
Nurse discusses the hospital response to the mask shortage

Title (Dublin Core)

Nurse discusses the hospital response to the mask shortage

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Nurses/ health care providers are given 1 mask per shift to use for the entire 12 hours (sometimes 1 per pt and other hospitals 1 masks for their entire patient load). After we use the mask we place it in out brown bag to reuse- it is being done all across the country. It’s crazy really for healthcare providers to wrap their heads around- we never re-use ppe because of risk of contaminating yourself. But we have no choice. You do it like this now to make your supplies last.

*Annie R. (NP) and Jillian Decker #HIST521

Date (Dublin Core)

March 29, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Jillian Decker

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Jillian Decker

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Northeastern University

Type (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Healthcare
English Public Health & Hospitals

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Text (Omeka Classic)

Nurses/ health care providers are given 1 mask per shift to use for the entire 12 hours (sometimes 1 per pt and other hospitals 1 masks for their entire patient load). After we use the mask we place it in out brown bag to reuse- it is being done all across the country. It’s crazy really for healthcare providers to wrap their heads around- we never re-use ppe because of risk of contaminating yourself. But we have no choice. You do it like this now to make your supplies last.

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