
Christian Sandoval Oral History, 2021/12/03


Title (Dublin Core)

Christian Sandoval Oral History, 2021/12/03

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An interview with Christian Sandoval, a UTSA senior who graduated during the pandemic, on how the pandemic affected his graduation and career options.

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Type (Dublin Core)

Audio Interview

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Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

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Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


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Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Vianne Beltran

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Christian Sandoval

Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

An interview with Christian Sandoval, a UTSA senior who graduated during the pandemic, on how the pandemic affected his graduation and career options.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Vianne Beltran 00:01
Hello, would you like to introduce yourself?

Christian Sandoval 00:03
My name is Christian Chase Sandoval.

Vianne Beltran 00:06
Where did you go to school, Christian Chase?

Christian Sandoval 00:08
I recently graduated from University of Texas at San Antonio.

Vianne Beltran 00:11
What year did you graduate? Do you remember?

Christian Sandoval 00:14

Vianne Beltran 00:16
Wow, you actually remember this time. We had this discussion before. Did you walk the stage at UTSA?

Christian Sandoval 00:24
I did not. I chose not to because I would have had to wait until fall.

Vianne Beltran 00:29
Of what year?

Christian Sandoval 00:30
Of 2021.

Vianne Beltran 00:31
And were you disappointed?

Christian Sandoval 00:33
I personally was not. My family was

Vianne Beltran 00:36
Your family was? Who do you think was most disappointed in your family?

Christian Sandoval 00:40
My grandmother, Mary Ann.

Vianne Beltran 00:43
Why was she disappointed?

Christian Sandoval 00:44
Because she had never seen any of her descendants walk the stage.

Vianne Beltran 00:49
And who do you think -oh, she saw- who did she see next?

Christian Sandoval 00:54
Cameron, my sister.

Vianne Beltran 00:55
Your sister. And how did she feel about that?

Christian Sandoval 01:00
She's very proud of her.

Vianne Beltran 01:01
She's very proud of her.

Christian Sandoval 01:01
She watched it live. Not in person, but she watched over the, the internet through a Skype call, I believe.

Vianne Beltran 01:10
Do you think she would prefer to see it in person?

Christian Sandoval 01:12
I'm sure, but she's was suffering from health issues at the time.

Vianne Beltran 01:19
Do you think you'll ever walk the stage?

Christian Sandoval 01:21
Hopefully I will after I graduate from the St. Mary's law program.

Vianne Beltran 01:26
Oh, you plan to attend the St. Mary's law program?

Christian Sandoval 01:29
I do.

Vianne Beltran 01:32
Have you taken the LSAT, Christian?

Christian Sandoval 01:33
I have. I scored a perfect score; in my regards.

Vianne Beltran 01:39
What did you score, Christian?

Christian Sandoval 01:40
I'm not sure yet. I have yet to receive my results.

Vianne Beltran 01:44
Oh, where did you take your LSAT?

Christian Sandoval 01:47
At a computer inside my loving wife's home.

Vianne Beltran 01:55
Were there, did they offer the LSAT in person?

Christian Sandoval 01:58
They did not due to the pandemic.

Vianne Beltran 02:00
To the pandemic. Would you have preferred it in person?

Christian Sandoval 02:03
I would not. I do personally enjoy the privacy of my own home when I'm test taking.

Vianne Beltran 02:09
Do you, so your final senior year...

Christian Sandoval 02:13
My final senior year, yes.

Vianne Beltran 02:14
Your final... you know when I mean. The senior year of your UTSA career. Do you think it affected, you were supposed to take an internship, weren't you?

Christian Sandoval 02:24
I was, and it was canceled. And I was supposed to take a replacement course which ended up being criminal psychology.

Vianne Beltran 02:33
And you never did?

Christian Sandoval 02:34
I did.

Vianne Beltran 02:34
Oh, you did?

Christian Sandoval 02:35
It's how I graduated.

Vianne Beltran 02:36
Oh. Do you, do you think that you missed out not taking an internship? Do you think that affected you...

Christian Sandoval 02:43
I personally don't think so...

Vianne Beltran 02:45

Christian Sandoval 02:46
...due to the fact that I have a very stable and strong career where I am a leader in my field. And I am still planning to attend school to get more career experience and educational experience.

Vianne Beltran 03:06
Do you think that the pandemic has affected your career choices?

Christian Sandoval 03:11
Personally, I don't think so. I think in the pandemic, my field that I initially wanted to go to before law is thriving.

Vianne Beltran 03:20
Really, you don't think it's...

Christian Sandoval 03:25
I don't think it's what?

Vianne Beltran 03:26
You, you don't, you don't think, do you think it's like... what's your field? Did you say your field?

Christian Sandoval 03:31
My field would be security and civil protection.

Vianne Beltran 03:37
Would you say it's increased?

Christian Sandoval 03:40
I would say it's increased during the pandemic due to the changing needs. It needs a lot of innovation, and they're looking for young people with new ideas, definitely.

Vianne Beltran 03:52
If we went back to lockdown, do you think that because you work at-

Christian Sandoval 03:57
My field would not- I, my current job would not change due to the fact that there would still be employees that need to be monitored, and I hold somewhat of a management position.

Vianne Beltran 04:08
Well, what if there was...

Christian Sandoval 04:11
No employees?

Vianne Beltran 04:12
No. What if like, well you work at like a shopping center like, what if like, we switched back to like more online shopping?

Christian Sandoval 04:19
Then I would still have to monitor employee theft and...

Vianne Beltran 04:22
I guess that's true.

