My Life Before the Pandemic
Title (Dublin Core)
My Life Before the Pandemic
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In January of 2020 I first heard of Corona Virus. I only jokes and memes about it on social media. All I knew was that it was a sickness being passed around in China. I really didn't take it seriously and neither did anyone else at school, but I really wish I had. In march my peers and I were informed that the virus had reached the US and even penetrated California's border. Yet still, we did not take it seriously. My teachers told us that they were being prepared to give us an online education, but that it probably would not be necessary so we were not concerned. I continued life normally. I went to school, soccer practice, I hung out with friends careless of what was going on in the world. That Friday after being informed that my teachers were being prepared to educate us online, my fellow students and I were told that school was being canceled and in the coming week we would be receiving a virtual education. The week after all we did at school was learn how we would be learning from home. I was actually a little excited because I would get to sleep in, do less work, but that excitement did not last long. Within a week I loathed online school entirely. I lost all motivation to learn and do my best. To add on to this, my family began to fight 24/7. Resentments grew among each of us. Everything was closed and we were put on lockdown, the government ordered us not to leave our home. At this time I wished for nothing more than to go back before the Pandemic.
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Type (Dublin Core)
Text Story
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Online Learning
Home & Family Life
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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This item was submitted on December 10, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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