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Collected Item: “A "Not So Funny" Joke”

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A "Not So Funny" Joke

Tell us a story; share your experience. Or describe the item you are submitting. What does the object or story you've uploaded say about the pandemic, and/or why is it important to you?

When Covid-19 hit I was a senior in high school and had a few months till I graduated. Through the beginning of March 2020, everyone was making jokes about "corona time" and fake coughing, leading to many memes and tiktok jokes about it. It was funny when it wasn't serious and didn't seem like such a threat, but over the next week it became a lot more serious. My school emailed us saying there is no more school, in person, on March 11, 2020. We had to switch to online learning through zoom, and were forced to end off our senior year just like that. Through all my high school years I watched seniors have their fun by doing senior pranks, winning school color war, going to prom and having sun senior activities and trips! I was looking forward to this so much, and when these events were so close to happening, they were now not able to. We had to stay home for months with a city wide curfew and everywhere you went you had to wear a mask and gloves because you didn't know how easily this virus spread. Every time I would go food shopping for my mother, my father made me put all my clothing that I wore to the store straight into the laundry, and I had to take a shower. My mom also enforced wiping down every item bought with a Clorox wipe so that it was sanitized. The world was becoming scary. This quickly became a reality and it was a shock to everyone because it was all just a joke and nobody took it serious in the beginning.

What sort of object is this: text story, photograph, screenshot, drawing, meme, etc.? And where did you find it?


Are you the sole creator of these materials? Then select "I am sole creator." If no, please select "I have co-creators" and list the names of the content co-creators, their contact information, and the circumstances of how you came to have the materials. IMPORTANT: Each co-creator must fill out this form in order for the item to be accepted by the archives. However, only one co-creator is required to upload any document.)

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Please enter a url associated with this item, if relevant.


Use tags (separated by commas) to describe your story or documents. For example: Does it relate to a particular neighborhood? Does it relate to a particular aspect of the pandemic: school, work, family, hospital.

school, family

Give a date associated with this story or documents.


What is your affiliation, if any, with Brooklyn College? (e.g. Junior undergrad majoring in history; faculty in the English Dept; human resources staff member; alumni; community member; Brooklyn resident; etc.)

sophomore majoring in psychology

If what you are submitting was created as part of a Brooklyn College class, please indicate the course code (i.e., ENG1010) semester, and professor:


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