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Dear the upcoming future,
Ever since COVID 19 hit, the world changed. From banning gatherings to social distancing, extended holidays and many people losing their lives to it every day, the world has descended into chaos.
This virus started in December the 31st 2019 in Wu Han, China. They identified that the people were being infected by a new virus and they had no way to treat them, suddenly in January 11th China reported its first death. From then on, more and more cases started popping up in various countries and soon spread to Australia, as a twelve-year-old, seeing a deadly pandemic appear in my time was frightening. Schools began closing and soon the government was in panic.
Students in high schools started adapting to a new way of learning called Remote Learning. Since it was my first year in high school, I haven’t adapted quite well, so it was difficult to me as we had to do large amounts of homework at home.
COVID 19 had not just affected children but adults as well. Many people couldn’t work as their job involved them being there physically, this affected the economy in many countries and caused debt in many families.
Though this wasn’t the only problems that occurred, another problem was that during this time protests started, involving Black Lives Matter and Pride Month. As the Coronavirus is easily passed, protests were a problem, many new cases were started because of people arriving overseas.
During this time, scientists from around the world have been creating vaccines, but in 2020 the possibility of a vaccine being created is unlikely. I hope that by the time you read this a vaccine would be created.
Ever since COVID 19 hit, the world changed. From banning gatherings to social distancing, extended holidays and many people losing their lives to it every day, the world has descended into chaos.
This virus started in December the 31st 2019 in Wu Han, China. They identified that the people were being infected by a new virus and they had no way to treat them, suddenly in January 11th China reported its first death. From then on, more and more cases started popping up in various countries and soon spread to Australia, as a twelve-year-old, seeing a deadly pandemic appear in my time was frightening. Schools began closing and soon the government was in panic.
Students in high schools started adapting to a new way of learning called Remote Learning. Since it was my first year in high school, I haven’t adapted quite well, so it was difficult to me as we had to do large amounts of homework at home.
COVID 19 had not just affected children but adults as well. Many people couldn’t work as their job involved them being there physically, this affected the economy in many countries and caused debt in many families.
Though this wasn’t the only problems that occurred, another problem was that during this time protests started, involving Black Lives Matter and Pride Month. As the Coronavirus is easily passed, protests were a problem, many new cases were started because of people arriving overseas.
During this time, scientists from around the world have been creating vaccines, but in 2020 the possibility of a vaccine being created is unlikely. I hope that by the time you read this a vaccine would be created.
different, Australia, Whatishappening, Coronavirus, COVID-19
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This is a letter and I wrote it.
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This item was submitted on June 16, 2020 by Chloe using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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