Christmas in 2020
Title (Dublin Core)
Christmas in 2020
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DISCLAIMER: This item may have been submitted in response to a school assignment prompt. See Linked Data.
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I experienced a very different Christmas than I would usually know. First, my brother and his girlfriend came over in the morning and we all opened presents, but we were social-distanced and wearing masks. After that, we went to my grandmother's house and we had breakfast. We had pancakes, sausages, bacon, and orange juice. After that, we went to my other grandmother's house and we opened all of our gits from them and we stayed there a while, but we were social-distanced, and wearing masks. Then we went back to my grandmother's house and we opened the rest of my presents. It was a very different experience and I will never forget it.
Date (Dublin Core)
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Partner (Dublin Core)
Type (Dublin Core)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Food & Drink
Home & Family Life
Social Distance
Recreation & Leisure
Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
Linked Data (Dublin Core)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
This item was submitted on January 7, 2021 by Jayden Alvarez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
Click here to view the collected data.