
Pickleball Tournaments Lost

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Pickleball Tournaments Lost

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Athletes at all levels have lost seasons as the pandemic has swept across the globe. For professional athletes in emerging sports, such as pickleball, the challenges must be immense. As an avid pickleballer, I've watched as tournament after tournament get canceled and the sport's forums (such as the Pickleball Forum on Facebook) have become sites of controversy as some counsel not playing while others deny the crisis altogether. Lost in that space, though, are the really personal challenges that so many athletes face, including professionals who are defining the future of the game.

Steve Deakin, one of the top men's players in the world, posted this evocative statement to the Pickleball Forum on Facebook about the gradual loss of the 2020 pickleball season; with 223 likes, 74 comments, and 5 shares in its first two hours, Deakin's post clearly struck a nerve within the pickleball community.

"I wanted to take this opportunity to reach out to the PB community. Please read this to the end if you can spare a couple of minutes today.....As you may or may not know, I took the plunge to pursue PB full time late last year. This was the best move I have ever made. It was scary and exciting all at the same time. I left a job that was secure to pursue what I loved to do. My business/brand was gaining incredible traction and then boom...COVID. My tournament earnings dried up, sponsors pulled back support, my clinics/camps cancelled as "lockdowns" were implemented in Canada. I was livid. I truly believed at that time this was a glorified flu and I asked myself "Why is the Canadian Government taking such drastic action?" I have never seen anything like this in my entire life. I took the time while I was in this "lockdown" to educate myself as my common sense told me something is not right here. There has to be a reason why our Federal Government is taking such drastic action by literally shutting our country down? Well, there is a reason. It's called a Global Pandemic. This is real and it is not a "hoax". The country where I am proud to call home, united as one (regardless of the political differences), and started this battle against COVID-19 together. It was not easy and we continue to adjust our lives today. Whether it be by wearing a mask, not gathering in large groups, or social/physical distancing, the majority of Canadians took it on the chin and did what was asked of us. I feel strongly we are in a great spot today because of these actions. Businesses are reopening safely, new cases are minimal, and most importantly, the deaths related to this virus are starting to dry up. The message here folks in unity. Not division.

I have many friends down south in the US that I truly miss. I love this sport. I love the competition. I love the fans. I know I am not alone on this. However, what is currently happening in the US is tragic on so many levels. Trust me, I understand the importance of getting back to work and reopening/rebuilding an economy. As a new small business owner impacted by these shutdowns paired with slow, phased re-openings, I get it. It has been tough. On the other hand, I understand everyone's circumstances can be very different. What we all share though unfortunately (literally) is this virus. I know what I am going to say next may not be popular with everyone in the PB community but it needs to be said by a player that uses this sport as a source of income. Running tournaments in hot spot states in particular with multiple hundreds of registrants is just not necessary right now as cases soar and people die. I cancelled my tournament schedule for July and August to protect my Dad, my Mom, my wife, my kids, and my friends from this virus. This decision was easy for me. There is no amount of prize money and personal brand exposure that can replace them. I want nothing more than my friends in the US to band together and get healthy. We will eventually all get back on the courts safely and responsibly together. Now is just not the time for me.

I appreciate every one of you that took the time to read this whether you agree with me or not. I will always respect your opinions on this subject. It's an extremely tricky one for sure. Stay safe and stay healthy."

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This item was submitted on July 11, 2020 by Mark Tebeau using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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