
Molly's Quarantine Performance

Title (Dublin Core)

Molly's Quarantine Performance

Description (Dublin Core)

Centerville, Utah (June, 2020)- My daughter is a creative soul; she loves to sing, dance and act out her vivid imagination. She loves the theatre and going to summer camp. COVID-19 stopped her from doing that this year. But Molly is resourceful and resilient, and even found opportunity to perform in her Anna costume for all her family at her own birthday party. The arts have a way of making us whole, filling us up with joy and hope; even in the midst of a pandemic. For the little ones, they always find a way back to their imagination and the safety it provides.

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This item was submitted on June 14, 2020 by J. Michael Bailey, #ASU, HST580, #performingarts using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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