
Journal Assignment - Lone Star Middle School


Title (Dublin Core)

Journal Assignment - Lone Star Middle School

Description (Dublin Core)

Journal Assignment

You are now a historian. Starting on Monday, April 13, you will be keeping a written journal. Once a week (or more if you would like), you will detail what you are seeing in the news. How the world, how the United States, how your friends, neighbors, and family are responding to this pandemic. You are creating a primary source that can be used by people in the future to learn about our lives during this crisis from your unique perspective. You can also use one of your other talents as you see fit. Drawing, poetry, etc.
Be authentic, be honest, be reflective.

Guiding Questions:
You can write anything you like about your experience.

The following is a list of potential things you can respond to.

1. What did the government announce/declare/implement today?
I. Does it make sense?
II. Does it impact your life? Why or why not?
III. How did your family respond?
2. What is open in your neighborhood? What is closed? How does this affect you?
3. What does your neighborhood look like? Are people walking around?
4. How is today different from yesterday for you, your family, our nation, the world?
5. Did you see anything today that gave you hope? Anxiety? Fear?
I. In person, in the news, or on social media?
6. What does your family need today that you might not have, have enough of, or have no access to acquire?
7. What has been your experience with distance learning? Do you think this experience will impact you when you’re back in an actual classroom?

Date (Dublin Core)

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Type (Dublin Core)

Text story

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)


Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)


Collection (Dublin Core)

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)

5/03/2021 - PC.

Date Created (Dublin Core)


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