful. And so my highest version was Solera city. And I had been in Santa Barbara. I was working in a b&b. And then I got a b&b manager job in San Luis Obispo. So I went up. And I didn't get hardly any sleep the first night, because I guess above me was like, walking around and stuff might have been the third night I can't remember. But anyway, so I went back to sleep at midday, which is, you know, nothing, I've never done that before. But I went into hypnogogic Nia, which, which is you're paralyzed, you're not really asleep, and you're not really awake. It's extremely blissful. And then, and then I had the vision. And basically, it felt like I was standing on a hillside looking down at the city. And the city was just these curved arches. So there was all these feminine curved arches that were symbolic buildings, but they were arches. And then there was one masculine steeple in the middle with the pyramid on top. And so that was that was the, so much information just packed into that because the, the stone that the cities were made out of look like a very, very light rose quartz, you know, but every single as a date as a, it's obviously a DMT dream, a body naturally produces DMT, which is, you know, that a spirit molecule. And, and every atom of the of the buildings was like scintillating, you know, in the sun, shining on them, just like that. And, and then, so I was given that image, but what was really apparent was, I was there, you know, looking at the city, then the consciousness that I was, was God consciousness, I mean, you know, set a saint or God like, really, really high consciousness. I was actually that was, you know, I, I was that and I could feel it, and I was looking at the city. So, so that's why I say it's like, the consciousness of a really evolved creature at least 1000 years in the future, probably 10,000. And, and, so, I was then given the key to that, which was a layers of like, white with the white, quartz, you know, silica, white, and then there was a silver color in the white and then a gold and repeat, repeat repeat. So, that was the sandwich and, and then and then six months later, so, friend or maybe earlier, a friend sent me a CD of David Hudson, who who had just discovered monatomic elements or the whole foot physics of monetary elements, he was he was a cotton farmer. And he was trying to find out what this thing was in his in his land that was not essaying as any anything on the unknown elemental table. And, and then so he got really, really, really in depth with working out what this was spending millions of dance because he is very rich, using all kinds of labs. And, and so so then I started researching that. I haven't really taken that you know, the alchemical elixir, Alex's myself that I I did get to experience a very, very altered us Water water from a very sacred spring from in Georgia that it's trapped water that they draw are basically the cream of the water and as well as some of the amazing properties to, to biology and consciousness. And I was actually using that because I was actually working in a bookstore, spiritual bookstore and the Kundalini was in the bliss was so extreme that he hadn't had any left brain function, you know, like math is just out. And in order to kind of like reduce, or it's not really reducing the bless it's like being allowing the body to be more transparent to the bliss, so it doesn't interfere, it doesn't create so much interference, because you can imagine, you know, your body being a block of stone in this light is trying to get through, but it's just a block of stone and, and so if you can, like, free up the stone a little bit, then the light can get through better, that's kind of like what it feels like, it's not a very good metaphor, but and so he was using his water in a spray bottle, I didn't even drink I was just like spraying my neck. And then that actually allowed me to handle the massive heat from the heart. I'll just tell you, my that one day, my heart was like so hot that it was like really, really boiling hot, massively hot. I didn't feel it was a threat to my life, which is crazy, probably was. But, and this, you know, Chinese woman was in the store and you know, the Chinese are actually a lot lot more sensory, aware of energy, they, they just, they're, they're just just the whole chi thing and the whole tradition and, and so their whole bodies and everything is which is more open to the light. And she she walked up to the counter and started laughing like, Oh, I got it, I gotta get out of here. It's too hot, it's too hot. And, you know, the energy from my heart was like filling the hole. It's not I'm not talking temperature, it's it's like that forces is is hot, but it's it's chi it's, you know, bio energy, bliss, you know, crazy stuff. Anyway, so I got the key to the, the energy for the future from the, from the city and the key because I worked out that if you if you put the like, I'm just going to use gold and silver because it's convenient, but there will probably be a different as a group in the middle of the periodic table one of the cheaper ones because you could probably use gold and platinum, platinum or something like that. Palladium and and so if you if you those elements and the mono atomic state, so they're oscillating in two dimensions, and they have just a very very different property to the universe, you know, they do all these really weird things like you put them put a pile of this white powder out in the sun and it disappears in a flash of white light and you bring it back into the shade again and it's all it's there again you know so you know disappearing act, you know, which is fantastic for won't go into that but and I'm gonna give away a secret to the dark side. And so and then then I knew that if you use guest crystallography which is the thing and there's people that they actually do it they actually grow crystals usually just fibers through a process of gas, you know in a chamber and and so I looked at if you create these chambers and you use sound frequency, perhaps you know other frequency or whatever, and then you you spray in the gas if the light said silver in a monatomic state and it's actually not silver but my mind showed me that it was that color but it's not it would be white. And and then you you do a layer of silicone and then a layer of gold and then a layer of silicone Baba blah, blah blah. So you can build up a thickness of however large work want and it's not Like normal crystal, it's gonna be like, massively indestructible. So if you create a city out of that using it for roads and buildings, or anything, it not only generates its own energy, but it stores its own energy, because you can store an infinite amount of energy in a quartz crystal, apparently, so I heard and so, so that you can, you know, run civilization on that with zero pollution. And not only that, you know, that Christ consciousness that I told you that I felt when I was looking at the city that's actually generated by the city. Because you don't have to ingest these monatomic elements, you just have to basically build your structures on them, and they already elevate your biology to such extreme levels that you probably live to 1000s of years with no disease, and in massive genius level consciousness that we have never been on a planet yet. And what do you expect to live, um, sometimes I wish I could die tomorrow, such the way things are going. But I have a lot of work to do with the getting my books out, because most of my books are already written, I just have to edit them. And editing is a much higher level of consciousness, but the city where I am, is pretty low brow. And I, you know, you don't have friends to talk to stuff like that. And, and the government officials have no idea, you know, about what's what's coming down the pike with the weather and sun and, and the, you know, global takeover. I will probably live to my early 90s. But I could probably live to over 100 If I wanted to, but I didn't know what I would. And so that is my that is my vision, that's my highest vision, I hope to have another one that's even higher. But that it divisions actually are very much related to your cellular energy production and how much you like use your hormones or it also related to sex and love and, and all kinds of things go into your capacity to have visions. But I'll tell you a dream that I had a couple of years ago. This is this is a waking dream, which they they're like really packaged content so that when you wake up, you get the message. Okay, all right, I'll wake up my my game. And what this stream was was I was in a an attic of a old house. So So old house was in the attic. And it was very, very dusty. And it was you know, like a pointed ceiling and low ceiling. There was a table in there that had its legs cut off so that when you sat at that table you weren't bumping your head on the ceiling and you know and chairs that were cut off and and and it was just like really dirty. And in then then I woke up and I immediately got on the floor on the carpet. And and I got down into Muslim pray position, you know. And I was rolling the top of my head on the carpet. So with the hands out in front as those rolling the top of my head on the carpet, because because the drain head. And the reason I did that is because I woke up and I felt so clouded. Like like really like cotton wool, just like really massive, like cotton wool. In my brain. It was really awful. So that's why I did the Muslim preposition, because that's just automatically my body just did that. I didn't know to do that. I only learned to do that afterwards. And I only learned to do I only learned why I should do that afterwards. But finding out about the glymphatic system of the brain which is which is really centered on the central part there. It's the Mohawk with the brain as a complex system you know Yeah, and so that is the immune system, drainage system and stuff of the brain and everything. And so obviously, maybe I had eaten something clogging the night before and my gum thetic system, but really, with the way that my system, my creative process works, my body would would, would force me into that clouded position, it would, it would go clouded in cotton, like wool, like Jerry during, during the dream, so we'll be forced to do that, because I built up this entire practice of what I call the inner arts. And so this is like a major inner art, which I hope to be teaching, I'd love to teach it full time, but in all of this is Kundalini integration, and, and getting inside the body, because I realized that, you know, especially in the trauma trauma body, that we're not actually really in our bodies, you know, we're just kind of like this, a little pitiful computer, you know, running around. And it's so anyway, um, and then I come up with these goofy names and the whole thing. So that was that, that's how I get a lot of my material, through, through through sub subconscious, subconscious levels, actually trying to download information that comes through my dreams, revisions, or whatever, you know, sometimes I've even had audible you know, things come in, they were there actually hear, hear, like, voice in the head. A word or so. And, yeah, that's, it's fascinating.

