
LGBT: Covid-19 forced me back home where I'm 'unwanted'

Title (Dublin Core)

LGBT: Covid-19 forced me back home where I'm 'unwanted'

Description (Dublin Core)

This short video discusses the plight of a LGBTQ person who is forced to return to an unaccepting home environment after losing her job due to the pandemic. This is another example of the ways that Covid-19 has impacted the LGBTQ community in struggles unique to the community. I never even thought about this as a potential problem because I am fortunate enough to have a family that accepts me for who I am. It makes me worry for LGBTQ youth who were able to move out on their own and get away from a toxic home life.

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BBC News

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Arizona State University

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Lawson Miller Internship Portfolio Linked Data Interactive Resource

This item was submitted on May 30, 2020 by Lawson Miller using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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