The orgin of Covid 19
Title (Dublin Core)
The orgin of Covid 19
Description (Dublin Core)
I first heard about the coronavirus around February. I heard of it mainly from my mom and friends. In the beginning, I was told it started from someone eating a bat in Wuhan China. Then it spread super fast. I was never too afraid of Covid and I never imagined that my school would get shut down from it. We were still going to school until around March 16th when my school got shut down. We did online school for the rest of the year and we also went into quarantine in March. My family still wasn't too afraid of the virus but for the most part, we quarantined and kept our distance from friends. we are still not too afraid of the virus and my family and my opinions have changed too much.
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Type (Dublin Core)
text story
Publisher (Dublin Core)
Oaks Christian Middle School
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
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Item sets
This item was submitted on January 11, 2021 by Vila Elliott using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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