
President Promotes Social Distancing

Title (Dublin Core)

President Promotes Social Distancing

Description (Dublin Core)

Representative of reactions from the President amid the outbreak.

Date (Dublin Core)

March 14, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Donald J. Trump

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Lawson Miller

Type (Dublin Core)

Still Image

Publisher (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Politics
English Social Distance
English Social Media (including Memes)

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Donald Trump
social distancing

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Original Format (Omeka Classic)

Screenshot from Twitter

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A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter. Emergency Room doctor in NYC emphasizes the dire situation Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a letter from the Mayor from the city of Hoboken, New Jersey. Hoboken, New Jersey imposes city-wide curfew and closes all restaurants and bars Linked Data Image
Screenshot of a tweet from Twitter. Governor Pritzker of Illinois urges President to take actions over long lines at O’Hare international airport Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter.Machines that read CoVid-19 tests are still waiting for FDA approval, despite use in other countries Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter.CNN sets the podiums 6 feet apart in accordance to CDC guidelines, prior to the Sunday Democratic primary debate between Biden and Sanders Linked Data Image
A screenshot from of the LDS church attempts to reassure members amid CoVid-19 outbreak Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter.Critics go after NYC Mayor De Blasio for refusing to close public schools amid CoVid-19 outbreak Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter.CoVid-19 cases in Italy worsen, raising death toll and number of infected Linked Data Image
A chart showing how contagious a disease is. The chart has drawn the outline of people to show how many out of people get a certain disease. Chart based on latest available research demonstrates the contagiousness of CoVid-19 in comparison to other diseases Linked Data Image
A pie graph meme showing two pie charts that have the words THE APOCALYPSE at the top. Above the left pie chart says: WHAT I EXPECTED and is showing a pie chart that is even split between anarchy and zombies. On the right above the other pie chart says WHAT I GET which shows another pie chart that is even split between home office and no toilet paper. Apocalypse? Linked Data Image
A screenshot from offers free online learning for students at home Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter.MGM in Las Vegas closes properties Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter. Thousands wait in line for hours at O’Hare international airport Linked Data Image
A screenshot from a post on Instagram. The White House begins taking temperatures if anyone who enters the complex Linked Data Image
A screenshot from the Washington Post.
Federal reserve cuts interest rates to zero in emergency intervention for the economy amid CoVid-19 Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter. New York closes public schools, shuttering the nation’s largest public school system Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a meme from Twitter. Meme from The Office depicts feeling of chaos surrounding CoVid-19 Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a Patient Portal. University of Utah health adds "Covid-19 E-Visit" to patient portal Linked Data Image
A screenshot of an article on Washington Post. U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic Linked Data Interactive Resource
A paper letter from a pediatrician to teenagers addressing the importance of staying home during quarantine. Pediatrician addresses teenagers and people who “just don’t get” the importance of staying home Linked Data Image
A screenshot of an article from the Washington Post. Italy surpasses China in Covid-19 death toll Linked Data Interactive Resource
A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter. Lt. Governor Spencer Cox of Utah expresses "disappointment" with LDS missionary families for congregating en masse at SLC airport due to returning missionaries Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a post on Facebook. Facebook post depicts families waiting for return LDS missionaries, one sign reads “corona ain’t got nothing on us” Linked Data Image
A screenshot of a tweet from Twitter. Senator and former Presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota reveals her husband has Covid-19 Linked Data Image
Coronavirus brings hundreds of LDS missionaries back to Utah. See photos of emotional reunions. Linked Data Interactive Resource

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