In Stillness: Voices from a Covid world
Title (Dublin Core)
In Stillness: Voices from a Covid world
Description (Dublin Core)
"In stillness: Voices from a COVID world" is a short film by writer Paolo Mangahas, which features phone voice recordings of people sharing their thoughts on a locked-down world. This 7-minute video gives an honest glimpse into everyone's struggles, vulnerabilities, and hopes during these challenging times.
Paolo currently works and lives in Singapore, where a "circuit breaker" – safety measures to break the chain of COVID-19 transmissions in the community – has been implemented since April 3 (it is expected to be lifted in a phased approach starting June 2). Like the rest of the world, Singapore residents have been asked to stay at home and to only go out for essential activities, which include outdoor exercise. Paolo shot this film entirely using his iPhone during his daily run.
Paolo currently works and lives in Singapore, where a "circuit breaker" – safety measures to break the chain of COVID-19 transmissions in the community – has been implemented since April 3 (it is expected to be lifted in a phased approach starting June 2). Like the rest of the world, Singapore residents have been asked to stay at home and to only go out for essential activities, which include outdoor exercise. Paolo shot this film entirely using his iPhone during his daily run.
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Type (Dublin Core)
Moving Image
Short film
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