
Faris Danan and Hridaya Patel Oral History, 09/20/2021


Title (Dublin Core)

Faris Danan and Hridaya Patel Oral History, 09/20/2021
Faris Danan and Hridaya Patel Oral History, 09/20/2021, Part 1

Description (Dublin Core)

This object shares both of our experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

Creator (Dublin Core)

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Type (Dublin Core)

oral history

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Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

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Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


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Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Faris Danan
Hridaya Patel

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Hridaya Patel
Faris Danan

Format (Dublin Core)


Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Faris Danan and Hridaya Patel interview each other. Danan and Petel both talk about how COVID-19 affected school and social life, and well as how the pandemic affected their mental health. Patel gave some insight into how the pandemic affected India.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Hridaya Patel 0:01
Hi, I’m Hridaya Patel. And I'm the interviewer. Do you give consent to be interviewed for the COVID-19 archive project on the 20th of September at 7:55pm?

Faris Danan 0:14
Yes, I Faris Danan, give my consent as the interviewee to be interviewed for the COVID-19 archive project.

Hridaya Patel 0:20
All right, so my first question for you is, how has COVID-19 impacted your life, and what has changed for you during these times?

Faris Danan 0:30
So for me personally, COVID actually probably impacted my life a lot. Obviously, my senior, my junior and senior year was kind of cut short a little bit, I wasn't really able to do a lot of stuff with lacrosse, and there were some travel plans that I had lined up for the summer. That, of course, got canceled. And honestly, like a lot has changed for me, personally. I know that I'm going to be a lot more safe when I'm in public, even when COVID is gone. I'm gonna be washing my hands and all that more often. And I honestly might start wearing masks in like very crowded places once this is all over, just because it's honestly like it doesn't hurt me. And it's safer for me in the long term.

Hridaya Patel 1:16
All right. Since you mentioned all these activities, how has COVID-19 affected your mental health, if it did at all?

Faris Danan 1:28
For me, personally, I don't know if I would say it really affected my mental health that severely. I mean,
I would say for sure that I was a little upset at points for sure that I was missing out on some stuff. But I don't think I was ever really it; I don't think it really ever took that big of a toll on my mental health. Which is good, because I know a lot of people did have a lot of issues with it. So I'm really grateful that I was able to handle it pretty well without too much stress.

Hridaya Patel 1:59
All right. What was your routine like and how did you cope with school?

Faris Danan 2:03
My routine once COVID hit wasn't terribly different. I mean, I was still waking up and, not, going to school, but doing school through Zoom every day. And I mean, the only thing that really changed was I wasn't able to play lacrosse anymore. Which was, for me a really big bummer, because that's one of the things that I always used to do to relieve some stress. And with COVID, I wasn't really able to do that. But with school, it was alright. I mean, obviously I'm not, I wasn't a huge fan of online learning through Zoom and all that. But luckily, my school is small enough to the point where for my senior year, we were able to go back in person. For the majority of the year, at least, there were parts where we were online, but going back in person for my senior year was definitely, like huge, because if I wasn't able to, I don't know, what would have happened, honestly.

Hridaya Patel 3:00
All right, how often did you meet people? And how did you connect with these people during these times?

Faris Danan 3:06
So when it first hit my, my parents were both doctors, and so they were very, very cautious. They wouldn't really let me do much of anything, if at all. And really all I was able to do for the, for like for the first, I don't even know how long, several several months, I was only able to meet up with two of my other friends who also were being super, super safe. We never went inside each other's houses, we were always just like outside, going on walks, camping, or whatever and whatnot. And the thing is, we still like maintaining social distancing and everything because at that point, it was still super early, and we didn't really know much. But then once school started kicking back in and my parents got their vaccines, I was able to start doing a little more, which was good for sure.

Hridaya Patel 3:53
All right. Would you have liked the lock down to be longer or shorter and why?

Faris Danan 3:59
I mean, in reality, probably longer just so that COVID didn't spread as bad and like wasn't as bad. But I mean for me, like if I wanted to have fun, obviously shorter. Because if it was shorter, I would have been able to go out more but in the general scheme of things I wanted, I would definitely want it to be longer just because I saw how a lot of places were cutting down the lockdown and then it was kind of went south pretty quickly for those places.

Hridaya Patel 4:28
Alright, thank you.

Faris Danan 4:31
And now I, Faris Danan, will be interviewing-

Hridaya Patel 4:35
-Hridaya Patel.

Faris Danan 4:37
Do you give your consent?

Hridaya Patel 4:38

Faris Danan 4:39
Okay, so my first question is, where were you when you first heard about the lockdown orders?

Hridaya Patel 4:44
So I stay and live in India, and I come from the, from the west part of India (indistinguishable) and so I heard about the lockdown with my parents on the news, and it was pretty shocking to know that we are to stay for at least a week at home. I didn't really know that it would keep extending for this long. So yeah, I was at home with my family. And we were all just discussing stuff about the lockdown and COVID-19.

Faris Danan 5:15
So kind of, you kind of touched on this a little bit, but what were your first feelings about having to stay at home for such a long time?

Hridaya Patel 5:22
So basically, I was really happy because I'd have to go to college soon, and I wanted to spend time with my family, because I hadn't been doing that a lot because of school. So I thought it would be good. But then they imposed a curfew and stuff like that in India. And because of that, I wasn't able to meet my friends, which really affected me. And it just really got bad, because the only people I was seeing was my parents, which was a good point, but then I got tired of my routine. And, yeah, so I had mixed feelings.

Faris Danan 6:02
Yeah, that's totally understandable. Were you hopeful at all that things were going to end fast? Or do you think, did you kind of have a feeling that this was going to be kind of a long term issue?

Hridaya Patel 6:11
Um, so basically, initially, I thought that it will, like, get done in a month or so. But then I didn't really have hopes, because it kept extending. But I hoped it end fast because I had a lot of activities piled up, and because it was my senior year, I really wanted to spend time with my friends and spend time at school doing things I like.

Faris Danan 6:38
Yeah, that makes sense. And then what were some of the things and like different events that got canceled because of COVID?

Hridaya Patel 6:45
Um, so my school was online, all through the year, except for my graduation, and we had a sports day. So only these two events were offline. But there was a prom, which we skipped because of this. And they were like in person classes, activities, labs, many trips together as a class and stuff which I skipped.

Faris Danan 7:12
And then finally, in what ways has your life changed overall, because of COVID?

Hridaya Patel 7:17
I think I've been more cautious about my health. And it just is at the back of my mind that I take care and sanitize after, (indistinguishable) right after everything I do, and everywhere I touch. And I think it's also made me more tech savvy, I guess. Because technology has been something I've been going to whenever I need something, because it's been most handy these days and convenient, I guess.

Faris Danan 7:52
Yeah. Well, thank you. And that concludes our interview.

Hridaya Patel 7:58
Thank you.

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Faris Danan and Hridaya Patel Oral History, 2021/12/09 Linked Data Oral History

This item was submitted on September 20, 2021 by Faris Danan and Hridaya Patel using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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