Kit Heintzman 1:17:23
What got you interested in trauma and healing work?

Confidential 1:17:28
Well, um, I grew up in a dysfunctional family, in rural New Zealand. Um, and so, in, in Europe, the family lineages I don't know if they were so degenerated or whatever. But so they, in the 90s in the 1870s. And some even earlier than that, they came over to New Zealand, all different Europeans. My blood is made up of English, German and Prussian Poland. And the genius level comes from Poland, from Prussia. And, and so, it's probably because it's more slightly more of a warring state than then even Germany and England, but which is the conflict going on in this strip each east prussia of that time, you know, I mean, for generations, generations 1000s and 1000s of years. The Vikings coming down fighting each other. Yeah, so born out of the fires of war. So and then in New Zealand, it really is the land of milk and honey. There is a strong tradition of the local pubs drinking beer, which is the you know, the way that the ruling classes keep the the lower classes is useful idiots is to just feed them a lot of beer and fish and chips and potatoes, you know, just to keep the consciousness down, you know, so, so they won't rock the boat, which is what we'll have to be doing now will have to be rocking the boat furiously to get out of the situation that we're in. And, and so and so and then like my grandfather, my father's side. He was like a gambler and he he think he ran horses is a horse race. He ran. He ran horses and obviously been there on them. So my father grew up in the pub. So he, so he didn't have a whole lot of finer traits of sociability. But, but he had this enormous energy, crazy energy. The brain was just and, and, and then and then his father that his father, I think was physically abusive, I don't really know much of my family history, I just learned how my father gets so fucked up. But but he was the more lovable of my parents, even though he was screwed up. If and my my mother was shy, you know, a noose and, and from a, from a very, very stable, quiet, very quiet, good family. They were like, dairy farmers and stuff. And so she, they hadn't had didn't have the psychological skill. So it's just, it's just kind of your typical, dysfunctional family from the 1950s 60s. But you could say it was the best upbringing ever, even though, you know, a lot of trauma. And I was stood girl out, because they were trying for a boy, this is why it's so useful for me as a writer, because I don't mind being alone because people hurt. And so I could Yeah, so So I have this. So I didn't, we actually didn't work out why I was so introverted. And I couldn't work out why I was, and didn't really talk much and stuff like that is because I, I didn't get social socialization, really, until I went to school at five years old. Because my sister's, you know, you know, this is just animal dynamics. This, the two older sisters bit banged up and kind of like rejected rejected Third sister, if I was boy, they would have actually included me in their group. And so I didn't get anything, any immediate kind of inclusion. And then I'm sure my mother was pissed off that she just had another baby, but she had five girls, five girls, you know, so she must have got used to it at some point. And, and so, um, so that's, that's how it works out, um, you know, as far as being being a writer, cuz I, I did write stuff in my youth and, and drew pictures and stuff like that. But I was very much into my own little world. And so that's probably what makes me a visionary in that I tuned inside instead of outside, you know, because otherwise I'd become like, lost lost in the, in the circus, I could say, you know?

Kit Heintzman 1:23:42
And at what stage did you get involved in healing?

Confidential 1:23:47
Um, I have to, I was always interested in healing but then. Not really consciously until I sailed up to Hawaii. And I read Victoria Victoria Boutenko book on raw foodism and that basically kickstart because then I realized, oh, all my body pain, and my emotional distress etc, is due to cook food culture, and, and not being able to process emotions or feel emotions or to express them with any level of proficiency so that you don't don't create conflict and all that kind of thing. And sort of like taking the raw foodism as taking the genie genie is out of the bottle. And because you become more transparent to the light, you know, and so, so then I was went to a back in New Zealand again. After that I did a two weeks permaculture course with Bill Mollison and Waikiki Island in New Zealand. And so that was also transformative just understanding. You know how to look after the land property so that you can grow the food that will actually grow the higher conscious human And, and then it just everything is related to actually creating what I call civilization next, not the new world order but civilization next, you know, because this one is rapidly coming to a halt, it's being torn down by the deconstructionists but, but, but it's up to the people to actually create the society that civilization that they want to live in and and what they're doing to absolutely everything you know the bet the dark side the food supply and on this pathological medicine it's it's just I mean it had to come out in the open but it's it's just so obscene and evil it's you know and it doesn’t have to be that way it's they're just pets.

