Student enrollment is declining...where have Arizona Students gone?
Title (Dublin Core)
Student enrollment is declining...where have Arizona Students gone?
Description (Dublin Core)
This article highlights the declining enrollments of students in Arizona and their absence, so too does the funding disappear. According to the featured article, the combination of an approximate loss of 10% percent of the student population coupled with a drastic cut in the funding levels has significantly impacted the financial operations and organization of public school districts. The enrollment loss is mostly concentrated on the elementary levels, yet a notable loss of enrollment in high schools is of some concern. Declining enrollment not only affects the students' ability to develop important critical thinking and life skills, but in-person instruction should aid the student in recognizing the workload that comes with advanced degrees and education. Another option offers students the ability to learn through the hybrid instructional model.
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Text story
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This item was submitted on April 4, 2021 by Daniel Lopez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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