
Forgot my vaccine card to my second appointment

Title (Dublin Core)

Forgot my vaccine card to my second appointment

Description (Dublin Core)

I forgot my vaccine card to my second Moderna dose appointment at ASU. It's silly of me to forget about something so major. They asked if I had a photo of it and I thought they wanted it to prove I had received one. I did have a photo but I had covered the information on it for a picture for my story on instagram. They just waived me along and gave me my second dose anyway, they came to me about 5 minutes after my shot with a new vaccine card. Now I have two different vaccine cards, maybe one will be my future "travel id".

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vaccine passport

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This item was submitted on April 15, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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