Kit Heintzman 1:26:27
What does the world you want to live in look like?

Confidential 1:26:31
Um, well it is a I can I can I can tell you the transition society, because what's going to happen is we're going to actually gonna have to create what I call eco pods, which are these sort of like self contained health, village cells all over the world and various places and have people go from one to the other, very much like back in a tribal origins of humanity. And so each each village would be focusing on a particular art form industry science. And then people of like mind would flock to that particular one, but then they would need to get another piece of the puzzle from another one, or into marrying and stuff like that learning new skills. And so there'll be like an apprenticeship system for the youth would actually just go from from in these very large yachts, a go from one to the other. And then they would they would earn their PhDs through actually living and working working with a master's in the in their field of interest. And, and then obviously online as well, but and so I know a lot if the elements that we need to actually heal that would take us there and the materials that we need to create them like these dark igloos, these stone igloos probably made a basketball because you want to like block out influence from you want to block out the influence from the from the sun to kind of like like get like really quiet. So you need bath salts stone, igloo loose. And those are kind of like dark rooms. And you can stay on that for like overnight, you can you could stay on that for two weeks or two days, whatever you want. Normally, it would be kind of like go in threes, like three days, or six or eight, or nine. And so that's one of the technologies but also, the main one is something I found in the hills of Santa Barbara. The main technology is the spinal shower because I went looking for hot mineral springs in the hills because there's this road called Hot Hot Springs Road. So I said well, they must be hot springs up there. So when walking up there and it comes to a dead end, it's big estate. But if you walk on the side of that estate, at this little tiny gully there's an overflow pipe with hot mineral water pouring down. It's like a three inch column pouring down from this overflow pipe into this little pond. It's not really a you know, mental pool or anything. It's just like a little pond. So I went in there I just like you know got the water falling on me. And then I just like put it on my head and my spine. And and then and then I went into trance and and next moment I realized five hours later I come out of trance and and go go lie on the grass. And I realized what I'd found because when I was underneath there it's like water torture. There's like so much pain. It's like all the pain in the nervous system is pouring out and you can feel it because our bodies block all the pain in our bodies with endorphins. You know, but the water somehow counteracts the endorphins so you can feel Feel the pain. And, and, and then it basically opens up the spinal column in the, in the brain. And so, so that was like a massive detox for me prior to prior to getting pulled over to Colorado to have my massive kundalini awakening. Because if I hadn't taken all of that noise and and blockage and pain from my nervous system, I would have had an extremely difficult kundalini awakening, with that much energy pouring through and that much, you know, blockage and gunk in there in the, in the way of it. So I, you know, think thank God I was, I walked up and, you know, found that overflow pipe, you know, so the spinal share is one of the main the tools for transformation, because you can't get a bunch of, you know, current people with with centuries and centuries of baggage, and a, you know, psychosis, and era, and inferiority complex, and, you know, all these neuroses and stuff like that. And, in biological sickness, because we're, in this society, most people, you could say that they're biologically sick, you know, even if they don't exhibit exhibit, you know, the degenerative diseases, which we're all dying off. And so you kind of get them all together and think that you're magically going to create a new society from from the ashes of the old, it without the same human, same human trying to create news impossible, you actually check to change the human. And that, that is basically changing the human to the divine human, you know, and learning the process of doing that, but if you have a whole village structure that's geared around that, and then you model and each each of these villages will be learning how what you know what needs to be done, if there's like a problem, they will figure that out, they will build the technology for you know, fixing that, that problem and then they would all share the information so that ultimately, what you're doing is you're using the entire planet and all the different ecosystems all over the planet to basically create a truly sustainable civilization 1000 years in the future you know, saying we're doing the work now out of the wreckage of our present situation in all getting together and all over the planet just working out because the template for those villagers as the same template template a man like Temple of man that that you would use to create larger structures or cities, but there's a possibility that we will never actually go to this kind of like urban model that we have going at the moment. They would probably be indestructible, indestructible cities that are relatively small ish size, made out of this monatomic lattice superconducting stone, and we would all be Christ and I, it took me a long while to work out why there was one masculine principle and all of these feminine arches. And it's, it's obvious, it's because it's because because if you're a Christ consciousness, you have global consciousness and in global telepathy, and, and so you can you can communicate with anybody anywhere on the planet and you can actually operate in, in in a collective consciousness. We operate in a collective consciousness to a certain degree now, through telepathy, which I am familiar with, but but also just through the internet. But I'm talking about not needing the internet and, and and actually, you know, just like living living within the cloud of Christ consciousness of a beauty, beautiful, healthy humanity, you know, ultimately. And anyway.

Kit Heintzman 1:35:20
I'm curious, what does the word health mean to you?

