
Corona Virus

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Corona Virus

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In the beginning of February I was living a really good life. I got to see friends all the time, dance with my friends, and just was learning a lot in school and life was good. Little did I know in one snap life could have changed so much. I get home from school March 12, 2020 and heard the news that School was closing for 2 weeks. I really did need the break from school and thought of it as a "long spring break". But soon it turned into more weeks than months. I hated online School at first, long zooms then right when they are done I got to work on my thousands of assignments due that day. No motivation to dance or do anything. I would lay down on my phone and procrastinate all school assignments. Finally, summer hits and some Covid laws were lifted. I got to see a few friends and go surfing everyday. This was what I loved during summer. I even got motivated to dance again. My dance studio then opened and I was off of zoom. I loved getting to dance in person again. Summer soon ended and back to the online school life. This school year has been really good because I adapted to the online education, and started to not procrastinate. Sadly, my studio got back online but it was okay with me. This thanksgiving and halloween were so weird because we had no family over and it was just not the same experience. In conclusion, this pandemic has been rough but I have learned a lot and grew in many different ways.

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This item was submitted on December 10, 2020 by using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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