
Brief on quarantine (Author: Gennady Khodov)

Title (Dublin Core)

Brief on quarantine (Author: Gennady Khodov)

Description (Dublin Core)

Here comes the second month of quarantine in our country. There are people who observe quarantine, and there are people who do not care about the situation and they continue to live as they lived before. Students, schoolchildren are studying remotely. I envy them, of course. Studying at home is so great. But there are disadvantages of such an education, schoolchildren are stupid. After all, some parents do their own homework, and children are not explained anything. Beauty salons, trading houses, markets are closed. Only grocery stores are open. In certain shops we only let in 5 people, and at this time on the street 20 people are waiting for their turn to enter the shop and people do not even keep a distance from us being on the street. There are practically no cars on the street. In our city, it is completely banned to travel by private transport, allowed only to certain people. It became so free at once. Public transport has been restricted, it only goes in the morning or evening, but these buses go in small quantities. It's quicker to walk to work. Some people are panicking. They don't know what happens next...

Date (Dublin Core)

April 27, 2020

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Gennady Khodov

Type (Dublin Core)

text story

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Emotion
English Transportation
English Public Space
English Education--K12

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