Confidential 1:35:23
Well, health is wholeness. That's basically what it means, but wholeness, wholeness is just is not just organic perfection, although you need actual organic perfection to, to have healthy, healthy genius. And in so So, health health is that sensation that I felt when I looked out and I saw the city in my vision, so but that was inspired by GMT, which is the highest neuro transmitting substance in the body, you, the medium might be something higher than that, but that's as far as we know, at the moment. So the that is talking about connectivity, because Spirit is non local, global. And also universal. And, and we're only here because because the age of the universe and how much it's grown up to actually be able to produce us humans, finally, so that we can actually observe it. And so health is about connectivity on on all levels on the neuronal level, in the cellular level, and then you know, the body's electromagnetic fields. And then and then that's why you actually have to create a different form of architecture using the stone for that creates Christ consciousness because our houses actually really cut us off from God. Because when I was in my awakening peak for three years, it was very hard for me to be inside because I would like lose context with God being inside you could actually feel that you're cut off and which is which is funny, you know, building churches and then you're cutting yourself off from God, because he ought to contact God All you need is to while sitting on iron rich stone that is directed upright, which is like what we have up up in the hills here. That's helpful because I did that meditated up there at sunset sungazing on the on those that are enriched, and that actually puts you in Samadhi, or higher levels of consciousness much easier than trying to do it inside obviously, or even outside on the grass on that that is basically kind of like a porthole portal is to be sitting on the enriched rocks. It's it's a sun sunset, and sungazing and stuff. And one of the Ken Wilber forum participants at the time that I was doing this, he was just a casual, he might have been following me, but I really didn't, he didn't actually include them in my close friends list. And he actually said that he had a dream or a vision or something that I was I was sitting on these rocks and meditating and up on up on a ledge of these pointy rocks with Ken Wilber. And we were both in these balls of flame, you know balls of vital energy like flaming balls and meditating. And so that was that was somebody who's psychic he didn't even know what I was doing. And he picked that up. That's how crazy you know the internet connection is it's it's a cosmic internet, you know?

Kit Heintzman 1:40:10
what does the word safety mean to you?

Confidential 1:40:15
Safety Well, I mean, safety is I would say the, the the smart way to say that is to be in your body. Without dissonance, without anxiety, to be kind of like fully downloaded into Your flesh in and, and in not, you know worrying about this or that or so. But, uh so that's just talking about body safety, I suppose but that, that, that translates into community safety and that if you're in a pathological town city family school or whatever, it's going to impact on your, your ability to be settled in your own flesh, you know, and so that, that, that dissonance, lack of connection as dissonance that's going to ultimately create disease, or dis ease of some sort. And, and we, you know, live it. Um, we will live it at a varying level of just ease, which is, you know, health and safety. And, so you're not going to, you're not going to experience lack of safety. If you're lying on the White Sands or beach in Tahiti, with water lapping around your ankles, you know, you will be pretty you will be fit, you'll be feeling pretty satisfied then, because I've done that, and it's just awesome, especially Tahiti, Bora Bora, and all of the islands. They're super magical.

Kit Heintzman 1:41:56
Did anything change in the last couple of years related to COVID-19 about your feelings of safety?

Confidential 1:42:05
Um, well, I was pretty anxious in the beginning. Because I know, you know, what the puppet masters are trying to pull over with the chemtrails and, you know, but I'd already gone through massive anxiety in New Zealand, over loss of the ozone layer and UV damage. And so and then I got out of that, and then it's just one thing after another, you know, so So, but once I, once I got into the search for who's doing it, how they're doing it, why they're doing it, and then collecting a ton of notes, and watching huge number of hours of video on all the other incredible people. And most of the people that are on the light side out there that are working against the global cartel, they're fearless. They're not running scared. They, they have so much character, and goodness. And then they they they've created such a saw a solid Brotherhood to help humanity through this nasty period. That they the the the, just the epitome of courage, and that helps you be courageous as well. You know, the other thing is, I normally see what's coming. I haven't had much inkling as to what's coming yet, which is a little bit damaging, I mean, dangerous to me, I need to actually maybe fast or go to keto diet or something just so I can get no vision because I should be able to see what's coming. I have seen bunker bombs, bunker bomb atomic bunker bombs go off around the Denver Airport or three of them in winter, that was a dream that I had five years ago, so that's the only only claim so far, but that was the time that they were doing that over in the Middle East to Syria and etc. So I yeah, I should I should be able to see. And I haven't I haven't seen I haven't seen any anything like no, you know, martial law or anything like that. Yet, I haven't seen anything. So I've got a feeling that we're going to actually breaks through and that we're going to come out of this largely because all the work that people have been doing all over the planet for years and years years has come into fruition because now we have no choice. We can't kind of like, zone out just like watching Amazon Prime videos or because we can't zone out, we have to get over ourselves in order to join join the global movement of creating the next thing, and people are doing it all over the place. In that's really exciting. I mean, they're protesting too, and that's part of it, but but the main work is actually building the new systems and building parallel governments that are basically based and it'll support people on on the ground level, just with basic there their basic needs, because because the food supply is going to be corrupted, you know it, whether it's even going to be any food and, and they can turn off the electricity in anytime, etc. And it will take away your oil driven car and the whole thing you know, so they can, they can try and pull off all these things. But it only speeds the the light side coming through faster. Because the we have even less We can't sit on our asses and just just go down with the ship, we actually have to do something, you know. So in this sense. The carnage that comes out of this RNA jab is a massive, massive sacrifice. But ultimately, good will prevail because because it forces us to actually grow up as a species. Because we can't let the psychopaths win. You know, if we let the psychopaths worm, then we're no better than a broken down, beaten housewife who can't leave her drunken father, her drunken husband because she's too codependent. You know, and so we'll, we'll just go down, down, we'll go down really fast and billions and billions of people you know, but if we, if we do our work, we might be able to, you know, reduce it to just 5 million people or something like that and stop this from ever happening again. You know? The thing is that, you know, the, the globe cabal think that the planet is too, too overpopulated. And there's not enough resources to go around. But that's just because they're the managers and they managed it so badly. And, but and, and so it's just a matter of redefining what civilization is, and then going, going after the experience and the traits and the technologies of the of the advanced human, the, the human that's already inside us, but it's not being led out right now. Because we live in a degenerate culture, that is degenerating fast, you know. But, so it's just a matter of changing course. You know, we're on the Titanic.

Kit Heintzman 1:49:14
What are some of your hopes for a long term future?

Confidential 1:49:19
Personally, you mean or No, for humanity?

