Humans of Covid-19 Australia
Title (Dublin Core)
Humans of Covid-19 Australia
Description (Dublin Core)
I am a psychology student living in Melbourne, and I was interested to hear about how COVID19 was impacting on different peoples’ lives. So I contacted a broad range of people from different backgrounds and sectors to see how they were tracking and how their lives have been changed by the current state of the world. I then posted anecdotes of the conversation onto an instagram forum @humansofcovid19aus.
Date (Dublin Core)
April 16, 2020
Creator (Dublin Core)
Amira Moshinsky
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Jen Rodriguez
Type (Dublin Core)
Instagram page
Link (Bibliographic Ontology)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Community & Community Organizations
Social Media (including Memes)
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
personal experiences
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Linked resources
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Title | Alternate label | Class |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Paul Crusi | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Nicole | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Campbell Walker | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Haikal | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Jemma Katz | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Jesse Burns | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Joshua Batten | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Clementine Ford | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Felix | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Hana Assafiri | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Alissa | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Molly | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Josh Burns | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Meg | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Ron Taft | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Gemma Gringlas | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Zev | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Mandy Dante | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Alice Diffey | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Sumeyya | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Adam Yip | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Tracy Barnes | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Taliah Bulesic | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Anja & Michael | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Gersh Lazarow | Linked Data | Interactive Resource |