
Abandoned Playground

Title (Dublin Core)

Abandoned Playground

Description (Dublin Core)

In this photo caution tape was put up around the playground to prevent any kids from going onto it as well as a sign that said that the playground was closed due to the corona virus. Generally during that time of the year (the spring) the playground is always inhabited with children and families. Usually in the afternoon, kids from the school behind it always played on it. The shutting down of schools and effort to prevent the spread of germs caused this playground to be also be shut down. It felt weird to me when I walked past the playground and the basketball court that was next to it, to see nobody there and it reminded my family of a ghost town. We walk past that playground almost every day and to see in empty was a weird and eerie sight.
This photo is a photo of the playground down the street from my house.

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This item was submitted on September 2, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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