Kit Heintzman 1:49:23

Confidential 1:49:24
Oh, well, personally, I just want to get to a location where I have an intellectual community that that I can be working with to, you know, to towards these eco villages. And I have a tool that will actually help besides the spinal shower. I have a tool that will help humanity actually wake up to the next level and so that babies that are born to parents that use the tool will be come out, come out of the womb is way more advanced than they didn't use the tool. And that is basically just by raising Kundalini and increasing connection, helpfulness. And so the Christ spirit, Universal Spirit will be more manifested in both of them, and it greatly amplified in the child. So then the child will come out at genius level, and then they will actually have to pair up with other with the children of other parents that have been using the tool. So, so that because you don't, you don't want to, you know, breed with the, with the cattle people, you know, when, when, when you're much greater consciousness. And so I have the tool for that. But I want to, I need to find some young entrepreneurs, ecommerce type people to run with the product. And, but most, but people are still down at the meat and potatoes level of consciousness and they they're not visionary. To really understand the full implications, even though I write papers and, and, and stuff and, and people people that are doing, you know, good works, but but on really, you know, pathetic level technology that even the brainwave machines is not on this level of technology. It's a very, very, very simple product. And but it will what will stimulate Kundalini faster, them pretty much in anything else. And it's, it's very, very cheap to make. And so I had that idea for twenty five years, I was actually seeding to me in New Zealand and I didn't even in then I invented it, and I didn't really know its full impact, or what it was actually for. Until after my Kundalini awakening, and then I realized the this wow, this levels, like way, way beyond this, like super conscious levels that can be tapped into while we're living now. We only do a few things. Health wise, and using this tool and and relationship, but the main thing we need right now is for the thinkers and the creators and visionaries to basically get on the same. Same location, same villages and stuff and work together. Because it's, it's so much. Well, not only is it just like not so frickin lonely. It's just the the amplification of consciousness when you're in a group of intellectual spiritual equals, you know, I can't even imagine what that would be like, compared to just your average sheep out there, they're going along with the Kabals program, and the great reset and all of that and they don't even know what you know. So, so, so my, my wish for me is to get into a regenerating, permaculture, eco village, or a group of people even or even just one house. One house it could be either in the middle of Auckland, which is the city I love. could be anywhere, but just just a group of people. Maybe even two people to start with, like me and one other would be great.

Kit Heintzman 1:54:54
What's stopping you from

Confidential 1:54:58

Kit Heintzman 1:54:58
Connecting with like minded people in real life?

Confidential 1:55:05
Um, well, I'm on I'm kind of afraid. I don't think I can actually find them here where I am in this town. I'm like, even if you work in the spiritual bookstore. People are. This town is backward. I mean, it's supposed to be advanced, but it's kind of backward. Unless you're unless here into it in a young thing, then you're into, you know, computer technology and you're just making products and most of that stuff is just complete fluff. It's just absolute garbage, and I'm going nowhere. And, and so I wouldn't I wouldn't know how to find somebody. And also, I'm very stupid. Because I found the love of my life in Santa Barbara. One day I was after after work, I was walking along the, the beach path, they have this really long beach path, there are people rollerblade along and stuff and I was walking along. And this beautiful blonde Adonis guy waved at me as he went by. And then, and then. And then as he was coming back, he actually stopped and we were on this walking Bridge, which is, which is like this thing I have about bridges. Now I've got to make bridges, I've got to make connections, got to make connections now that I screwed this up. So um, so I hit him on the ground doing cardio muscular release, which is the thing that I do with the heart and the central nervous system to kind of like, open up the neck and shoulders somehow. Because he would, he was, it was like, five minutes was like, he wasn't hot medicine in Los Angeles. He was an emergency room, doctor or practitioner or whatever, nurse or something. And he was wearing rollerblades. But so we went on to the grass and sat down and I was doing CMRS on his neck. And so that, that might have kind of like, just stabilized him a little bit like what the fuck, but then but he was like, completely open to it. He's the only guy that's ever come towards me in my entire life. You know, in sort of, like a joyful open, you know, which is probably why he went to heart medicine. And, and, and so we were talking and stuff and then I got all of these impulses. Like he he said, Oh, I have I have friends from New Zealand. You know, I love New Zeland, I know, friends. And then he would talk about Mammoth and going skiing well I love skiing. And then there's my favorite. And and then and then he would talk about the hot springs in the river up there. As to why you know, I love hot springs and rivers. Especially in nature. Yeah. And every time he would like, bring something up where there was an obvious you know, joint joint interests and connection. I would, I could feel I was like, it was like this horrible character of my mother. I was like, I was like doing this. I don't even know what you call this thing. I was kind of like a holier than now it's kind of like a rebirth, separation. Disconnection thing. Because I was an I was going to Colorado and I was leaving Santa Barbara. And even though this is the most exquisite man I've ever met, and and also I, What happened was his friend was came down and sat down beside as the guy friend that he came up from Los Angeles with he sat down on the ground and he had just been down to the hotel because he does hotel maps and stuff and so and and then and then we were talking and then they invited me out to dinner and I said no and I said no because only had $10 in my pocket and this is this is just so just showed me how weak My character was and it’s so fucked up. Because Because what happened was because there were two of them I third girl out myself because my my first five years of development was a was afraid of two people because I was afraid of rejection of two people being banding together and rejecting me like my sisters did so my deep Psyche was one for opting out of groups of two or you know, in this case it would be through by opt out and don't do that. And I And so So, and then also there must be this thing where this guy is like too perfect. I could I could never you know raise myself up to you know his level of deliciousness and just even though he when he took his glasses off it I would have expected him to have had to have blonde ice and actually green hazel eyes are gonna like brown brown, but Hazel and and so that was that was a Oh, shocker when he took his glasses off, you know, it's like, and so, so he was I consider him the love of my life. And I'm quite happy with living with just the memory of him because he's so superior to everybody else that I've ever met, that I could partner up with. And so that's, that's a major problem, but it also helps me to avoid not be interested in men and, you know, and not bother with them. So, so anyway, that's, that's, that's the way again, it's helpful for my writing. But ultimately, it's really bad for humanity, because I'm not actually growing to that next level of being a proper human. You know, so.

Kit Heintzman 2:01:30
What are some of the things that you've done to take care of yourself over the past couple of years?

