
Virginia's Law Barring Mask Mandates Does Not Apply to 12 Children with Disabilities

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Virginia's Law Barring Mask Mandates Does Not Apply to 12 Children with Disabilities

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A news article from NPR talks about the parents of 12 children that challenged the newly signed law by Governor Glenn Youngkin to halt the enforcement of that law because it violated the children's rights under the federal American with Disabilities Act. This law would only give parents the right to choose for their own children. The group of parents have kids with health conditions that range from asthma to cystic fibrosis, which put them at heightened risk for COVID-19. What about other kids that have health conditions that make them a heightened risk for COVID whose parents didn't say their federal rights were violated?

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This item was submitted on March 29, 2022 by Aiden Ball (He/Him) using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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