Creator is exactly
Rinu Gahan
YES! I am a COVID-19 Survivor.
Next day after Covid-19 booster shot, I woke up with body aches. First, I thought it was booster reaction, but later on I Was detected by Covid-19 positive. At the same day my leg sprained, wow what a coincidence! It was really an unpleasant day for me. I knew I have to be strong enough to fight with this situation. I received IV to treat Covid at the same day. My Covid symptoms were coughing a lot and loss of food tase and smell. I continued to pray and read the Quran. Initially, I had to stay in quarantine for 14 days. These 14 days were like 14 months to me. I will never forget these isolated period of Covid-19. I was trying to continue my household chores. After 19 days later my Covid result came negative. At that time, I felt like a free hummingbird. I believe that Allah gives us burdens according to our endurance. I probably wouldn't survived if I had Covid early in the pandemic. I am sincerely for those who were died in this Corona period. I thank Allah for giving me a new life as well as modern science and medical fields.