Confidential 2:01:38
Um, it's been pretty sporadic. Um, but I do I do like the, I'm tempted to the morning smoothie, green smoothie. And that is like, packed with mega mega nutrition. And then now I'm really focused on omega three for the mitochondria, the fat for energy production and the mitochondria. And then I do take a lot of groups with which I kept to lay on my bones were feeling hollow. So I started to grind up egg shells and put them in my head mix for capitulating and then that I can really, I actually even brush my teeth with a shell powder, or with you know, ordinary, I mean, good quality trees, paste water in and then dip it in eggshell. And that makes a huge difference to mouth health, which is great. I've got a long way to go. I've been kind of waiting to leave where I am in kind of like, get to healthier or happier destination, or with more people around or whatever, but ideally, I mostly eat like sprouts and salads. I still eat cheese, but I know I shouldn't. So I'm trying to wean myself off that and go more towards nut cheeses, fermented nut cheeses and stuff like that. And that's, that's easy, that stuff's easy to do, because there's so much really good inspiring teachers out there on YouTube. And but I researched the the spike and the graphene oxide hydroxide and and and all of that so I you know, started to you No, and I did it paper and a short form paper on that. And so then I was like upping my selenium and zinc and all kinds of stuff for that. And the main thing would be the CUDA Thiam. And so it's a it's a huge learning curve. I'm going absolutely crazy on essential oils right now too. And, and putting them in colloidal silver and spraying you know, that's really nice. And then going down the creek, if I feel really shitty, I go lie on the grass or go down to the creek, dip in the creek. Go into the hills. And just, it's really it's really basic, I mean, I'm not going to the gym or stuff. I got a slightly more active job so that I didn't turn into a couch potato with Nick one of one of my jobs. So zero for a very, very long time, but was because I was working on this as trauma, getting out of the trauma or Cyril sort of serial victimhood, buy, buy, buy, buy use of subtle abuse. You have subtle abuse around you all the time because of the way that people are projecting it onto you. It's pretty helpful for writing because that that inquiry is infinite, but at some point you have to say well, okay, oh no, who escapes somebody else now? I'm going to investigate, you know, Christ consciousness or a held out sacred relationship. That's a good point, I'll start with escape sake relationships. i How to find a emergent emergency medical person in Los Angeles because I couldn't, couldn't find it, I thought that if I won the lotto, I would like hire a private investigator. Because of all the hospitals that you would have to go around and say why he looks kind of like this actor, he's got this colorizer he's this tall. It's very nice. And besides, he's probably already married in New Zealand, or something like that, you know. So, that's, that's just kind of like that, that taught me. My, my you know the real core damage issues that I had that I would never ever be able to have worked out if I hadn't met him. You know, so. So that's good.

Kit Heintzman 2:06:53
Do you think of all that's happened with COVID-19, do you think this has been a historic moment?

Confidential 2:07:01
Um, it is a pivotal point, if many, many, many centuries, I don't know, a more pivotal point than this. Possibly the Black Death that the Black Death killed off the elites as well as the poor people. And so, so they wouldn't want to release anything like the Black Death, because it would run away on them, and they couldn't stop it. But, but if you kind of pretend that there's a flu pathogen, and you, you know, you spray populations, so they kind of like get flu symptoms, um, and then you kind of encourage everybody to get vaccines, and you mandate vaccines, even for airline pilots, which is probably the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard in your life, then that's way to kind of like, keep it within the populations that they want to get rid of. But it's extremely indiscriminate. But what's going to happen is it's going to leave for round two, whatever round two entails, it's going to leave all of the people capable, capable of sovereign inspired, godly, you know, psychic, and, and basically intelligent. Capacity. Those are the people that need to go build the next future anyway. And then the rest of the crowd kind of like follows along. So it's, it's kind of like shaking, shaking things up. And then, so this is ordering process that's going on, and then all the people that are in the know, can have found each other already, they've all found each other over the entire planet, no matter what country you're in, except for maybe the hills of Papua New Guinea, you probably won't find anybody up there, but everybody's in the know, they know what's going on. They're looking after themselves in each other and in organizing for building their their arcs their, their routes, through through the breakdown of civilization with the great reset. And the surve, total surveillance society which they're trying to bring in which I don't think they're going to do. So um, what was the question?

Kit Heintzman 2:09:48
Well, whether or not we're in a historic moment.

Confidential 2:09:51
Oh, well, yeah, there has been obviously within living memory, but I can't even imagine how far you have to go back. As probably is the pivotal point in all civilizations, and it will determine whether we can continue as a as a cosmic species or whether we will be basically slaves to psychopaths because that the future you know, I mean I, I've tasted it that that level of consciousness is just there is no words for it and and we're so close we have the everything we need to actually bring a huge number of people up to up to visionary level within our lifetimes you know within the next five years even we can we have the technology to do that it's we have to use nature a lot but and then the communities and then certain tools like spinal shower and this is what I call the emancipator sport are breeding super advanced babies. And so if we have it all we have it more than our poor parents and grandparents, who had these small kind of lives of quiet desperation and aspiration, you know, they, they're very good people, but they think that now with the internet especially, but they couldn't see the future as well as we can. And, but the really, really sad thing, and then even in the 1980s in the 1970s I suppose it might have came out of the psychedelic culture, I'm not sure. But in the 70s and 80s people were still really into aspirational. Were and also wanting science fiction and, and city design buildings design. You know, you know, a lot of it came from like Buckminster Fuller and stuff like that inspired people. And we still hadn't really manifest that. And it's been like years and years, and we still haven't really gotten gotten there. And if we'd had goggles straight onto that track is building biological architecture that that actually supports higher consciousness and full health of the human. Right now in you know, really high conscious food and stuff like that, we wouldn't be going through this. And there are people obviously all over the planet that are sustaining themselves on a very, very high level, in perhaps some communities, and there's enormous enough amount of eco villages, but they're kind of cut their own own private piece of heaven, and they don't want you know, their systems or their their thought matrix to be undermined by or disturbed because they because everything's kind of like become a business. So they have these, this eco villages all over the places. That a kind of like businesses, you know, but that's, that's not what I want.

