
I Missed Normal Hand Sanitizer


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I Missed Normal Hand Sanitizer

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I am a high school teacher, so I used a lot of hand sanitizer long before COVID-19. One of the things that I will never forget from the pandemic was the smell of the hand sanitizer. There were shortages on all disinfectants for months, and the hand sanitizers I could find were brands I had never seen before. The worst part about this new hand sanitizers was the smell. They all had a sharp smell, much worse than the normal alcohol smell. Some smelled truly terrible, almost rotten. I put lemon essential oil in one to try to change the smell, but it made no difference. It just smelled like rotten citrus.
When my school went back in person in the fall of 2020, the worst part was having to sanitize all the time with the stinky hand sanitizer. I gained a whole new appreciation for Germ-X. It was almost sad how happy I was when I found a bottle of Germ-X stashed in my cupboard (because teachers were hoarding cleaning supplies before it was cool). I put it on my teacher desk behind my computer and hoarded it from the kids!

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text story

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Arizona State University
HST 643
sensory history

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Olivia Langa
added pdf of text to create thumbnail OL 10/25/2021

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This item was submitted on October 16, 2021 by Amy Koppenhafer using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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