Christian Sandoval 04:24
Stuff like that. Internal fraud. I do a lot of fraud, credit card fraud, overtures and going through finances to see if there's any errors or missing money. Let me ask you some questions now though. Being a current student at the end of the pandemic, how do you think it's affected you, your social life, your schooling, all that?

Vianne Beltran 04:57
Well, you see, I've never had a social life, so everything's the same. As for schooling, it's really helped made me focus on schooling because there's nothing else to do but just stay home.

Christian Sandoval 05:17
Would you say that you prefer an online education more so than having to go into the class or do you prefer going, meeting face to face with your fellow students and teachers?

Vianne Beltran 05:31
I feel like I like, I like online classes, but I also like going and being forced to get up and get dressed.

Christian Sandoval 05:42
So would you say that like going to class in person gives you a goal every day to wake up to more so like, than a online class where you can basically do it out of bed? I think what you're trying to say is that, like, there's a certain drive behind it that gives you a motivation to wake up in the morning and be productive more so than just flicking on your class and participating online through either a screen or a camera, etc.

Vianne Beltran 06:10
Yeah, I think like with a class online, you just like, I feel like I can slack off more, with like in person, I actually have to pay attention because there's an actual teacher like who can see me.

Christian Sandoval 06:23
What do you think of the quality of the education you receive, though between online and in person? Would you say that it's more detailed in person or online due to like, the availability of the resources from the online more so than in person where you're not necessarily giving, getting, getting expl- explicit handouts compared to being in person where it might be more of a general lecture?

Vianne Beltran 06:51
You're too good at this. You should go back to school.

Christian Sandoval 06:57
I am going back to school.

Vianne Beltran 06:58
Well, St. Mary's should accept you right away.

Christian Sandoval 07:01
I hope, I hope they do.

Vianne Beltran 07:03
St. Mary's if you're listening to this...

Christian Sandoval 07:05
St. Mary herself.

Vianne Beltran 07:07
St. Mary. Is that, is that, is that the Virgin Mary? I don't know. St. Mary, if you're listening, hire this man. Christian.

Christian Sandoval 07:21

Vianne Beltran 07:22
So I'm taking back this interview because you're kind of showing me up. Let's, let's talk about the best thing to happen during the pandemic for you.

Christian Sandoval 07:36
I think it was genuinely meeting you. As I'm not sure if the person listening to this will be aware, but we are in a multi-year relationship at this point. And I've spent every moment of the pandemic by your side. And I feel like it has tested us as people and our relationship to a certain extent that I think we could figure out by now if it was going to work or not.

Vianne Beltran 07:43
We didn't meet during the pandemic, though.

Christian Sandoval 08:00
We met right before.

Vianne Beltran 08:01
Did we?

Christian Sandoval 08:02
Months before. Two months- three months before.

Vianne Beltran 08:05

Christian Sandoval 08:06

Vianne Beltran 08:06
We're old news.

Christian Sandoval 08:07
We are old news.

Vianne Beltran 08:09
And now we have two beautiful dogs, and a hermit crab

Christian Sandoval 08:18
And a hermit crab.

Vianne Beltran 08:20
And a dead hermit crab.

Christian Sandoval 08:22
And a dead hermit crab.

Vianne Beltran 08:25
And a cat, manifesting a cat.

Christian Sandoval 08:29
Manifesting a bird. Ask me a question. Finish out this interview strong.

Vianne Beltran 08:36
Finish, okay. Um, so if you get into St. Mary's, do you think you could do-

Christian Sandoval 08:43
When I get into St. Mary's.

Vianne Beltran 08:44
-when you get, manifesting St. Mary's. What, do you think you could do law school online, completely online?

Christian Sandoval 08:51
I you know, I think I would prefer it.

Vianne Beltran 08:52
You think you'd prefer it?

Christian Sandoval 08:53
I would prefer it. I wouldn't mind going to be, I genuinely receive information better when I can go over it multiple times. And I think that having a prerecorded lecture or paperwork that I can read, really helps people like me who struggle from ADHD where they might be thinking about something else while they're listening, and they're hyper focused on another part of the topic.

Vianne Beltran 09:16
Because, so your senior year, I assume there wasn't that much work to do?

Christian Sandoval 09:21
I actually assumed there was more work than any of my other years because I had to close out strong, and it was, everyone was new to online learning. So we were being given experimental courses, and it might have been more coursework than someone who showed up to the class every day was given.

Vianne Beltran 09:41
So do you think it, do you think some online learning was detrimental?

Christian Sandoval 09:48
Detrimental? I think they'd had the opposite effect on me, but I could see how it could definitely be detrimental to people who prefer an in person experience. I think it was more... I definitely learned more because I was able to review information more so than in an in-person class.

Vianne Beltran 10:06
So, if school switched completely to online, you think you would thrive?

Christian Sandoval 10:12
I would prefer it. I think I would thrive. I do well in an unorganized environment personally.

Vianne Beltran 10:17
You said unorganized?

Christian Sandoval 10:18
Unorganized environment, yeah.

Vianne Beltran 10:20
So you'd hope that your teacher be completely just caught off guard by the switch.

Christian Sandoval 10:25

Vianne Beltran 10:28
Well, here's hoping that we switch.

Christian Sandoval 10:31
She's hoping for that new variant. I'm just kidding. That was an absolute joke, please.

Vianne Beltran 10:37
He's hoping... Well, thank you for your wonderful time.

Christian Sandoval 10:42
Thanks for interviewing me. You were great. You were eloquent. Well spoken. I'm glad we had this opportunity.

Vianne Beltran 10:47
Thank you for just being such a wonderful participant. I love you goodbye.

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This item was submitted on December 3, 2021 by Vianne Beltran using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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