Kit Heintzman 2:13:48
What do you think, for those of us in the humanities and the social sciences, so people who say things like, literature or sociology or political science, what should we be doing right now to help us understand the human side of this pandemic?

Confidential 2:14:09
Right. Well, um, I think if, if they were on the light side of the fence, and and had kind of a relationship to the future, themselves, so they can actually see out of this darkness. And then then, just just connecting up with all of the people that are doing absolutely amazing work, whether it's legal work, whether it's, you know, building new political systems, and getting the the health information out, or backtracking all the patterns. You know, there's one Uber genius out there, who's backtracked all the lineage of the patents to the whole COVID operation I'm right back. And he can just rattle them off the numbers and it just like he does this on a stage or so. And then listen, this doesn't this, this, and this, this person has that person. And so, so if they, if they could like this start researching their own specific interest in what you know, in their ads or what they're particularly interested in, or what they particularly want to see brought forth in humanity, or the most crucial problems or blockages or, you know, dire dangers and stuff like that. And then and then just connect that with all the people all over the world that are actually working on the same issue. And so that they could, you know, be networking, and then things will move along even faster. And we'll break out of this much faster. And so, because what's happening is even the politicians and the mouthpieces said, you know, talk to the people and pretend that they have PhDs, or whatever. And that have gone along with the program, told people to get jabbed secret's safe and effective, and all of that kind of stuff and look like absolute idiots. If they if they now know that it's like, the most probably worse than the black death in a way, in that it alters your DNA. So that the children that are born from these jabbed individuals are going to be very different from normal humans. Some of them, well, we've seen some of that some of the babies that are really really, really super, super scary. But even the normal looking ones are going to be quite altered in consciousness. And in every way, probably, I don't know whether they have short lives and have an illness or their life, immune deficiency and stuff. They'll probably be sterile. And because I think, I think I think that the sterility can actually happen, they say, a young girl gets jabbed as she she may or may not be able to have a baby, but the baby won't be able to have a baby. Because the eggs the eggs in her in her, Oh, it like in here in here, embryo, the eggs that are in her embryo are made by the grandmother, you know, the anyway. So the second generation is not going to be able to produce children apparently. But then also massive sterility in the existing population as well. And, but so what I was saying was that the people, the people that have gone along with the program and realize the dire nature of it and and that are not psychopathic, so they can't actually join the the club, a club of evildoers. They can't, they can't and then now they feel threatened because they they know what's coming as far as the social credit system, cashless society, and, and all of that kind of stuff, taking away personal possessions to kind of like, we're, you know, so they don't, they don't, they wouldn't want to live in that world. So then, so they know that they have done something really wrong. And if they actually turn around and come back and work for the light site in that would be that would be super, super helpful. Especially since they have all of the the insider information that will like bring everything down. Yeah. Wouldn't that be good?

Kit Heintzman 2:20:15
I'd like you to imagine speaking to a historian in the future, someone far enough away that they have no lived experience with this moment. As they go forward saying I want to study COVID-19, What do you want to what do you want to tell them cannot be forgotten about this moment as they go forward to try and research what we've been through? What would you tell them they can't forget?

Confidential 2:20:45
Well, the the main thing is is that in the in the stream of the lineage of human evolution This is the greatest Turning Point spanner in the works have the capacity to be fully human, they have literally curtailed stopped plugged in made absolutely disgusting our capacity to evolve as individuals and as a collective. And so this is the ultimate dystopia, you know, of all the dystopian views. Because we may not actually evolve to, to take advantage of millions and millions and millions and billions of years, ultimately, of years of evolution to get us to this point. And, and, you know, they have made their looks like they've kind of destroyed it at this point, unless we can stop them now and stop them from accelerating and doing another one that's even worse. Because, you know, Bill Gates did say that the next plan Damak will be much worse than this one. Because as a psychopath, he can't help the Bose and about what he's going to be doing, you know. And, and the really disgusting thing is that if you have a look at one of his latest videos, because he kind of disappeared, and then he had did some soul searching and he came back recently, within the last few days and did this really repulsive video, which I can hardly watch, I have to go watch it and force myself to watch it. But he was, he's so crazy. He was going on about motherhood, when he's, he's been instrumental in you know, through Planned Parenthood and, and, you know, AIDS and killing Africans and the whole deal and Indians and, and polio and all of that instrumental in, in destroying motherhood on the planet more than any single individual in all of history. Not Stalin, not Hitler could have ever have done what what Gates and, and his money stream has done to the planet against motherhood, you know, and he's actually doing kind of like this little humble kind of absolutely revolting Spiel where he's the authority on good motherhood is absolutely repulsive, you gotta see it so I would show future person, that image, and then the, and then the long will everlasting list, which is 1000s and 1000s of lines miles long if it's crimes. Um, and they were, they would get it, he's completely transparent, and he's got really, really, really bad public advisors, you know, really, really bad management there. He should have just kept his mouth shut and gone under cover for 20 years.

Kit Heintzman 2:24:30
I wanted to ask context question for something you had said earlier. I was wondering, because you had talked about how tiring it is to have to always be sharing red pills, where did you get yours?

Confidential 2:24:49
Um, I was always red pilled and even as a as a very young kid, just because I was a third girl out, didn't fit in and I didn't know how to I didn't know how to get into herd mentality. So it was never the first five years I, I was outside of the herd. So I couldn't get back in their herd. So it was always red pills. And, and, and, and I'm inquisitive. I like to get to the bottom of things. Either whether whether I'm awake or asleep or having visions or whatever, you know, and So as far as being tiring, no what's, what's tiring is having to hold you hold them speech. Because you can say these really, really tiny little bits of information, you know, just very, very, very baby informations. To somebody who's completely oblivious to what's going on that is actually just going on with the brainwashing. Majority, I don't know. It seems like the majority of people are completely in in what I came up with this term yesterday with the help of this red pilled woman who came to the place that I worked as a guest, and we quickly got into it because she's like a herbalist and a yoga person, teacher and, and, and health advisor and stuff like that. And so she's, she's completely upon it, perhaps not to the degree of looking looking back into where all this came from and in everything that she she knows everything, including, like the health remedies and things. And so we were trying to come up for word for sheep, and cattle call and sheep and cattle because we like sheep and cattle. And so so then we came up with try to try to be politically correct here. So, so we came up with the idea of a blind hirsutism. It's like herd mentality is blind. So you're going along with a herd, you know, blindly. And so that's, that's kind of like this politically correct way to describe not being able to think outside the box. You know, even even though you've seen The Matrix movies and the whole thing, and then all these dystopian movies and stuff, and you have the internet, you're still freaking stuck in the box. I have no idea how people do it. I do know how they do it, because they have sold his soul to the corporation and to the government to the corporation, into the devil basically. But they don't know it's a devil. And it's a survival instinct. But it's a very, very bad survival instinct, because it means you're gonna to die. So it's not good.

