Collected Item: “Getting covid 19 before it was covid 19”
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Getting covid 19 before it was covid 19
Tell us a story; share your experience. Or describe the item you are submitting. What does the object or story you've uploaded say about the pandemic, and/or why is it important to you?
In the beginning of January 2020. I got really sick so sick I was throwing up in my bed and defecating in my bed. This went on for 3 months I went to so many doctors and specialist and no one knew what was wrong with me. In April finally my PCP doctor he tested me for covid and I was positive I I end up going into kidney failure the levels of my kidneys was 28,900 if my fiance didn't call 911 the doctor said I would have died that day I was in the hospital for 12 days. And now I am suffering from short-term memory and that year when I was in 2020 I was at my post office that I go to a couple times a week and I had to call my fiance to ask how how to get home because I couldn't remember. Covid-19 ruin my life I got rhabdomyolysis my my left leg my skeleton muscles are deteriorating and I cannot get it back. I just turned 40 in May I was always in good shape and now I feel like I'm 80 years old if I'm walking far I have to walk with a walker. I hope people take this into consideration about how how covid could affect people because even if it doesn't affect you badly it can affect someone else badly it can kill someone. It's not that hard to put on a mask when you're in crowded places. I hope someone got something from this and thank you for letting me do this and thank you for reading.
What sort of object is this: text story, photograph, video, audio interview, screenshot, drawing, meme, etc.?
Text story
Are you the sole creator of these materials? Then select "I am sole creator." If no, please select "I have co-creators" and list the names of the content co-creators, their contact information, and the circumstances of how you came to have the materials. IMPORTANT: Each co-creator must fill out this form in order for the item to be accepted by the archives. However, only one co-creator is required to upload any document.)
I am the sole creator
Name of the item creator (or first name and last initial; or all initials) unless anonymous.
Dave C
Use tags (separated by commas) to describe your story or documents. For example: Does it relate to a particular neighborhood? Does it relate to a particular aspect of the pandemic: school, work, family, hospital.
Give a date associated with this story or documents.