
The Burdens of Online Classes

Title (Dublin Core)

The Burdens of Online Classes

Description (Dublin Core)

Hi everyone,

As I write this I feel as if this is like a time capsule that future generations will see or read and learn about our experience. For me, it goes like this, my name is Vianney Ruiz and I am a student Tempe's Arizona State University, I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering as well as French. Why French you ask? I seem to have a passion for languages, but I can't just study French so I decided to combine it with Engineering. Now I am back in Texas, I had to give up my new job as an ambassador for Microsoft and online classes do not live up to the standards that universities say they do. On the other hand, it is me who has the problem, why can't I seem to live up to my own standards when I appear to have more time on my hands? Did I have a class in ten minutes? It is one hour past the time. How could I have forgotten? I reminded myself ten minutes before class. I tell myself there is nothing to be done, I simply send an apology email to my professor. I go on with my day, when suddenly I panic did I have a quiz today? I hurry to Canvas. Phew, I am good, no problem. On other days it's, oh no I missed th quiz. I read the announcement, told myself I had a quiz, why did I forget? Once again sends email apologizing to the professor and even decide to ask for a retake. The professor replies back granting me the permission to retake it. Oh, thank God, I feel such relief. Now, what about my C++ class? I was having so many problems with the professor's teaching style before, how will I do it now? I decide to contact my fellow classmates and see if we can work together on assignments. They say yes, I feel relieved. How will I do my final project? This is something I have to do alone. I ask my dad if any of his co-workers if they have any experience with coding. He says he will ask. The next day he forgets, what will I do? Should someone do it for me? No, that's not like me, I will do my best and assume responsibility. Finally, my dad remembers to ask, someone, contacts me, do I know arrays, vectors, structures? I do not know how to answer. I answer honestly, I laugh at myself and say, my current professor, is a student himself, he has a long way in his teaching career, he went over them, but I found it hard to understand him.

Date (Dublin Core)

May 4, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Vianney R.

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Vianney R.

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Education--Universities
English Emotion
English Biography
English Online Learning

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

mechanical engineering
Arizona State University

Collection (Dublin Core)

College COVID Stories

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