
Picking up the pieces

Title (Dublin Core)

Picking up the pieces

Description (Dublin Core)

The coronavirus and the Black Lives Matter movement are two of the most important things in the US right now. This photo represents both of those things and it's important to me because I'm a young black kid who wants to live safely in a community where I feel comfortable. I, just like many others, have learned a lot about the history of injustice in America towards black people.
My image is a picture of me and my friend, Chad, at the Black Lives Matter protest in D.C. We went to 3 protests in D.C. all at the Black Lives Matter Plaza in front of the White House. In the picture we are wearing masks and you can see other people wearing masks and it represents the time we are in right now. So while people are protesting against these injustices that keep occurring, they are showing they can do it in a safe manner.

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This item was submitted on September 3, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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