
My Strange 2020

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My Strange 2020

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This picture was taken on October 27th around 11pm. This day changed my life forever, my first child was born. Looking back on 2020 I noticed that it was life changing in many different ways. Experiencing becoming a father in this pandemic was crazy, me and my girlfriend found out she was pregnant a week after quarantine started but we could not be together. We had to stay at home , I couldn't attend her doctors visits, the only one they let me in was the first ultrasound. During the labor process we could not have family there with us so it was just me and her. I'll never forget those moments when my daughter was coming into the world because it was strange but amazing at the same time.

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This item was submitted on March 22, 2021 by Kameron Calbert using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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