
Grocery Store Patrons Do not Comply with Social Distancing

Title (Dublin Core)

Grocery Store Patrons Do not Comply with Social Distancing

Description (Dublin Core)

Guys! We're supposed to maintain social distancing! Some people, no matter what, just will NOT obey the rule. People crowd you wherever you go. Especially in checkout lines, people tend to crowd close. Once I worked up my nerve and told the gentleman behind me to please step back. He immediately lifted his arms about a foot out from his sides and started taking giant steps backwards, lifting up his knees, until he reached the wall of the store. Jeez!
socialdistance, grocery, crowding, noncompliance, givemesomespace

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This item was submitted on July 8, 2020 by Lyn Ribisi using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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