
5 New Reasons to Remain Hopeful

Title (Dublin Core)

5 New Reasons to Remain Hopeful

Description (Dublin Core)

Life has felt very overwhelming lately. While reading the news today, I ran across an article titled "Five new reasons to remain hopeful, from Bay Area health experts." In need of some hope, I gave it a read. The article reminded me that while life remains challenging, there has been progress. The five new reasons to remain hopeful are: 1-we are getting closer to a vaccine, 2-treatments look more promising, 3-testing is getting easier, 4-masks are working, 5-we know more about the virus now. I am choosing to stay safe during this pandemic. And because of that choice comes a lot of personal sacrifice for our family. I hope that I can continue to stay strong and positive as I navigate this new life and world. This article was a good reminder to have faith in progress.
, health care heroes, hope, emotion, vaccine, overwhelmed, masks, testing, treatments, knowledge

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San Francisco Chronicle

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This item was submitted on July 25, 2020 by Shanna Gagnon using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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