
Los Angeles Shuts Coronavirus Testing Centers Due to George Floyd Protests

Title (Dublin Core)

Los Angeles Shuts Coronavirus Testing Centers Due to George Floyd Protests

Description (Dublin Core)

The public health implications of the George Floyd protests are interesting and scary to consider. Shutting down COVID-19 testing centers in one of the country's largest cities will surely have an impact on managing the pandemic which still rages on. However, the protests of George Floyd's death are an important development for social justice and advocating for reforms. I worry for the safety and health of everyone involved in the protests as well as the public health implications of not testing for the virus in one of the country's largest cities. It seems almost impossible to strike the right balance in this case.

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The Daily Beast

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Collection (Dublin Core)

Social Justice

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This item was submitted on May 31, 2020 by Lawson Miller using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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