Kit Heintzman 2:28:18
You remember when you first found yourself among other people who were, who were also red pilled?

Confidential 2:28:31
Um, well.

Kit Heintzman 2:28:33
when did you come together, when did you like have this community?

Confidential 2:28:38
Well, well, that must have been I wouldn't really call it red pill, but it was it was getting online. Getting online in 96 and joining the Ken Wilber forums because these people were very, very lively and intelligent, inquiring and an eloquent and that and then using Ken, Ken Wilbers apolionic ordering structure. It it allowed us to kind of like filter our consciousness so that so that we could realize when we were we were using kind of like more archaic, mythic or more primitive levels of consciousness and and so I would probably say that the majority of those people are red pilled I haven't I actually left that community because because it was like boxed into the structure. Kick in was like living inside came home was brain. And so that was that was the first time that will help to wake wake up the Kundalini because I was actually being intellectually stimulated and I was very verbose and had profuse rantings, most of which I've collected from from that era. And so and then now it's really just through social media and and then listening to all the youtubers the bit shoots, their bright yawns and stuff, all those you know, and then realizing you know that that this is a, a global movement of push push back against the dark side, you know, closing down a society free, free and open society. Thank you JFK, you know, so and and then what's happening now is the politicians that have been used as tools by these arch organizations that are trying to close the planet down, basically for themselves. Those, those politicians are so obviously evil or so, or down just running off the lines, and I actually think that they keep these people locked up in jail cells and dress them up and then just pull them out and give them scripts to read. Because I'm sure they're not actually running any countries or, and stuff, I think I think they're largely will actor so that we see including Biden, obviously. So they're all actors. So it's just like this great big Truman Show or you know, just a big production that we see. For the for the people that lap it up that can that don't look further, you know. So there's probably ample opportunity to be even more red pilled. But that would probably require me getting you know, I'm, I'm living in the, in the house, I rent a cottage from people in the mid 80s couple. And they are completely red pulse. Which is remarkable. They are completely red pilled they're not running scared like little rabbits, because they hate those rabbit people. And, and so that that's, that's incredible. So I'm, I'm very, very, very, very lucky that I have them and a few people in this location, but most most of my people online.

Kit Heintzman 2:32:40
I want to thank you so, so much for spending this time with me. Those are all of the questions I know how to ask at this moment. But if there's anything you'd like to share, that my questions haven't made room for, either about COVID-19 the pandemic or anything in the last couple of years, please take some space and share it.

Confidential 2:33:03
Well, you know, the, the only real question is, how are we going to get through this? How are we going to stop it from happening again? You know, and and then how are how are we going to work on building the civilization that comes next. After after all of this nonsense is finished. Because I'm I'm actually really amazed that something's so primitive, even though it's using, you know, the heights of modern science so primitive, or what I call hindbrain, you know, which is you know, lower levels, not not prefrontal, just all mammalian could actually happen to this degree. In society, you know, and I think that unless the sun impedes the planet and breaks down the grid, or they, they bring the grid down themselves, which I know that they were planning to do certain cities so that they could go have an excuse to go into either North Korea, Iran, wherever. I know that they were going to do that because a friend of mine who's now deceased, probably killed, was was going to go to a DARPA meeting about that, and about the grid down scenario. And she as a red blooded American couldn't do that to your country. So she, she backed out of that meeting, and then two weeks later, she was dead. She was also a scientist and she was giving us really, really high magnifying magnified images of the stuff that's coming down and chemtrails and it is very rare to hear images of very, very strange very strange indeed and probably related to Morgellons disease and and so, on basically the good people have to keep themselves alive long enough and and get together and do the do the good good work for the continuous ation of human evolution or evolution of life on the planet, you know, because we betray it, we betray all of evolution, if we can't get get over this and repair the damage and stop it from ever happening again. You know, it's just as a conscious species you know, that's, that's the most important thing is is, is stopping this carnage in and even if even if it means getting rid of pharmaceutical companies altogether, because really, we don't need them, they just create disease. And then then we have to educate the, the herd as well. So they won't go along with it because its compliance is the only thing that's actually keeping this going. So the hood to it, in a real sense, and in sort of like in a mythological sense. In a scientific sense, they are the enemy, because they're, they're going along with it, and they're allowing it to continue. And that means that all the politicians and the scientists and the mouthpieces, the UN and the World Economic Forum specially and all of the secret societies where this kind of thinking bred is bred from from the private boys skills skills in the royal lineages and stuff and but we'll see who next jumped ship because I think a lot of the people that have been just kind of like going along with it and realize this crucial moment in history is so pivotal and that they have to do the right thing. They're just like, leaving their job well actually all the criminals are leaving their jobs as well. But all the people that that don't want to get punished when the the the judgment comes down on them you know, they're they're leaving and and then the Pope is stepping down and just all these people that are had enough, you know, so but the Pope is stepping down probably for other reasons. But I think he probably is essentially a good man. I don't know. It's kind of kind of hard to figure out who's to these days. But by their actions, we shall know them and they and the dark side is so transparent, it's hilarious. It really is like a really it's a beam, dystopian movie.

Kit Heintzman 2:38:57
Thank you so much.

Confidential 2:39:03
Well, thank you that was really interesting and fun.

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