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Hospital Healthcare Worker in the Covid 19 Pandemic
Name: Adafih Phillip Email: College: Brooklyn College Class: Introduction to Public Health HNSC 2100 Spring 2022 Professor : M. Horlyck- Romanovsky Assignment: Covid-19 Reflection Date: 02/24/2022 Hospital Healthcare Worker in the Covid 19 Pandemic The Covid -19 virus was declared as a global pandemic in March of 2020. The first case in New York State was confirmed on March 1st2020. Healthcare workers face severe challenges and as a frontline healthcare professional I felt vulnerable during this crisis because I was committed to performing my duties as a support staff for nurses and doctors. My primary duties are administrative but it included admitting and discharging patients therefore I work directly with patients being admitted with the virus. I observed how very sick and fragile patients were and the severe challenges healthcare workers faced to care for those patients. Many healthcare facilities faced a major shortage of protective wear such as masks and gowns to protect ourselves .We worked extended hours per week with little or no sleep because of shortage of staff. I was faced with significant burdens such as financial hardship, psychological stress and fear of not being able to assist my family who lived in the Caribbean. Despite the many obstacles we adapted to the changes and everyone did their best .I must make mention of my workplace efforts to help make the changes less stressful. Workers were provided breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, grocery items were shipped to our homes and private transport was provided to and from every borough for everyone. Hotel rooms were provided for staff who did not feel safe to go home to family members , in fear of spreading the virus to loved ones. As a current Public Health student of Brooklyn College and a frontline healthcare worker it is an honor to share a bit of my experience with you. Thank You Adafih Phillip