
James Rayroux's JOTPY Portfolio


Title (Dublin Core)

James Rayroux's JOTPY Portfolio

Description (Dublin Core)

--Reflections on the Pandemic Archive--

Looking back over my experience with the “Journal of the Plague Year” COVID-19 archive, my prevailing emotion is gratitude. This opportunity granted me experience that few historians earn, and the remote, asynchronous work schedule allowed me to collaborate with my colleagues in ways that maximized our respective contributions. The breadth and depth of our individual experiences and perspectives tremendously improved our collective process and products.

I spent enough time in the Arizona State Archives last year to recognize such collections as historical treasure chests, but I have now participated in processing an archive’s content and navigating the ethical dilemmas those submissions sometimes create. Archivists and curators are the history profession’s truly unsung heroes, and their work facilitates society’s perception of itself.

My background in police work and public safety drew me to the archive’s existing Law Enforcement collection. In taking on that subset, I succeeded in reshaping the collection’s parameters to now include stories about police and law enforcement. I wanted to diversify the collection to encompass perspective of both the police and the public with whom they interact and serve. While some overlap exists between the Law Enforcement and Social Justice collections, each remains distinct. Through my contacts and writing, I promoted a Call for Submissions to an international audience of law enforcement professionals to reduce their relative silence within the archive.

Within the archive’s content, I recognized that one’s location might shape their pandemic experience, and I created and designed an Arizona-based exhibit to explore that. Further research and discussion with my mentors and colleagues ensured the exhibit illustrated these differences without excluding visitors whose diverse experiences could further enrich the archived and exhibited content. I am proud of my “Arizona’s COVID-19 Pandemics” exhibit, particularly because of its compressed, one-month incubation period. Beyond displaying images, data, and stories representative of the diverse pandemic experiences within the state, the ACP exhibit offers visitors numerous levels of interaction and engagement to became active participants and create their own exhibit experience. Visitors can complete opinion surveys, add a story to the archive, explore additional content related to the displayed pieces, view ever-changing results from pre-defined archival content searches, conduct their own archival search, view collective visitor survey results, and apply to join the staff. The exhibit’s searches will include the archive’s future submissions, which reshapes both the exhibit and the experience visitors may have with it.

A more detailed explanation of my ACP exhibit may be reviewed here:

Because of Dr. Kathleen Kole de Peralta and Dr. Mark Tebeau, I stand prepared to join research, curation, and exhibition teams and immediately contribute to their work products.

Despite my gratitude for this experience and the opportunities it presented, I look forward to the day COVID-19 is no longer part of humanity’s daily vernacular.

James Rayroux
22 April 2021

Date (Dublin Core)

April 21, 2021

Creator (Dublin Core)

James Rayroux

Contributor (Dublin Core)

James Rayroux

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Arizona State University

Type (Dublin Core)

Portfolio Collection

Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Education--Universities
English Rural
English Social Distance
English News coverage
English Cities & Suburbs
English Government State
English Government Local
English Emotion
English Health & Wellness
English Healthcare
English Home & Family Life
English Online Learning
English Public Health & Hospitals
English Race & Ethnicity
English Technology
English Social Issues
English Politics

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

law enforcement

Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)

James Rayroux
Rural Arizona
United States
Arizona State University

Collection (Dublin Core)

Law Enforcement
Rural Voices
Visual Arts

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Item sets

This item was submitted on April 22, 2021 by James Rayroux using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

Click here to view the collected data.

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