Surge of Coronavirus Cases Among Inmates
Title (Dublin Core)
Surge of Coronavirus Cases Among Inmates
Description (Dublin Core)
By Katelyn Keenhan/Luce Foundation: Southwest Stories Fellowship
Arizona has seen a surge in Coronavirus cases among incarcerated inmates in the state’s prison system. Cronkite News reporter, Katelyn Keenehan looks into the reasons behind the spread.
Currently, there are more than 49,000 incarcerated inmates across the United States that have tested positive for COVID-19.
According to the Arizona Department of Correction Rehabilitation and Rentry, there are currently 421 positive cases in state facilities.
Furthermore, ADCRR COVID measures call for no in-person visitation, a halt in inmate transfers, and small bars of soap upon request.
In an order from Gov. Doug Ducey in late June, he ordered that all inmates, correctional officers, or anyone released from state prison to be provided masks by July 5th.
Recently released inmate Jared Wagoner feels more measures should have been put in place to keep people safe.
Currently, there are more than 49,000 incarcerated inmates across the United States that have tested positive for COVID-19.
According to the Arizona Department of Correction Rehabilitation and Rentry, there are currently 421 positive cases in state facilities.
Furthermore, ADCRR COVID measures call for no in-person visitation, a halt in inmate transfers, and small bars of soap upon request.
In an order from Gov. Doug Ducey in late June, he ordered that all inmates, correctional officers, or anyone released from state prison to be provided masks by July 5th.
Recently released inmate Jared Wagoner feels more measures should have been put in place to keep people safe.
Date (Dublin Core)
July 7, 2020
Creator (Dublin Core)
Katelyn Keenehan
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Erin Craft
Event Identifier (Dublin Core)
Cronkite-Luce Fellowship
Partner (Dublin Core)
Arizona State University
Type (Dublin Core)
news story
Link (Bibliographic Ontology)
Publisher (Dublin Core)
Arizona PBS
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
News coverage
Government State
Social Issues
Public Health & Hospitals
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Department of Corrections
Collection (Dublin Core)
Luce Grant
Linked Data (Dublin Core)
Exhibit (Dublin Core)
Southwest Stories>Incarceration Stories
Southwest Stories>Katelyn Keenehan
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
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