
Virtual Viewing of Partial Solar Eclipse

Title (Dublin Core)

Virtual Viewing of Partial Solar Eclipse

Description (Dublin Core)

I am a member of the Manila Street Astronomers, a volunteer organization that brings astronomy to the public. Usually we hold free telescope viewings of the moon and other heavenly bodies in malls and other public places. Due to quarantine restrictions, we could not carry out our outreach projects. But we really missed bringing astronomy to the public. So when the partial solar eclipse occurred on June 21, 2020, we did a live broadcast of the partial solar eclipse. We had fun doing it and, based on the rave reviews we have been getting, so has the audience. It was fulfilling sharing our astronomy knowledge to the public, to remind ourselves and others amidst the disturbing things happening on earth that there is a bigger universe out there.

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Type (Dublin Core)

Moving Image

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