
How does the pandemic affect children?

Title (Dublin Core)

How does the pandemic affect children?

Description (Dublin Core)

This link is a podcast with which talks about a specific family of 4, including 2 girls ages 5 and 7 and the two guardians who have health witnessed changes in their children's behavior due to covid. It is a very interesting read and listen as both the children now have been hearing things about deaths due to covid and because of that say things such as "I don't care if I die". The read goes on to state some factual information, some important things said include, " a sex-abuse hotline operated by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network reported that half its calls in March came from minors, for the first time in its history." This was somthing that I heard for the first time and was shaken. Not only are children going through the stress of their own during the pandemic but they stay home and are potentially being abused. For some children going to school was an escape. I was though was very happy that these minors had information on who to contact for help.

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This item was submitted on March 31, 2021 by Fatima Husain using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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